
Longe for goodness sake

" what's going on?" I asked

" It's a party" Audrey said

" I know it's a party,I'm not blind" I said

" Then what was the question for?" Tessa asked

" Why is there a party?" I asked

" Mary decided to host a party before the engagement ceremony" Hilda said

" Mum?" Charlie asked

" Yeah, come on both of you go get changed" Aaron said and we both went inside

" Where are we putting this?" I asked referring to the dress

" Just keep them with you for now" he said

" But..

" It's not like I'm asking you to wear it, just keep it" he said

" Fine" I said taking it to my room.

Few minutes later I came down dressed in a soft yellow floral dress letting my hair fall down my back.

" You look pretty," Julie said putting a yellow flower in my hair

" Thanks" I said

" Come on, let's get this party started"Luther said

" Let's start with a game, drink till you're drunk" Tania said

" No, before that let's swim and play ball in the water" Fred said

" Choose your team mate and your team leader, meet us in the pool after five minutes" Rex said jumping into the pool

" You heard them, I got to choose my team" Lisa said

" So?" Longe asked

" So, you'll have to let me go" Lisa said as Longe held her hands

" We'll just be together on the same team" he said

" Nah, it's gonna be boys against girls this time" Lisa said

" Alright, I'll let you go but first I'll do the needful" Longe said pinning his lips to hers. He placed his hand around her waist and she wrapped her hands around his neck deepening the kiss

"Longe, for goodness sake" I said and they separated

" Luna, it's...

" It's what, Lisa is older than you" I said

" I know, I get it but does age really matter"he said

" Yes, it does. Well, in this case it does" I said

" Luna, I really like Lisa and there's nothing you wanna say that will change my mind about her" he said

" Do you like him?" I asked Lisa who just stood there like a statue

" I.... I think" she said

" She's not even sure" I said

" I'm sure, I do like Longe" Lisa said

" Is this really what you want?" I asked Longe

" Yes" he said

" If being with her makes you happy then I'll leave you two to it"I said smiling

" You... You accepted me even after everything I've done to you" Lisa said

" You've done nothing wrong, you were just trying to make the truth come out" I said

" Alright, team mates!" Luther called and we went.

We started the ball, and the guys were winning with a mark. The last round, Audrey passed the ball to me and as I was going with the ball, Charlie blocked me but I bumped into him and he held me by my waist.

" Charlie let go of me" I said

" Do I really have to" he said

I knew how stubborn Charlie was, he wouldn't let go so easily and time was running out. I looked around and saw Hilda was free, I passed the ball to her and she made a win before the final whistle was blown so it was a draw.

" Are you happy?" Charlie asked as I smiled

" No, leave me" I said breaking free from him and swimming out of the pool.

The rule was the team that looses will take 6 shots each but since it was a draw. The two teams will take three each. Everyone drank the shots, and it was time for a truth or dare game.

I searched for Rose around but I couldn't find her, she must have snuck out when we were playing the game in the pool. I looked for Davis because she's looking like the closet to him but I couldn't find him as well.

I decided to search for Rose, she might be planning something. I was going upstairs when Richard stopped me.

" Where to, you'll miss the truth or dare game" he said

" I'm looking for Davis" I said

" Same here, I checked his room he isn't there" he said

" I think we should check Aunt Rose room, she's also missing. Maybe she can have some clue about Davis whereabout" I said

"Alright, let's go" he said leading the way.

We peeped through the window and we saw Rose in her room with Davis as well but our eyes couldn't take what we saw so we left. Richard gave Davis a call and invited him downstairs. Few minutes later he was downstairs and some minutes later rose came downstairs as well.

We sat in circles and spun the bottle, it landed on