
We are never getting back together

They say in order to conquer the world you need to conquer the men but it might not be as easy as they say. Love is the epitome of pain and I wonder whether i can leave its clutches and escape or not. Sienna is a rich billionaire wife who seemingly has it all, houses, cars, maids, chefs just not a faithful husband. When sienna first married Carl she thought they were both in love but now she has seen his real face. She was just used as a tool by him in order to get rid of his playboy image. But people rarely change and he is still at it.

Moonshine_KA · Thành thị
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Scandalous pictures

Sienna's POV

I wake up to the dreaded notification that awaits me in the morning every day. As usual, I open the message even though I know what I would find in there. As I look through the contents I find images of my husband with his latest side chick in bed. I wait for the tears to fall but they don't, I guess I have gotten immune to it or I just don't care anymore. I always wonder why this person doesn't leak these to the media but only sends them to me. This person never asked for money either. At first, I thought the images were fake but I got them verified and they are real. Sometimes there are videos even and there is no denying that the person in them is him, my husband, Carl Wilson.

Although we sleep in separate rooms whenever he is drunk he would just march in my room and use me like a toy and the next day I would wake up to an empty bed and a morning-after pill. Whenever I try to talk to him he always replies with, ' I have given you all the money you need and you can do whatever you want with it so let me do whatever I want. This is the price for marrying me. You knew what you were getting into but you thought you could change me.' and then he leaves. I guess he was just looking for a trophy wife who would just listen but won't meddle in his affairs.

As I think about this I feel nauseous. I think it was because of the photos but no, there it is another wave of nausea and I run into the bathroom and spill my guts out. I try to think about what I ate last night that could have caused this but the only thing that comes to my mind is how I haven't got my period yet. I might be pregnant. No, I need to confirm this first I can't just panic right now. Somehow I rush to the store and buy a pregnancy test but I don't wait to go home and just rush to the restroom there. I wait for the results and they are positive. I try a second one and a third one, and all the same result. I am terrified but also hopeful. Maybe a baby is what could save her marriage.

I take a taxi and rush to his headquarters. At least in public, I am still his wife so the yards didn't stop me. I take the elevator to his office and I find all his secretaries outside. I try to make my way in but one of them stops me. It was Nathan, Carl's head secretary. 'Madam, sir is currently in a very important meeting, if you have any message please give it to me and I will be sure to pass it.' as he says that I can almost feel guilt coming off of him.

I decide that the news I want to give is more important than anything else that is going on. Also whatever is going on will decide what news I want to give. I open the door with a huge force and I hear voices of females, more than one. I feel shocked at what I see but it is what it is. I guess I was subconsciously still denying the pictures but his is the truth. There are three women in his office with Carl in between all of them naked. Carl looks at me and starts wearing his clothes and shouts at his secretary 'Who let her in, take her out now.' But nobody moves and I just keep staring at him. Carl almost feels flustered but I know that he doesn't care about me but just his image. When all the girls are cleared he looks at me.