
Wei's Legacy

Wei was the unfortunate first son of the Wang family ten generations down. As his time on earth comes to an expected end, his helpless family now seeks for one thing only, revenge! At the age of twenty four, Hashiki's dream to find her mother takes her on a journey filled with much more experience than she bargained for. No amount of warning and guidance from her loving father could have prepared her for what was ahead. A legacy already written in the very fabric of life, binds these two together over centuries and continents... ______________ “We will be okay,” tears stained her eyes. “I don’t want to be without you, I’m sure she doesn’t either,” he referred to the baby who slept calmly. “Me neither, but this has got to stop. I won’t forgive myself, if anything happens to you, and her.” She knelt down to place a kiss on his lips. “I promise to come for you both. Take her home for me, please.” He nodded as tears rolled down his face while pulling her into a warm embrace, she stayed there and cried. She had handed him a plane ticket back to his country the next evening. “This is for her,” she took off the wooden neckpiece she wore and placed it on the baby. “As long as you have her, and she has this. I’ll always be with you both.” DISCLAIMER All characters are fictional and only a figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is completely a coincidence and do not reflect real life. Personal research is done by me to help portray the modern setting of the story. Cover Image by Isabelle Source - Pinterest. *You can find whatever you looking for on Pinterest, asides a free plane ticket to the Maldives and...a boyfriend... life isn't fair is it. ok bye.

withlovetale · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

old fashioned...


Hong parked carefully in his usual spot at close of work that day. He reached to the backseat of the car to get the grocery that sat neatly in a brown nylon bag. A smile danced on his face thinking about dinner that wasn't going to be a hassle to make soon enough.

He only took a few steps away from his car when a man in a blue shirt and denim trousers walked up to him.

"I'm looking for someone, my sources believe and have confirmed she spent a lot of time with you however brief it was while she was here," Juan said as he came closer.

He had thought it was going to be an easy catch but the mysterious lady had checked out of the hotel before he got there. It has taken him all day and a lot of patience to get here.

"I don't know anyone, I'm a taxi driver. I meet a lot of people."

"Not this one."

"Who are you?" Hong asked taking a careful step backward.

"I'm not here to hurt you, just looking for information." Juan assured him all the while yet looking imposing. "Her name is Ling," he said confidently. "She is far from home and I just need to bring her back," he lied expertly.

Hong thought for a moment before nodding.

"Where is she now, and may I warn you. Don't lie about this, think of your family."

"Is that a threat?"

"Consider it a fair warning. It is a powerful family we are dealing with here, I'm only running errands on their behalf."

Hong thought for a moment before answering. "She's in--" his phone rang cutting him off. Juan got to it before he did. "Act natural," he ordered as he tapped the receiving button and kept it on speaker.

"Hello Hong, how are you? I'm sorry I didn't call earlier to tell you I arrived safely." She paused for a moment before speaking again. "It is a fine evening here and I'm loving the view but you won't believe what just happened to me!" She said excitedly.

"What is it Ling?"

"I almost got hit by a car, thank heaven I'm still alive. It's a miracle Hong."

That's good."

"Hong are you okay? You sound cold, is something wrong with your family? Are you guys okay?" Hashiki asked sounding worried.

Juan placed a finger to his lips before mouthing to Hong to ask for her location.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm at the restaurant you recommended to me. It sure is beautiful here in Shanghai Mr Hong."

"I have to go now Ling, it's late."

"Of course, Good night."

Juan held the phone in his hands for few seconds before smashing it. "I can't have you warning her." He explained.

"Now you're going to tell me about this recommendation of yours. Every place you did recommend to her, I want the names, now. "

Juan had also managed to take a picture of Hashiki he found in his dashboard while looking for a paper and pen to write down the information he just got.

"You've been helpful." He got out an envelope and kept it on the top of the car. "A little for your troubles." And with that he was gone, as quietly as he had appeared.


It was not until midnight that Wei came back home. His father had sent four bodyguards to his location to guard him back home for he had never stayed out late like that before.

But five hours hadn't been enough to tell his friend about all that had been happening and was still yet to happen to him.

It mystified him how Fa had listened to him, letting him finish before speaking.

It was frightening as it was settling the comfort that brought him.

Fa had seemed understanding and promised to be there for him, but he didn't offer sympathy or pity just good old fashioned friendship. He missed that, a lot.

Sleep eluded him as his thoughts went back to the lady he had almost hit. Flashes of her face kept replaying in his mind, making him feel uncomfortable. But a wicked smile appeared on his face thinking about how she had flipped him off. The audacity she had would have been off putting but in her defense he had almost killed her.

Wei couldn't shake feeling like he had met her before but he knew that if he had he'd never have forgotten a face like hers.


Hong found a phone booth far from his home the next day to call Hashiki.. He had kept on looking over his shoulders to be sure no one was following him.

"You have lost your mind, don't meddle in whatever this situation is," his wife had pleaded with him the early hours of that morning.

But he could tell whoever the man was from yesterday had been lying.

There was no way Hashiki would have run from home. She told a different story, one he believed without a doubt and he believed her every word. If she was in danger, she had to know and fast. What she does with the information would be up to her.

He unfolded the paper she had scribbled her number on intially and dialed.

Back in Shanghai...

A panicked Hashiki paced up and down her room, once the call with Hong had ended her emotions ran wild. Someone was after her.

She had sensed something was off when Hong spoke with her the night before but she didn't think it was ever going to be this.

Was this her grandparents? It had to be them. They didn't like her and never cared for her existemce. Of course it had to be them..but how did they know she was here?

Was it truly them? Why are they sending someone after her?

Her mind flooded with thoughts as she closed her eyes to the pain that was starting to form at her temple.

"He took a photo of you. The one we took together, I'm sorry. I had only just gotten it printed today and it was in my car." Hong had revealed when he called.

"That can only mean one thing." She replied quietly.

"You need to leave."

"I owe you another photo." they said in unison.

"What, Hashiki you might be in danger!" Hong hammered.

"I'll be fine, I promise. Thank you for the heads up. And I'm sorry about your phone."

"Be safe Hashiki."

She had ended the call trying to hold it together but was now failing miserably.

"You know no fear, you know no fear," she repeated her grandmother's words shakily. But for the first time ever it did nothing to calm her down at all.