
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 16: Family Time

"Sylvanas? Sylvanas? Sylvanas!"

Sylvanas startled as she felt a warm hand on her left shoulder. She turned her head immediately, looking at the hand's owner. It was Alleria who regarded her with a raised eyebrow. She didn't say anything, she stared at her.

"What?" asked Sylvanas eventually.

"Mother asked you something. It is rude to not answer her"

Sylvanas turned her head, looking at her mother. Like her daughters, Lireesa Windrunner was a very beautiful woman. She was over one thousand years old but she still looked very young like all elves. She wore a beautiful blue dress and a gorgeous necklace which consisted of blue gems. Her hair was blonde and wrapped up in a ponytail.

At this very moment, her mother was sitting on the opposite side of the table, regarding Sylvanas curiously.

"I already told you that I'm not going to marry Prince Kael'thas or anyone else you want me to marry. I will not marry anyone father wants me to marry only because he wants to get more influence and a wire to the royal family" told Sylvanas eventually, staring into her mother's eyes.

"But Sylvanas..."

"No buts, mother. I'm not going to marry someone I do not love"

"Nobody asked you to do that. I just wanted to ask you if you would at least meet up with the prince to get known to him better. I'm pretty sure he is a charming and wise man like his father"

"There are many other charming and wise men in Quel'Thalas. He is not the only one" interrupted Sylvanas before her mother could speak any further.

"But none of them is the crown prince. You don't know how many doors will open up for you if you marry Prince Kael'thas" spoke her mother, trying to convince Sylvanas but failing horribly.

"There are already enough doors open for me as Ranger-General. You were Ranger-General before me so you must know how powerful and influential I am in this position. I already have the king's ear, same counts for the prince and their advisers. If I want something, the chances are pretty high that I get that. I don't need to marry the prince to get what I want"

"But..." her mother tried again but fell silent as Sylvanas lifted her hand, signalizing her that she didn't want to speak about it anymore. Lireesa made a thoughtful face but then she decided to try it again.

"You are over one hundred seventy years old, my dear. Other women at your age are already married. I was married too when I was your age. A woman at your age with your status shouldn't remain unmarried for too long". She leaned over to Sylvanas, taking her hands in her own, caressing them carefully. "I only want the best for you. I only want you to be happy and that your wishes and dreams come true"

Sylvanas pulled her hands away, putting them on her lap. "Then you have to accept that I won't marry anyone father wants me to marry. He has to achieve the position, he is striving for, alone. If he wants to become one of the king's advisors, he has to prove himself worthy. I also had to prove myself worthy to become your successor after you resigned because of your disease. Father has to do the same. I won't marry someone I don't love only because father wants more power and influence. You can try to talk Alleria into this marriage or Vereesa but not me"

Sylvanas stared into her mother's eyes, signalizing her that she was serious about this. Her mother wasn't making a happy face but she seemed to have accepted Sylvanas' decision. Sylvanas turned her head after a few moments, looking at Alleria who was regarding her with an expressionless look on her face. Her lips were pressed together and her eyes hung on Sylvanas.

"I'm already spoken for" Alleria mentioned. "Also, Kael'thas wouldn't want to marry someone who already has a child"

Sylvanas sighed. "Where is your son anyways? I haven't seen him for a few weeks"

"He is visiting Stormwind City with his father"

"I still can't believe you have fallen for a human" spoke Sylvanas. "But I accept him because you love him and he loves you. Just don't forget that humans aren't living so long as we high elves do"

"I know about that, Sylvanas. You don't need to remind me of that. I will spend as many years with Turalyon as fates allow us and then... I have no clue what will happen then"

"I accept your relationship as long as you are happy"

"Trust me, I am"

"Good. Vereesa is still a minor so she wouldn't be able to marry the prince which means no one of us will marry him" Sylvanas statemented.

Her gaze shifted to her younger sister Vereesa who was avoiding eye contact by observing her plate longer than necessary. She didn't miss the blush on her face. Sylvanas chuckled. Her sister was so young and naive. She was still a minor by law, even with her ninety-three years. She may have the body of a mature woman but the mind of a teenager. Sometimes at least.

