
Wealth and the Undead: Rise of the Capitalist God

In "Wealth and the Undead: Rise of the Capitalist God," Yang Wei, a 19-year-old successor to his family's business empire, rises to power in a zombie apocalypse world. Using his natural talent for business and cheat-like abilities, he builds an empire and a harem of loyal followers, dreaming of becoming the capitalist god of the new world. But with power comes enemies, and Yang Wei must navigate the treacherous world of the undead while grappling with the moral implications of his actions.

Deep_Sky · Thành thị
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102 Chs

The Rise of the Shadow Queen

As the dust settled and the last echoes of battle faded away, Thalia, Eris, Luna, and the elemental guardians looked around at the wreckage. Nyx's stronghold lay in ruins, her dark creatures scattered and defeated. The land around them was scarred and barren, but they knew that with time, it would heal.

But as they turned to leave, a new figure appeared before them. She was tall and slender, with pale skin and long black hair that fell in loose waves around her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep, mesmerizing green, and they glittered with an inner fire.

"Who are you?" Thalia asked, her hand instinctively going to her crystal shard.

The woman smiled, a cold and calculating grin. "I am the Shadow Queen," she said. "And I have come to claim what is rightfully mine."

The group tensed, ready for battle. But the Shadow Queen merely stood there, her eyes flickering with amusement.

"You think you can defeat me?" she said, her voice low and dangerous. "You have no idea of the power I wield. But I will show you."

With a flick of her wrist, the Shadow Queen summoned a bolt of dark energy that shot towards the group. Thalia, Eris, and Luna dodged to the side, but the elemental guardians were caught off guard. Gaia, Zephyr, Pyrrha, Nereia, and Ophelia were thrown back by the force of the blast, their bodies crumpling to the ground.

Thalia, Eris, and Luna rushed to their side, their crystal shards pulsing with energy. They tried to revive the guardians, but it was no use. The Shadow Queen's power had drained them of their life force.

"You see?" the Shadow Queen said, her voice smug. "You are nothing compared to me. You should join me, and together we can rule this land as gods."

Thalia, Eris, and Luna shook their heads, their eyes blazing with defiance. "We will never join you," Thalia said. "We will fight you to the end."

The Shadow Queen merely shrugged. "As you wish," she said. "But know that you will never defeat me."

The battle began anew, but this time the Shadow Queen's power was too much for Thalia, Eris, and Luna. They fought valiantly, summoning all the power of the elements they could muster. But the Shadow Queen was a master of the dark arts, and her power was unrelenting.

One by one, Thalia, Eris, and Luna fell before her. Their crystal shards shattered, their bodies broken. The Shadow Queen stood over them, her eyes gleaming with triumph.

"You see?" she said, her voice low and dangerous. "You are nothing compared to me. And now, you will serve me forever."

But as she spoke, a new figure appeared before her. It was a young woman, with fiery red hair and a fierce expression. She wore a suit of shining armor, and her sword glimmered in the light.

"I will never serve you," the woman said, her voice ringing out like a bell. "I am Lyra, and I am here to defeat you."

The Shadow Queen sneered, her eyes flickering with amusement. "And who are you?" she said. "Another insect to crush?"

But Lyra merely grinned. "I am not just any insect," she said. "I am the chosen one, the one who will defeat you and restore balance to the land."

The battle began anew, but this time it was different. Lyra was not like Thalia, Eris, and Luna.