
The vampires world (Dracul)

Dracula the one and only king of the vampires...well that was exactly how the story was always told .

Dracula wasn't the first king of the vampires but the only one who have stepped foot on earth ,defended a country from extinction and had an immortal army.

Dracula stood up from his throne which had many stairs .counting it with one eyes one could be able to see it had an hundred step. Dracula strod looking down at his daughter,there was a pained expression . He wished ,he really wished he took good care of her after his wife death ,but politics and many other things stoped him from caring about home and before he knew it his daughter had clocked sixteen.

"You have come.thank goodness you showed up today "Dracula had a big smile on his face as he welcomed her without a trace of his former pained expression. He hated this role he had to play . He even had to hide his emotions from his daughter in other not to look weak.

"Why did you call for me ?" Irene asked not really in the mood for a big long emotional talk with her father.

Dracula levitated and started ascending from the big stairs without his foot touching it . As he walked you could feel the power and bearing of a majesty.

"Is it wrong for a father to want to see his child ?"he asked already knowing the answer his child would give .

Irene clenched her first in anger ,her had trembling before she felt a hand rest on her shoulder 'i am here with you ',she seem to hear . "No "she replied with a smile as she felt her invisible friends touch.

"Uh...?" Dracula jolted back in surprise . it was really a big one ,nothing in the world could have made Dracula surprised as this "Ahem...your friend seem to have taught you etiquette as well as how to behave towards your father, I presume" .

"Think what ever you want "she replied. Then she remembered her mission in the first place "do you mind If I check the treasury father ?"she asked politely a completely different attitude from what she shown before.

"...well...anything for my princess " Dracula gave his permission completely forgetting the reason he called for her . That was how surprises he was of how she is acting .

"Thanks . May I take my leave now "she said bowing down to him respectfully.

IRene hurriedly turned to leave the throne room with a happy smile on her face . That was the first since fifteen years she had shown when not talking with her only friend . Then she paused "do you mind I take your sun protection ring " IRene asked . The common enemy of all vampires is the sun.

"You are of royal blood. You are immune to the vampire's weakness ,Why do you need my ring ? There is no sun in *Castlevania, is there ?" He asked not really sure of what his daughter needed it for .

"Ohh?...you will deny me of even the ring that has no use to you ?"she answered with a question and was ready to start counting her father's crime ."have you forgotten it was your fault I had to stay holed up in my room for eleven years ?".

'There we go again ' he didn't like the feeling of recalling that incident ."okay. Here it is. you can have it " . He said throwing the ring at her . It was a ring designed to block the sun from hurting him and had followed him from even before he built a kingdom with his undead army . A ring of experience and conquest. Irene stretched out her hand and caught the ring in mid air with telekinesis.

"Thanks father "she said with a beaming smile which captivated the warrior king. His heart pounded furiously and he almost had a steam coming out his nose and ears .

"Yahoooooo. My daughter smiled twice today "he shouted in a very loud voice which shook the castle because of his strength and aura .


" The king is at it again ".

"Yeah ,the little princess finally smiled . Sniff "one of the maid had tears coming out of her eyes .

"It's a joyous occasion for the king not you .why do you have to cry" Another asked.

The maid crying stared at the one asking like an idiot "every one knows I was once her nanny . Are you so dumb not to know that too?". The crying maid asked and immediately the others around them had to hold the maid whom was insulted.

"Gahhh...let me at her .I will suck all your blood dry from you "she shouted as her fang elongated as if she wanted to feed .

Everyone knew she couldn't do that . vampires don't suck each other blood unless they are going for pleasure.you could be sued for that as a vampire for sexual harassment if you do .


Dracula stared at the door for a long time as his daughter left the throne room . He knew what his daughter wanted to do with the ring but left her to act as she please. At least he would be able to carry out his plan which he had been planning for a decade.

"The plan is ready to proceed my queen . I will soon be together with you again "he said as his eyes shined crimson red .


*Castlevania:the city controlled by the king

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Wait for next chapter tomorrow. I would be dropping it every day untill it completes twenty chapters

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