Sylvanas knew her baby sister pretty well, so she knew about her crush on Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. Sylvanas had to admit that she could understand the reasons for that. Kael'thas was a very handsome, charming man who knew how to treat women. He was always friendly to others and did his best to help his people whenever he could.

He had a lot of admirers who wanted to be with him. Vereesa was one of them but she would never speak to him even if she would be alone with him. She was too shy and too afraid that she might disgrace herself in front of him. Sylvanas was not shy. She had no problem speaking to the prince or the king but she had no interest in Kael'thas, not even if she would be single. Kael'thas was not her type but there was someone else who was clearly her type.

Kelrian Sunsinger. Thinking of him was enough tomake her happy. She wanted him whenever she thought of him. She wanted to touch him, kiss him, cuddle up to him and do more things with him. She desired him but also sexually. He was the only man she had slept with after a long break of over seventy years. She had done this pause because she had been tired of one-night stands and short-lived relationships. The relationship with him was not only her longest but also the only relationship which made her truly happy.

There was only one thing which would make her a lot happier than she already was. She would love to have an official relationship with Kelrian. She wished she could show everyone that he was hers and that she was his. Telling the society about their relationship would be possible but it would also have its risks.

Sylvanas was loved by most citizens of Quel'Thalas which meant she had lots of admirers, lots of jealous admires too. She didn't want to imagine what some of them could do to Kelrian if they would see him alone somewhere. Sylvanas had always kept her relationships secret for this reason. She didn't want anyone to get hurt because of her. She was not sure if she would ever make their relationship official. She was not sure yet, maybe her opinion about this will change someday. Maybe. Maybe not.

Sylvanas regarded Vereesa closely. Unlike the rest of her family, her natural hair colour was silver instead of blonde or golden-blonde. Sylvanas remembered that her sister had hated her hair colour some time ago. She had even asked their mother if she could dye it. But Sylvanas had talked her out of this. She had told her that her hair colour was unique and special. Not everyone had silver-coloured hair so she should be proud of it. Sylvanas had needed some time to talk to her but in the end, she had managed to convince her sister to keep her hair like this.

Sylvanas noticed that her little sister was wearing her ranger uniform. "Are you going on a mission today, little moon? I don't remember giving one of my subordinates a task for you"

Vereesa lifted her head, looking at Sylvanas who regarded her curiously. She wanted to say something but Alleria was faster and responded for her "I'm hunting with her today"

Sylvanas looked at Alleria, tilting her head a little. "She belongs to my regiment which means you have to ask me first if I can spare her. I don't remember that she has a day off this week so she has to fulfil her duties from Monday to Friday this week. You can hunt with her on the weekend but not today"

"What is she doing that is so important that you can't spare her?"

"She joins the patrol which starts at Windrunner Village, then travels to the Sanctum of the Sun before they return to our village. Ranger-Captain Sweetblossom is sick for this week at least so I need an experienced ranger to replace her" explained Sylvanas.

Alleria raised an eyebrow. "Vereesa is only a normal ranger, not even a lieutenant. She can't replace Vara"

"I know that's why I'm going with her"

"Vara's group, Vereesa and you?" asked Alleria, making a doubtful look.

"No, Vara's group is doing something else. Zetai, Kelrian and a few of my rangers will join us"

"Why do you have to attend the patrol? Aren't there enough other captains or lieutenants who could replace her? Haven't you enough other duties to fulfil?"

"Surprisingly not. I don't have to do any other task this week so I will accompany my little sister on her patrol. Also, I want to show Kelrian and Zetai what they have to pay attention to when they are patrolling" explained Sylvanas, smiling when she noticed that she had won.

Alleria exhaled loudly. "Fine, do whatever you want. I will hunt with Vereesa on Saturday"

"Do that" spoke Sylvanas, smiling at her. She looked back at Vereesa who was also smiling at her. She put her hand on her cheek, caressing it softly. "Don't worry little moon, you will be able to hunt a few deers, boars and other animals soon enough. Father's birthday party is not till next week, so you have enough time to hunt animals and store their meat in a cold place"

Vereesa nodded to her but didn't say anything. Her gaze still rested on Sylvanas as she continued to eat her roasted rabbit meat and her potatoes. Sylvanas chuckled but didn't say anything. She was Vereesa's role model and she liked it. Of course, Vereesa was also regarding Alleria and her mother as her role models but Sylvanas was the person she looked up the most. She wanted to become a successful and skilled ranger like her sisters. She wanted to impress her sisters, especially Sylvanas. She knew she had a long way to go if she wanted to reach this goal. But she was pretty sure she will, so were the other members of her family.

