
Weiss : Journey Beyond The New World

When the world is filled with wars is it possible to find peace in it? I just want to live peacefully, but it doesn't seem like it will happen quickly.

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Erste Village... (2)

*Knock knock

"Excuse me."

I tried knocking on the door of the house that the two guards had pointed out earlier. This house was still the same as the others, except that the details were finer and felt rather luxurious when compared to the other houses. It's really the village chief's house.

"Yes, wait a moment. "

There was a voice from inside the house. From the sound of it, it seemed to be a middle-aged man in his 40-50s.

The door opened and a middle-aged man actually appeared from inside.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Weiss a merchant's son in the eastern region, my chariot was attacked by a beast in the forest near here, if I may I would like to rest in this village. "

"Hmm I see, judging from your clothes and face it looks like you're not from the region. "

"That's right."

"Then come in first, let's talk for a while. "

"Well, excuse me. "

About 15 minutes passed since the village chief asked me about my purpose and origin. I said that I was from the eastern region and didn't really memorize the name of the region because it was all taken care of by my right hand, but my right hand died to protect me from beasts. Of course that was a lie, but there was some truth in it.

After chatting with the village chief, I finally found out about the creature that attacked me last night. It turns out that it is called a goblin, somehow fantasy creatures really exist in this world.

Besides goblins, there are other fantasy creatures such as elves and dwarves. That's what the village chief told me. In addition, the village chief also said that he would give me a ride to the town of leben tomorrow, it turned out that he was going to sell his wheat harvest to the town. If you ask why he's being so nice to me, it's actually because I gave him a pair of clothes and pants that I brought, because I think this world is a bit far from the era I should have come from, clothes are a luxury in themselves, especially when compared to today's clothes my clothes are much smoother and more comfortable.

At first, I showed him the clothes in my backpack and was about to give them to the village chief in return. But I heard some important words there.

"Are you sure, at least clothes of this quality are worth 3 gold coins? "

I'm not sure how much 1 gold coin is worth right now and I don't have the currency of this world. But if there is gold currency there should be silver or bronze here, therefore...

"Then how about I give you a 90 percent discount. Just give me 2 silver coins and these clothes will be given to you. "

The village chief paused for a moment then nodded in agreement.

If 2 silver coins can make him think for a moment, then it should be worth quite a lot, I hope so.

In the evening, I was shown a storage building or warehouse for me to rest in, even though it wasn't luxurious at least I wouldn't be bothered by strange creatures anymore. There was no mattress, actually, there was, it was just a pile of straw arranged into a box and then tied up. I'm sure it will be itchy, but at least it's better than nothing.

I put down my backpack and lay down for a moment. I checked my phone and it said January 1st at 20:00. It should be, but I'm not sure if the time in this world is the same as in my original world. Strange villages and cities I've never heard of, fantasy creatures. My head was spinning with all those things.

It seems like for now I have to fight from the very beginning. Father, mother, please forgive me for not being able to go home for a while. Ah, my boss will definitely be angry that I missed work without prior notice.

Huuuhhhhh.... *sigh

I'd better get some sleep to prepare for tomorrow's trip to Leben city.

It's been a long day, but at least it's safe here.

Walking is exhausting!

To be continued...