

So we went for shopping, Tessa and Audrey were really buying unnecessary things because of the black card. I just left them and went to to the boutique.

" Why don't you try it on?, You know blue suits you" a voice said from behind and I turned to see Travis.

The guy I was with when Lucas parent saw us.

" You're here" I said

" Yeah, it's my family." He said

" I know," I said

" You still look as usual, just you're getting a bit old" he said

" It's not funny" I said turning my back at him

" I'm just kidding, you look great. I got to compliment whoever dressed you up" he said and laughed.

" It's Charlie"I said

" It expected from him, I give it to him" he said

So should I pick the blue or the black?" I ask as we stood in front of the two dresses. They were the same design just the colour that was different and the dresses were simple

" Dad," Anna came rushing with a woman with her

" Anna, meet my friend Luna" he said picking her up from the ground

" I know her, she's the sweet lady. And she's my friend not yours" Anna said

" I've been looking for you?" Hilda said

" Yeah, me and mum searched everywhere for you and you're here trying to snatch my friend away from me" Anna said

" She's my friend" Travis said

" No mine" Anna said

" She can be each of us friend" Hilda said

" That's true" Anna said

"Hy, I'm Hilda" she said

" I know, I've heard about you" I said shaking hands with her.

" Mum is the best" Anna said leaving Travis going to Hilda

" No, I am" Travis said going after her

" Be careful" Hilda said

" I think you should go with the black, it will bring out your colour. Some times we have to let go of old things and try new things, you'll see it will suit us better." Hilda said before leaving and I understood her words.

She was trying to tell me to leave her husband and find mine. She was right after all, I picked the black and moved on.

I was searching around when with Audrey when I saw Lisa.

" Hey, " she said

" I thought we're not meant to interfere in each other's business." I said

" I'm not, I'm just here to tell you that forget about getting back with Lucas" she said.

" You're still interfering" I said

" What's exactly is your problem, it's not like you're going to get married to your brother" Audrey said

" I'm not but my friends will" Lisa said as Lucas approached with five girls surrounding him

" So who wants to see me change?" He asked

" All of us" they said

" Then come with me" he said and they followed him.

" See, later losers Lisa said before leaving

"She just keep giving us names" Audrey said

" I'm" I replied and Audrey faced me immediately

" What's up?" She asked seeing my dull face

" Nothing" I said

" You also want to see Lucas change, don't you?" She asked

" No, I've seen him changing before" I said

" I saw the twinkle in your eyes when he asked" she said

" Just forget it" I said

" Hey, there you are. Look what I found" Tessa said showing me a sexy dress

" You expect me to wear this?" I asked

" Yeah, come on try it on" Tessa said

" It will suit you" Audrey said

I went to try the dress on in the dressing room. I was checking my self in the mirror when Lucas came in.

" Sorry, I'm hiding from those girls. Tell them I'm not here" he said as those girls approached us.

" Hey, did you see any handsome guy" one of the girls asked and I just slammed the door in their faces.

" That was rude but thanks" he said

" I thought you were enjoying their company" I said folding my arms over chest.

" You know me better" he said

" You were trying to make me jealous?" I asked

" Not exactly" he said

" Shit!, You don't still get it" I said turning my back at him

" Wow!" He exclaimed

" What" I asked turning back to him

" You look breath taking" he said

" I think it's time to leave" I said pulling his arm but he dragged me by the waist and pinned my hand to the wall

" Not yet" he said looking as we stared at each other. I could see the burning sensation in his eye,and at this point his lips were tempting. I forced myself not to look at him, he was hot.

" You wanted to see me change earlier" he said