Sylvanas' gaze rested long on her baby sister before it shifted to her little brother who hadn't said anything so far. Lirath was wearing a red tunic and blue trousers, his blond hair reached to his shoulders. Like his sisters, he also wanted to become a ranger one day but he was still too young to attend the examinations. He may be the Ranger-General's brother but that didn't mean that he could attend the examinations earlier than everyone else. He had to wait until he would reach his fiftieth year oflife to be allowed to attend the examination. Sylvanas was pretty sure he will endure the next thirteen years. He would have enough time to practise and become good enough to pass the exam.

Sylvanas looked at her plate eventually, noticing that she hadn't touched it yet. There were two fried chicken wings, potatoes, peas and lots of sauce on her plate. Her meal looked pretty delicious and Sylvanas was sure, without needing to take a bite, that it was very delicious. Sylvanas' mother was an excellent cook. She may not be able to be a ranger anymore but at least she was able to take care of her family and cook delicious meals for them. Sylvanas was a great cook too but she was not as good as her mother and she knew that. She loved to eat whatever her mother had prepared. There was not a meal Sylvanas didn't like.

She looked at her mother, receiving a simple nod. She gave her mother a smile before she took the cutlery in her hands and looked back at her plate. She cut the potatoes in little pieces and dipped them into the sauce, putting them in her mouth eventually. Then took a bite from the chicken wings.

"Delicious as always" said Sylvanas, smiling at her mother.

"I'm glad you like it" responded Lireesa.

"You have to show me one day how you manage to make every meal perfect"

"Well, there is nothing extraordinary I do. I only prepare the food, that's it. I don't use magic or special ingredients. I'm not doing it differently than others" explained her mother.

"Nevertheless, you are far better than the best cooks in Silvermoon City. I have eaten in a lot of noble restaurants where the best cooks of Silvermoon are working. Believe me when I tell you that none of them is as good as you are" complimented Sylvanas.

"Thank you, my dear" responded Lireesa. She blushed a little but didn't avert eye contact, neither did Sylvanas. They stared at each other for a while, not saying anything else. There was a pleasant silence in the room and nobody dared to break it.

Sylvanas' father joined them after a while, taking a seat next to his beloved wife. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to place a kiss on her left cheek. Lireesa giggled, snuggling closer to him. Sylvanas regarded them while having a smile on her lips. It amazed her from day to day anew that they still loved each other after such a long time. Their relationship had begun three hundred years ago but they still act as if it was the very first day where they had fallen in love with the other.

Sylvanas was glad that their love hadn't faded and that it seemed they will never stop loving each other. Sylvanas was hoping that her relationship with Kelrian will be like the relationship of her parents. She was hoping that her love for Kelrian will never fade. She couldn't imagine her life without him and she was pretty sure he was feeling the same.

Kelrian made her happy. She was already happy when he was only around her. Being near him, speaking to him and spending time with him made her very happy. She wanted to be together with him for the rest of her long-lasting life. She was also hoping that his love for her wouldn't fade. She didn't want to imagine him with another woman. She had to be careful that no other woman would try to get what was hers. Other women like Elena, who had already told Kelrian how she felt about him. Sylvanas couldn't do much to prevent that other women would get interested in Kelrian. She could only hope that he would do the right thing. She trusted him, she knew him pretty well so she knew he would never cheat on her or leave her for another woman.

Sylvanas was brought out of her thoughts by her father who had cleared his throat to get her attention. She looked at him, regarding him closely. He was wearing a decorated blue jacket and matching trousers. His shoes were made by the best shoemaker in Silvermoon City. Overall, his outfit was very expensive. His blond hair was cut quite short, making him look good.

