
Welcome to the Netherworld, orphans!

TPN but if instead of being sent to the human world, they got sent to the world of WTDSIK! (Mostly dialogue)

Flor3ntia · Tranh châm biếm
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"Human" World

Phil slowly woke up. The air in his new environment felt heavy to breathe. As if it was weighing down on him. He blinked his eyes at the bright new sky. Wait, why was it green? The sky in the demon world was blue, so he'd assume that the human world's version would also be blue. Maybe that wasn't the case.

The boy steadily stood up. He looked around his surroundings... Just trees. To be specific, crimson-colored leaves with dark magenta wood. His eyes lowered to the ground. The grass was rather pink than green.

Alright, this is definitely not what Phil imagined. But how could they end here of all places? Where even were they? Were the others here as well? There are so many questions but not even one answer.

He looked at the other kids. Thankfully, everyone was there and fast asleep on the floor. What to do now, though? This wasn't what they had read in the books. Is this even the human world anymore? So, had they been tricked? Maybe this was the reward Emma didn't talk about.. It's best to wake everyone up to discuss.

Phil - ... E-Everyone, wake up! Come on! Look!

Ray - Urgh..

Norman - Emma? There you are.

Don - We're he-

They looked up perplexed at the new space. It looked so much more vibrant and colorful than the demon world, that's for sure.

Don - Where are we?!

Kelli - That sure is a good question..

Norman - Hm.. It looks like we're in a forest-

Everyone got their attention stolen by a screeching creature that flew above them. They only saw it for a split second, but they were sure that they hadn't read about one before.

Norman - A strange forest it seems..

Lannion - What was that?!

Thoma - This is scary..!!

Ray - Everyone, settle down. It'll attract attention. 

Norman - Good idea.


Soon enough, they managed to form a neat circle together with the help of the sisters. Lyra leaned against a tree with an unsatisfied expression. 

Lyra - So? What are we going to do about this?

She complained for a while (approximately half a minute) before being intercepted by a very annoyed Don.

Don - Will you stop, Lyra? 

Lyra - Sorry.

Kelli - Uh.. Back to your main point, the basics, why of course?

Zack - Shelter should be high on the list. It shouldn't be explained why.

He glances over to the younger kids

Gillian - We still have some water and food right?

Emma nodded rapidly to Gillian's question. Emma then stated that they also still had their weapons. Which they could make use of just in case.

Norman - We should also focus on getting out of here as fast as possible. Then, we'll figure out the rest. 

Ray - Right. I think that actual civilization would be easier to find outside of this forest. 

Kelli added that they have not learned the true potential of yet. Bringing up the mysterious creature from earlier.

Vincent - After hearing your words, I have figured out a plan that would go well.

Cislo - What is it? 

Vincent - First of all, we need to secure a feasible shelter. Or at the very least some sort of cover. Which should be relatively easy due to this forest, but, we have to be careful. Once we figure that out, we can have some of us venture out first. Preferably during the day. If we can't do that, we're just going to have to move in a group. No part of this is guaranteed to work smoothly, but, we should be able to survive long enough to find a better way.

Mumbles filled the space as they thoroughly thought about his plan. It was easy to understand and simple to do.. But, did everyone agree?

Oliver - What does everyone else think? First of all. 

They glanced up, but nobody responded. 

Emma - Sounds good! We'll get the kids to follow along and if we're lucky, it would only stretch out to around a couple days! 

Norman - Hmm. Well, sure. Why not? 

The majority wins.


(Lyra and Kelli are Ocs, Violet and Oliver are from the Goldy Pond arc)

Flor3ntiacreators' thoughts