
stop day dreaming

He pushed her on the bed, and she was filled with different emotions, as they kissed passionately. Everything was happening so fast that she didn't even know when they became naked, his hand wrapped around her waist. She took time to devour the moment, she didn't care or think of anything as t the moment, she just wanted to lose her virginity in the hands of someone she trusts. The fiery passion in her was igniting slowly.

He kissed her slowly from her nape to the lines of her collar bone,to her body, passing all her curves and then stopped at her lower abdomen. Though Audrey was used to all this, she knew what romance felt like but she was nervous and anxious of the first time she was going to have sex. His hand roamed around her body tracing her curves, down to her abdomen and he played with it a little giving her ease that she won't regret what she was doing. The thought of the pain and pleasure from the sex was in her mind, and he pecked her forehead giving her some kind of assurance that he'll be gentle.

" Are you sure about this?" He asked

She kissed every inch and corner of his body and whispered in his ear before bitting it

" I want you" she said and he became all turned on, he brought out condom for his cupboard and look on her face was questioning him why he had packet of condoms in his wardrobe

" I'm the one supplying it to the men in the house" he said assuring her

He held her by her waist to take note of her feelings, he kissed her cheeks as he slid into her inch by inch, there came to the pain and then he paused, noticing she was fine he started moving slowly into her and there came the pleasure. Everything happened so fast, and when everything was done, they both fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning, Audrey was gone and it felt like nothing happened between them that night.

** Present day **

" Didn't he use protection" I asked

" He did, I also don't get it" she said

" What are we gonna do about it?" I asked

" What's up?" Tessa asked coming as around

" She's pregnant" I said

" OMG, that's good news" Tessa said with a sad expression

One thing about Tessa, she's not good at hiding her expression. I already told her about Simon so she wasn't happy with it

" It's Aaron's" I added

" OMG, that's good news. Let's celebrate" she said so happy

" Keep your voice down"I said

" Sorry, I'm just so overwhelmed' she said and Audrey gave her the ' I'm lost ' look.

" What, I don't like that Simon one bit. Do your self a favour and divorce him" Tessa said

" Tessa, not now" I said

"Attention, I need everyone attention" Rose said and everyone gathered

What is she planning this time around.

"I just thought of donating billions for this wedding, since both of my nephew's are getting married. I'm the happiest aunt on earth" she said

" If you're so happy, why don't you help Isha and Davis plan their wedding" I said

" The work is too much for me" I added

" Besides, she's also getting married" Tessa said

OMG, I forgot about that.

" Sure,why not" Rose said grinding her teeth

" You're the best Aunt, isn't that so Davis?" I asked

" Yeah" he said

I was walking back to my room when Charlie dragged me all the way to his room

" Why have you brought me here?" I asked

" Come on, we are getting married soon and I haven't spent time alone with my fiancee" he said

" I'm not getting married to you, stop day dreaming" I said

" Am I?" He asked showing me the invitation card

" Charlie Weds Luna" I read