Unlike Sylvanas' mother and the rest of their family, he was not a ranger. He was a very influential businessman. As far as Sylvanas knew, he hadn't been born with a golden spoon in his mouth, instead, he had come from a very poor background. Sylvanas didn't know much about his past, she only knew that he had managed to earn enough money by selling things to buy a piece of land where he had found a hidden mine. He had found precious gems in the mine which he had sold for a massive amount of money. He had used this money to found his first commercial business. In the end, he had become more and more successful over time.

These days he had several manufacturing companies which were very successful. Because of his success, the Windrunner family had a huge manor known as Windrunner Spire and their own village. Windrunner Village was one of the largest villages south of Silvermoon City. Almost three hundred inhabitants lived there along with twenty guards who made sure that no intruders, like bandits, orcs or trolls, would harm the inhabitants.

Sylvanas knew that her father strived for more success and influence. That was the reason why he wanted her to marry Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. Of course, he couldn't force her to marry him, even though he wanted to get more influence so badly. He could only try to convince Sylvanas to marry the prince. But Sylvanas would never do that voluntarily so her father had tried to make deals with her but Sylvanas had always refused.

She was hoping that he would spare her today and wouldn't talk to her about that topic, at least not when the rest of the family was around. It was very rare that all members of the Windrunner family were gathered in the same room at the same time. Sylvanas and Alleria only visited their home at the weekends. They still had their rooms in the house but their main residences were in Silvermoon City. Only Vereesa and Lirath still lived with their parents because they were minors. Vereesa would reach adulthood in seven years so she could move out if she wanted but Sylvanas knew that she would stay longer in Windrunner Spire. Every child of the Windrunner family was allowed to live in the Spire as long as they wanted.

Sylvanas' mother was hoping that Lirath and Vereesa would stay in the house as long as possible. She would feel pretty lonely otherwise. Her husband was working most of the day and her oldest children were working as well. She understood that because their positions were really was responsible for the safety of the inhabitants of Quel'Thalas and Alleria was doing her best to support her. Unlike Sylvanas and Alleria, Vereesa was not working twelve hours a day so she had more free time she could spend with her parents and her younger brother.

Sylvanas remained silent longer than necessary but then she spoke eventually. "Welcome back father, it's good to see you. How have you been doing?"

"Work was exhausting but other than that I'm fine" he responded, shoving a potato in his mouth. "What about you, Sylvie?"

"Well, I have only done some paperwork so far so I can't say that it exhausted me. But I'm going to take Vereesa and some of my rangers on patrol later, so we will have lots of 'fun' there"

Her father laughed. "I remember you telling me dozens of times that patrolling and doing paperwork are the most boring tasks a ranger can do"

"That's true but someone has to do it. There are lots of teams who patrol every day and every night and they don't complain. They know that these patrols are necessary to detect invaders as soon as possible"

"Makes sense" responded her father, taking a bite from the chicken leg he was holding.

"When will you return?" asked her mother. Sylvanas looked at Vereesa who was also giving her a curious look, then she looked at her mother.

"If we start in one and a half hour, we should return at half-past ten"

"So, the poor girl is going to work eight and a half hours today?" asked Lireesa, looking at her youngest daughter and then at her middle daughter.

"I've worked for ten hours every day, six days a week when I was at her age. Eight and a half hours are nothing compared this"

"You know I've never asked you to work so long back then I was Ranger-General" mentioned Lireesa.

"I know but you had more rangers back then. We lost countless over the past few decades because of orc and troll attacks. We have less available rangers and recruits than we had when you were Ranger-General. This means that a lot more rangers have to do additional shifts to cover-up every sector. We need more people who patrol every day and every night, we need more instructors, we need more hunters who hunt food so we can feed every citizen of Quel'Thalas, we need more bowyers and more armourers. Overall, we need more people in every sector, not only in the military sector.

But we don't have that many people so our rangers have to work longer than usual. I wish it would be different but we have no other choice than biting into the sour apple and work up to fourteen hours a day if it's necessary. I give my best to reduce the time Vereesa has work every day. Most of the times she only has to work for six hours but someday even she has to work for nine or ten hours if it's necessary. I can't make an exception in her case, not always at least" explained Sylvanas, staring into her mother's eyes.

