
Web of Shadows: Spider-Gwen Against the Nightling

Somewhere in a universe that's a gazillion miles away, Spider-Gwen and this shady character, Nightling, have been playing their own version of cops and robbers. She slings webs and he... talks to squirrels, I guess? Joke, he controls shadows. Anyway, they've got this whole hero-villain dynamic going on. Could be epic, but then, wham! Feelings happened. Yeah, you read that right. I'm just as surprised as you are(not really I wrote it). Why am I even rewriting this? Oh, right. SnowApathie was like "Oh no, not a ChatGPT summary!" Why do books need summaries anyway? Isn't the mystery part of the fun? Its like someone telling you the end of a movie before you even went to watch it. I hate writing these so much, how does one even write one without spoiling parts of the book? Why are you still even reading this? Shoo, go read the chapters. So, long story short - it's a tale of two super-beings, some feelings, and a whole lot of ridiculousness. Might be worth a read, or not. Up to you! Disclaimer: This is fanfiction. Gwen Stacy and Spider-Woman belong to Marvel Comics. Nightling is an original creation. This work is not affiliated with or endorsed by Marvel Comics. For questions, art, discord-only side stories, join the discord! Discord: https://discord.gg/UCgqa5FKbE

Penpool · Tranh châm biếm
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Nightling Profile (Powers and Weaknesses)

DISCLAIMER: Whilst this is not exactly spoiling in any way, shape, or form, reading this could give glimpses to what could happen in the future within the fan-fiction.

Nightling: In-depth Character Profile


Shadow Manipulation: Nightling has the ability to manipulate shadows, giving him control over darkness. This power allows him to create semi-solid constructs from shadows such as barriers, shields, weapons, and other objects. However, the solidity of these constructs is directly linked to his focus. If his attention falters even for a moment, these constructs dissipate back into non-physical shadows.

Shadow Absorption: Nightling can absorb shadows to temporarily increase his strength, speed, endurance, and durability. The effect is additive and is akin to a steroid boost, providing an immediate surge of power that eventually wears off.

Shadow Travel: Nightling can enter one shadow and emerge from another, enabling swift and stealthy movement. If the destination shadow is directly connected to his entry point and within 25 yards, he can travel instantaneously. If not, he must manually extend the shadow to create a path to his desired location. This process is faster than normal running but not instantaneous.

Subcategory - Shadow Alteration: He can also alter the size of shadows, enabling him to squeeze through small openings by transforming into a minuscule shadow.

While Nightling can absorb and manipulate shadows to enhance his abilities, he only utilizes darkness without absorbing it. Shadows are definite dark patches created by an object blocking light, whereas darkness is the absence of light.


Light Sensitivity: Nightling's power is weakened during the daytime, and he operates at peak capacity during the night or in dark places. However, his strength, speed, and durability remain above average compared to a regular human, even in daylight.

Shadow Dependency: His powers rely heavily on the availability of shadows. In an environment where all surfaces (four walls, ceiling, and floor) are bathed in intense light, Nightling's powers are essentially neutralized, leaving him with only his above-average physical capabilities.

Withdrawal: Prolonged periods without shadows cause Nightling to experience withdrawal symptoms. The severity increases with time, emphasizing the importance of shadows for his wellbeing.

Focus Dependency: His ability to maintain semi-solid shadow constructs is heavily dependent on his focus and concentration. A momentary lapse can cause the constructs to lose their physicality.


In a hypothetical scenario where Nightling is left in a fully lit environment for an extended period of time, his powers could be dramatically diminished. The constant exposure to light and lack of shadows to absorb could potentially drain him of his enhancements, reverting him to his base physical state. Considering it took him years of constant shadow absorption to reach his current level, such a situation could significantly incapacitate him.

A quick profile of Nightling's powers and weaknesses I have been working on.

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