
Wealth of Dreams

In an alternate version of Earth, Rio finds himself in a world where certain industries have been stunted. Fueled by his ambition and desire for power, he discovers the remarkable Wealth System, a tool that grants him unprecedented abilities and knowledge. With his eyes set on becoming the richest and most influential person on the planet, Rio embarks on a thrilling journey. Hello, everyone! I'm new to writing, and I'll do my best to ensure my grammar is as close to perfect as possible with the help of Grammarly. If there are any plot holes or other issues you notice, please feel free to criticize i will try my best into improving those areas. SEE YA!

Awiener · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 17

Thursday morning, Rio kicked off his day with his usual daily workout routine, pushing his body to its limits and breaking a sweat. The intense exercise left him feeling energized and invigorated.

After the workout, Rio headed straight to the shower, relishing the sensation of the warm water cascading over his tired muscles. It was a refreshing and revitalizing experience that helped him wash away the exertion of his workout.

Once he emerged from the shower, Rio's attention turned to breakfast. Today, he decided to prepare a mouthwatering breakfast bowl with a healthy twist. He started by cooking a base of fluffy quinoa, simmered to perfection with a touch of vegetable broth to enhance its flavor.

While the quinoa cooked, Rio chopped an assortment of fresh vegetables including bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and cucumber. He sautéed them briefly in a drizzle of olive oil, adding a burst of vibrant colors and textures to the dish.

To add a touch of indulgence, Rio poached an egg to perfection, creating a rich, velvety yolk that would perfectly complement the fresh ingredients. He carefully placed the poached egg on top of the quinoa and vegetables, allowing the warm yolk to gently run down and create a luscious sauce.

To elevate the flavors even further, Rio sprinkled some crumbled feta cheese and chopped herbs over the dish. The combination of the creamy cheese, fresh vegetables, and perfectly cooked egg created a symphony of flavors that danced on his taste buds.

As Rio took his first bite, he marveled at the harmonious blend of textures and the burst of flavors in each mouthful. The tender quinoa, crisp vegetables, and creamy egg worked together in perfect harmony, creating a breakfast that was both satisfying and nourishing.

After enjoying his delectable breakfast, Rio got ready to visit his newly renovated shop lot. He hopped into his sleek car and made his way to the location with anticipation building inside him. As he arrived and stepped out of the car, he couldn't help but be completely taken aback by the sight before him.

The store stood proudly before him, a beautiful fusion of modern design and culinary elegance. The exterior boasted large glass windows that allowed natural light to flood the space, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. The storefront displayed a tasteful sign that showcased the name of his cafe in elegant lettering, catching the eyes of passersby. 'Bluiz Cafe'

As Rio entered the store, he was greeted by a stunning interior that exceeded his expectations. The walls were adorned with a tasteful combination of earthy tones and vibrant accents, creating a welcoming atmosphere. The lighting fixtures cast a soft glow, highlighting the carefully curated decor and adding an air of sophistication.

The heart of the store was the open kitchen, a chef's dream come true. The stainless steel countertops glistened under the overhead lights, while the top-of-the-line culinary utensils and appliances stood ready for use. The layout was meticulously designed to optimize efficiency, allowing the chefs to work their magic with ease.

The seating arrangements were thoughtfully placed throughout the space, offering a variety of options to cater to different preferences. Plush cushioned chairs and cozy booths provided comfort for those seeking a leisurely dining experience, while high-top tables and bar stools catered to the more casual crowd. The furniture blended seamlessly with the overall aesthetics of the store, complementing the elegant yet relaxed vibe.

Rio couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and excitement as he took in every detail of the newly renovated store. It was a true reflection of his vision, a place where people could come together, savor exceptional culinary creations, and create lasting memories. The combination of exquisite design, high-quality equipment, and thoughtfully arranged seating made it clear that his cafe was destined for success.

With a satisfied smile, Rio walked through the space, visualizing the hustle and bustle of customers enjoying their meals, the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the sounds of laughter and conversation filling the air. It was a moment of pure bliss, knowing that his dream was now a tangible reality.

Rio dialed Sarah's number and eagerly waited for her to pick up. After a few rings, she answered the call.

Rio: "Hey, Sarah! Are you available to come to the cafe? It's finally ready, and I want you to see it!"

Sarah: "Oh, really? That's fantastic news! I'll be there right away. Can't wait to see what you've done with the place!"

Excitement filled Rio's voice as he hung up the phone. He headed inside the cafe and anxiously awaited Sarah's arrival. After a short while, Sarah walked through the door and her eyes widened in astonishment.

Sarah: "Wow, Rio! I can't believe how amazing this place looks! It's beyond my expectations. The design, the layout, everything is just perfect!"

Rio grinned with pride as he walked alongside Sarah, giving her a tour of the cafe. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork that complemented the overall ambiance. The seating arrangements were carefully placed, providing both comfort and a sense of privacy. The lighting fixtures cast a warm glow, creating an inviting atmosphere.

Sarah: "The attention to detail is incredible, Rio. The culinary utensils and equipment you've chosen are top-notch. It's clear that you've put a lot of thought into every aspect of this cafe."

Rio nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Rio: "Thank you, Sarah. I wanted to create a space that not only serves exceptional food and beverages but also provides a memorable experience for our customers. I'm glad you appreciate the effort that went into it."

Sarah: "Absolutely, Rio. This place has so much potential. I can already envision the bustling crowds, the satisfied customers enjoying their meals, and the positive reviews pouring in."

After ensuring that the staff had their schedules in order and were prepared for the opening day on Friday, Rio turned his attention to the legal aspects of his business. He knew that it was crucial to comply with the necessary regulations and obtain the required permits and licenses to operate his cafe smoothly and legally.

Rio drove to the relevant authority, which in this case would be the local government office or municipal department responsible for business registrations and permits. Upon arrival, he inquired about the specific requirements and documents needed to legalize his cafe.

The process involved filling out application forms, providing proof of ownership or lease agreement for the premises, submitting a business plan, and paying the necessary fees. Rio meticulously ensured that all the required information and documentation were in order, as he wanted to establish Bluiz Cafe as a legitimate and fully compliant business.

The authority representatives reviewed his application and supporting documents, conducting inspections if necessary to ensure the cafe met the health and safety standards. Rio patiently went through the entire process, answering any questions or providing additional information as requested.

Once the authority was satisfied with his application and compliance, they issued him the necessary permits and licenses. These documents would legally authorize Bluiz Cafe to operate, allowing Rio to serve customers, hire employees, and run his business smoothly without any legal complications.

Completing the legal procedures gave Rio a sense of accomplishment and a reassurance that he had done everything by the book. He understood the importance of operating within the legal framework, as it would not only protect his business but also provide a sense of trust and credibility to his customers.


[Name: Rio Esgrus

Level: 1

Level Benefit: $2,500,000, Business Skill (Intermediate), Bubble Tea Recipe (LV1)

Experience: 0/10,000 (Host must earn money to accumulate experience)

Shop: Open

Balance: $2,068,003

Accumulated Profits: $0

Assets Value: $5,200,000]