"It's okay, mother" spoke Vereesa, putting her hands on her mother's. Lireesa looked at her youngest daughter, returning her smile before she looked in the determined face the Ranger-General was making.

"Fourteen hours? That's pretty hard" statemented her father.

"It doesn't happen very often, only when some of my captains or lieutenants are not doing their work correctly or when too many people have gotten sick. I can't just say that it's not my problem if my subordinates aren't able to finish their tasks in time because, in the end, it's my problem. The king will have my head when he finds out that a group of trolls breaks through an area which should have been patrolled by enough groups. I can't allow that innocents die because my subordinates do mistakes or are not there where they are supposed to be. Being the Ranger-General is a rock-hard job and it has become harder over the past thirty years"

"I'm sorry to hear that, my dear" spoke her father, giving her a comforting smile. She returned his smile, then she looked at her mother who was smiling at her as well. Lireesa leaned over and put her hands on Sylvanas' cheeks, caressing them softly. "I knew that you would be the right choice as my successor. Originally, I have wanted Alleria to take my place but she has refused. You are as good as your sister when it comes to combat skill and experience but it seems that you know better how to handle stress. I don't believe Alleria would have held out very long if she would have had the same amount of stress you have to endure every day"

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows" said Alleria as she wrapped her arm around Sylvanas' shoulders and pulled her closer.

"Stop it, Alleria. You know I don't like to be hugged. Not by you at least"

"Ah, come on. I know you love my hugs" replied Alleria as she pulled Sylvanas closer until their bodies were pressed together. She wrapped her arms around her sister's upper body, not caring that Sylvanas' face was pressed against her bosom as she caressed her back. She ran her fingers through Sylvanas' hair, ruining her hairstyle a bit. It didn't matter at all because Sylvanas looked perfect even with tousled hair.

Sylvanas managed to free herself, looking at her older sister with narrowed eyes. "Quite funny" muttered Sylvanas, ignoring her laughing family as best as she could. But she couldn't be mad at her sister forever, so she relaxed and playfully patted her sister's shoulder. She looked at Alleria for a few moments, ignoring her mocking grin, then she turned to Vereesa and Lirath. "Don't you dare to try the same. I will throw you into the nearest lake if you try it"

Sylvanas chuckled when she saw the anxious faces of her younger siblings but they relaxed as soon as they had realized that Sylvanas was not serious about this. Like Alleria, she loved to mock and tease her siblings from time to time. Most of the times, they didn't dare to say something in return. Only sometimes, Vereesa tried to counter Sylvanas' teasing. Sometimes it worked,sometimes it didn't.

Her family was very important for Sylvanas. She loved every single member of it. Even Alleria who teased her often. Even though she was the Ranger-General and Alleria was only a Ranger-Captain, she still looked up to her. Despite their ranks, Alleria was her older sister. She still had enough tips and tricks up in her sleeves which could help Sylvanas from time to time. Alleria had more experience than her because she was forty years even Sylvanas learned a thing or two from her sister. But that didn't happen very often because she knew most of the important things she had to know as a ranger.

Sylvanas' mother was also her role model. She had told her everything she knew and made her to the next Ranger-General. She had made sure that Sylvanas will be a worthy successor. Sylvanas admired her and she hoped she would never fail her and always make her proud of her. She also wanted to impress her father even though he had no clue what a ranger must endure to become successful and respected. He didn't know much about the work of the Farstriders but had heard enough of Sylvanas' achievements to be proud of her.

Sylvanas also loved to spend time with her younger siblings. She helped Vereesa becoming a better ranger and she trained Lirath whenever she had the time. He also wanted to become a ranger, so he trained every day. Sylvanas supported him whenever she could. Because of her training, he had gotten a lot better over the past years. She was pretty sure he would make it through the examination in thirteen years. He was a Windrunner after all.

Lireesa was the first female Windrunner who had been better than every other ranger. Her children had the same potential. Lireesa was sure all of her children will surpass her one day. Sylvanas and Alleria were already better than her, only Vereesa and Lirath needed more time to become better. But they will reach their mother's level sooner or later. She was pretty sure about that.