
Wealth and the Undead: Rise of the Capitalist God

In "Wealth and the Undead: Rise of the Capitalist God," Yang Wei, a 19-year-old successor to his family's business empire, rises to power in a zombie apocalypse world. Using his natural talent for business and cheat-like abilities, he builds an empire and a harem of loyal followers, dreaming of becoming the capitalist god of the new world. But with power comes enemies, and Yang Wei must navigate the treacherous world of the undead while grappling with the moral implications of his actions.

Deep_Sky · Thành thị
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102 Chs

The Price of Power

Thalia and Eris approached the sealed chamber with caution. They could feel the energy emanating from within, pulsing with a dark power that made their skin crawl.

Eris took a step forward and placed her hand on the door. With a wave of her hand, she uttered an incantation, and the seal on the door broke. The door swung open with a creak, revealing a room bathed in an eerie blue light.

Thalia and Eris stepped into the room, their senses on high alert. They could feel the energy in the room coalescing around them, probing their minds and bodies.

As they made their way deeper into the room, they saw a figure standing in the center. It was a man, dressed in black robes. His back was turned to them, and he was facing a large crystal that was emitting the blue light.

Thalia and Eris approached the man, their staffs at the ready. As they drew closer, the man turned around to face them. Thalia gasped in shock – it was Zephyr.

"Hello, Thalia," Zephyr said with a cold smile. "I've been expecting you."

"What are you doing?" Thalia demanded.

"I'm harnessing the power of the crystal," Zephyr said. "With its power, I can become the most powerful mage in all the land."

"You're mad," Eris said. "You can't control that much power. It will destroy you."

Zephyr laughed. "I know what I'm doing," he said. "And I have no intention of letting you stop me."

He raised his hand, and a blast of dark energy shot towards them. Thalia and Eris dodged to the side, but the energy hit the crystal, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

The room was filled with a blinding light, and Thalia felt the energy in the room surge. Zephyr was chanting something, his voice rising in intensity.

Suddenly, Thalia felt a sharp pain in her head. She clutched her head in agony as memories flooded her mind. She saw flashes of Zephyr's past – his childhood, his training as a mage, his rise to power.

She saw his ambition, his desire for power and control. And she saw his ruthlessness, his willingness to do whatever it took to achieve his goals.

As the memories faded, Thalia felt a surge of anger. Zephyr had been using them all along, manipulating them to further his own ends.

She raised her staff and called upon the power of the elements. A blast of wind shot towards Zephyr, but he raised his hand, and the wind dissipated.

"You can't stop me," Zephyr said. "I am too powerful."

Thalia and Eris exchanged a glance. They knew they couldn't defeat Zephyr with their magic alone. They needed something more.

Suddenly, Thalia remembered a story her grandmother had told her – a tale of a powerful artifact that could grant its wielder unlimited power.

"The Crystal of Power," Thalia said. "That's what Zephyr is after. We have to find it before he does."

"But where is it?" Eris asked.

"I don't know," Thalia said. "But we have to try."

Together, Thalia and Eris set out on a quest to find the Crystal of Power. They traveled through treacherous terrain, battled dangerous creatures, and encountered ancient relics and powerful magic.

Finally, after months of searching, they found themselves standing before a massive crystal that glowed with a blinding light. This was it – the Crystal of Power.