

There has been may stories going around .these stories did not begin upon my birth ; however , it has been linked and told from one generation to another . A story I do not understand but has been told to me ever since I could understand human speech .

My father ,a man of mysteries and little words ,respected and honoured even among Earth's greatest families ,told me about a great community of people with varieties of different race and origin ,who brings weapons or anything them deemed such to life ; he claimed to be from the line of descendant of such great people who have hid themselves from the world .

My name is Weber ,a name my father gave me because it had the Web in it . I once asked him what it meant and he gave a very unanticipated reply .

"Don't ask me. You are grown enough to know about yourself and name...well I gave you for the Web in it " he has always been a fan of the great neighborhood hero in red , who uses web as his powers.

My father might be mysterious,but he was known for being a man of wisdom and talent who was filled with humors . He had me sit and listen to his advise the day before he disappeared with my mother who was even more mysterious.

"Son, I have lived my life "he sad looking at the night stars,"I have underwent adventures which you yourself would never belief . I want you to always remember that an eveil thought breeds eveil action " then he look towards me "a day will come ,I will no longer be with you . I will return to where I came but always remember that you are special " . I believed it was a whole load of nonsense until he disappeared the next morning , leaving nothing behind but a beautifully adorned empty house and his bank details and passcode.

Now to begin this story ; I want you to forget everything you have been told ; if you are a scientist who believes in multiple earth . Then let your imagination run wild.

I am from earth three , an earth that is parallel to earth one . Everything found unearth one could be found here due too our scientists sending people over to bring their trending cultures ,movies and even songs to ours.

Earth three has two sectors ( three but the other one is left out ) ,the science sector which mostly consist of scientists and the magic sector,which consist of magicians and superhumans. The scientists work hand in hand with the magic sector for the peace and progress of the civilians who want ls a quiet and peaceful life . We have far advanced technologies like the flying board in the air ,the flying car and most importantly the bike (I own one ).

There is a centralized system of government,ruled by a male and a female . This government has limited powers due to the precense of the council ,who make laws and are the representative of the ordinary people .

"You are late "a young male dressed in purple combat suit stood firmly at the front of a giant storey building .his name was Miley .

Webber scratched his head in an embarrassed manner "I had class " he dropped his usual excuse .

"We all do web " Miley spoke as he carried web on his shoulder "we are in a hurry" he said while laughing cheerfully.

"Drop me down ,you bully "Webber screamed . Webber was just popular for his healing ointment which could heal any wound as well as replenish energy when applied on the body ( the ointment heal any deep wound as long as the person life isn't fading),it made him popular and earned him a fortune ,but the downside is —it has to be used within thirty minute of producing it. Web was a scientist without powers.

Miley dropped when they got to the place where the other team mates were gathered "is everyone present ?" Miley asked.

"Yes captain "they all responded immediately he finished asking.

'these barbarians ' Weber covered his face in shame .there were people looking at them weirdly .

"Okay ,get ready ,we leave in five minutes " he dismissed them to prepare while he went ahead to check their boarding ship Incase there were malfunctions .