
You slapped me mum

" What?" Davis exclaimed

" Dad, you can't just be bringing any kind of woman into this family" Charlie said

" And who are you to tell me that?" James said

" But we don't even know a thing about her" Travis said

" You got a problem with that?" Rose asked

" No, I'm just saying....."

" Don't forget your place Travis, and don't forget who you're talking to" Rose said cutting Travis shut

" You heard her, which one of you has a problem with it" James asked and everyone raised their hands

" If you have a problem with it then deal with it" Rose said

" I think I'll just go, I don't want the family to get separated because of me" Claire said

" No, you're not going anywhere. If they have a problem, they're free to leave the door is wide open" Rose said

" Dad, this is not the right way to do things" Aaron said

" So what's the right way?" Rose asked

" We're speaking to our dad, stop interfering!" Charlie yelled

"How dare you raise your voice at me?" Rose yelled too

" Dad, you have two wives already and we're fine with it. You have plenty kids, what else do you want" Richard said

" They're right dad, why are you getting married again?" Ciara asked

" Answer us Uncle?" Lisa said

" What's all of you problem, stop disturbing him" Rose said

" Stop speaking for him mum" Travis said

" Shut it" Rose said to Travis and he left annoyed then Hilda took Anna inside as well

" Dad, say something" Davis said

" Why are you so quiet Uncle" Lucas said

" You all want to know why he's marrying again, you're all men don't you get it. His wives are all old and expired, he wants to taste new things" Rose said

" Says the person who doesn't know how marriage works" Charlie said

" That's enough Charlie" Mary said

" Mum, it's time to give this lady a piece of my mind. You've been talking non stop, when you don't know how it feels to get married. For all these years you've been alone so perspective of seeing things will be different. You just want to spoil everyone's happiness because you're not happy. I remember you were against dad marrying a second wife and now you came here with your friend as the third wife. Are you really in your right state of mind?" Charlie asked

" How dare you speak to me in that tune?, What wrong did I say, you know the truth but you can't bear it. Your mother is expired" Rose said

" You're more expired, you are just like a use and dump product" Charlie said and his mum slapped him across the face

" Mum" Richard said

" What's the use of it Mary, I can see how you brought up your son" Rose said

" You hit me for a lowlife bitch" Charlie said

" Don't make me hit you again, please Charlie just go" Mary said. Charlie looked at Rose smiling and he left in anger.

" Seriously mum, taking her side in this matter" Davis said

" All of you should just go, Please" Mary said and they all left even Mary left leaving James and the two ladies there.

" Mary" Julie said as she knocked on her room door

" Come in" Mary said and Julie did

" Mary, don't you think something is wrong?" Julie said

" Everything is wrong, but they is nothing we can do about it" Mary said

" James usually tell you everything but why is he quiet now" Julie said

" I think it has something to with Rose" Mary said

" We just need to keep a close eye on Rose and Claire" Julie said

" Yes, Charlie must be so angry with me" Mary said

" Don't worry, I'll go talk to him" Julie said

" Thanks" Mary said as Julie left

Charlie was pacing up and down in his room and I sat on his bed looking at him

" Will you at least say something?" I asked

" What should I say, you saw what happened" he said

" Come here, sit" I said gesturing him to sit beside me on the bed. He looked at me and sighed before sitting

" Look, they're some matters that we can't explain, just like what happened downstairs. Your mum didn't want to hit you, but she was forced to. Do you know why your mum slapped you?" I asked him" Because I talked back at Aunt Rose" he said

" No," I said holding his hand

" Then why?" He asked looking into my eye and I tried to avoid his gaze.