
Hitting on me

NOTE: NONEEEE and absolutely NONE of this stuff happens in real police academy. Not even near it. This is just a mix of my Physical Education classes and my Imagination.

My week at the university continues slowly, dragging by like a train of thoughts that remains endless and merciless by constantly reminding me of my forgotten tasks and duties. Eventually, Friday comes by, and there's a buzz in the air of the tutors letting us sit out of the seating plan and work with whoever we want. We even get to choose what lessons we attend too, (without skipping the core training). Of Course I'm a social reject and have no real friends in the class but quite the opposite.. some people thought I would drop out in the first year and became jealous and stingy when I made it past there as a domestic violence victim and single teen mother- word spread. The first bit is not true. It's 3rd last training of the day and I've just arrived from musket practice on the field. It was hot, and I'm sweating like crazy while waiting in line to enter the bathrooms to cool off and clean. The bathrooms here are unisex, giving both genders the opportunity to bully each other..which goes across as banter for the close friend groups of trainees here, but not me who gets called a bad lady who's looking for another man to take care of her child's expenses and always pushed around and even teased by the girls who have permanent grudge..and remembering this, I take off to sit in the language room instead while the line shortens.My mind keeps straying over to Minjun the whole week. He surprises me quite a lot.. infact, not only has he transferred right before our biggest exam that qualifies us to be professional officer-rookies, but he transferred from the top police academy in Seoul. All the way here... for what?I've never had the courage to ask him... though I have that veryyyy slight nagging feeling that you get at the back of the back of your brain when a guy hangs around you a lot and seems to be too chill.He's... pretty fine I'd say. he's the kind of guy that's got so much chemistry with everyone that he attracts guys more than girls, and i have no doubt that if he has no miss yet he'll find one extremely soon here. The girls are pretty. there are even ranks in beauty, of which I've come last place every single time since i enrolled and started the course. 'Why are you even thinking about that?' I ask myself quietly. 'It doesn't bloody matter if he thinks you're pretty or not. Who cares?'I've found myself putting more effort into my makeup, trying to walk more attentively and perform much better since he joined our training.. and he's in top set, with me and the other potential rookies who will be taking the exam right after the 1 week break. I wonder if I'll even pass it. it involves both practical and theory, and as far as I'm prepared it lasts 4 days with 2 split into each. I extend my arm, taking a look at the wound scars I inflicted on myself in the past. I wonder if they're just noticeable or if I've been let off with them because I seem weak, and I have a toddler who I have to support if I eventually get into this job. I wonder quietly to myself, 'do you belong in a psych ward?'"Kim Hyori!" A voice startles me and i hide my arm with my sleeve, standing up and turning to the door to see my fitness tutor walking in. "You have Case study athletics in 15 minutes, why aren't you getting ready?""Oh I do?" Now I pretend to be in shock, getting out my timetable and 'checking' it hurriedly."I'm so sorry sir. I'll head there right now." With a quick bow to apologise, I head to the changing rooms which I am flustered to find the group of 'popular girls' doing their last touches of dressing up. They start to stall when they see me walking in, talking loudly to Minjun who now walks out of the privacy block and spraying their expensive perfume, conversing loudly about how hard it is to take care of children and how they'd never give birth until they're ready.How deliberate.I can feel Minjun's eyes on my back the whole time, and it gets so uncomfortable that I go into the privacy block to change where I can just be alone."You know the girl that just went in there?" Eunjoo, head popular girl (for top set training and perfect english) 'whispers' to minjun as soon as I go in.He replies in what sounds a little negative, giving me hope.. "yeah.. what?""She has a baby. And she's a teenager. Can you imagine how many guys she's been out with?" This is met by a collective snigger from the girls. Further raising my hopes, Minjun doesn't say a word... but then I become disappointed again when the gossip continues, the girls' jokes getting ruder and ruder and more and more personal.. including that I got with our boss so he could give me good grades because I'm too dumb for my current ones.Just when I feel like I'm about to explode from holding my breath, I hear "Lets go." And Eunjoo and her mates, plus probably their newly adapted Minjun all leave the changing rooms.How unfair that they get to have him. When I had to sit by him on his first day, his smiles and staring was probably the most I'll ever get to interact with him. I wish I could go back to that day.. but then again, what would I do? Sighing, I find that athletics starts in 8 minutes and decide now's when i head out. unlocking the door and stepping into the damp and crowdy changing room, I'm startled to find Minjun just sat there, next to Eunjoo's belongings. He even.. smiles at me."Hey." I don't know what to reply to that. I just put my shoes on and awkwardly smile while my heart slams itself against my chest. Did I think aloud? I better not have passed gas or even sighed while he was here...Minjun watches me, and then to my horror stands up and follows me out of the room when I start leaving. I have no choice.. so I just try to block him out of my peripheral vision and walk in a straight line without looking dumb and awkward."So, you have a baby?" Minjun pipes up along the way. Oh so this is why. "Hm.""Boy or girl?"I make sure to give him a bad look now. I really want to tell him all about Hajoon, to spill for hours and hours about his little voice and his tiny teeth, his bites of affection and his giggles when he's happy- but the fact that all this is probably going to end up in Eunjoo's hands is a huge hindrance. "Well, boy." I keep it simpler than it was in my head. "I see. How old.""4." Then I pause. "Why?"

"Who knows? I want a baby too, you know."

"And what the hell does that mean?"

Minjun holds his hands up, as if to say he meant no harm. "You don't get it. I see. Sorry, I just meant that I miss looking after kids. if you want any help, I'm here you know?""You're just as busy as me," I half jeer. laughing in my confusion. What is he suggesting? Could he be....He raises his eyebrow with the same comical look from our first 'encounter'..then he randomly breaks into a smile, filling my stomach with butterflies. What kind of effect is this?"We can take care together. When you're free, and I'm free." He makes it sound so romantic, as if he's known me for ages and is finally proposing after years and years. I decide it's too early since I don't know him, for the sake of my boy and shake my head. "He's not used to people anyway." We've reached the gym, and like i expected all the good bodysuits are gone so I have to wear one of the old bulky ones. Minjun gives me an annoyed shrug as he gets his- throwing one to me, maybe just to be helpful. Then he even stands next to me.. and chooses me as his CS partner. I can only observe helplessly, trying to keep my eyes off his handsome face or his muscles just fighting to be let out of his shirt.Oh, I wish....wish what though? I keep having to remind myself that I'm the mother of a four year old, and even if there was an opportunity I can't date because he needs the only attention I have. I can't be like how the girls and women in the toilets describe me.I have to be responsible, don't I?I've just composed myself, I feel in control of my brain... and then my stomach does a backflip again."Hey pretty, stop staring at thin air. You're with me."