
Cast of Characters and World

Aka how to not forget important plot points when you're writing a story you just thought up that minute...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Diana Lunaferra Andromeda Moonbringer (Yes, that's her full name):

[Shimmering Silver Hair (Gray in human form)] [Sky Blue Eyes] [Immortal Rank 1]

◾ An extremely young 160 year old Immortal princess from the Stellar Realm.

◾ "Well, technically it's a bunch of moons orbiting a giant planet. I don't understand people's fascination with the word Realm, It's not even a solar system" - Diana, probably.

◾ Life as a born immortal is pretty boring for her.

◾ History Buff, mostly her family history though...

Dad: [Immortal Rank ?? (Way above 2 that's for sure)] [Sky Blue Eyes]

◾ Typical overprotective Dad

◾ Likes blowing up continents for fun

◾ ???

◾ Profit

Aunty: [Immortal Rank ??]

◾ ???

◾ it's not like it's going to come up a bajillion times, or is it?

"Big Sis": [Blond Hair] [Sky Blue Eyes] [Immortal Rank ??]

◾ Founder and Overall head of the SR76 monitoring division

◾ ???

Terra (Also known as SR76):

◾ A realm now under the jurisdiction of the Stellar Realm.

◾ For reasons unknown it's now being monitored.