The story about a man wanting to become the best Magic Knight, but will face the most odd obstacle of his life. He gained a second body! What's more, it's a girl! But the real obstacles are the things happening behind his back! Will he ever figure out what they are before it's too late?
The night was dark as the sky was covered in clouds. Nothing illuminates the sea and only the Iron clad ship could be seen.
It was a serene and peaceful moment.
It was the perfect time for the pirates in fleets of smaller boats boarded by dozens of pirates to attack.
And at the back of this fleet was another ship that's half the size of the Iron Beast.
"Captain, we've surrounded the ship."
A pirate runs to a man with two sabres on his waist. This man was tall and bulky. He, by no means looked weak despite being skinny.
After he puts down his telescope, he lets out an unenthusiastic sigh and turns to his lackey.
"Do the standard."
"Aye sir!"
After giving his command, the pirate excitedly runs to the nearby girl who looked like a sorceress but wore skimpy clothing.
When she heard the command, she snaps her fingers and a magic circle appears near her mouth.
"Attention, all harpooners, start pulling back the ship."