
Way of the Devil

Demons, devils, ghosts and monsters Plunge the mortals weak in horrors; Arms of gods and blades of devils, Shroud the world in untold evils. Lu Sheng was an ordinary civil servant in the modern world. After waking from a drunken stupor one day, he found himself trapped in a dangerous world where demons, ghosts and supernatural monsters terrorize the land. In this world, ordinary mortals live in dark fear and helplessness, without any means to fight against the supernatural. As Lu Sheng struggles desperately for survival, he stumbles upon a game mod he had designed for a mobile phone app in his previous life. It unexpectedly becomes his special ability, which enables him to instantly level up any skill he learns, albeit at a cost. Thus, Lu Sheng begins his journey, striving for power beyond the reach of a mortal as he treads the way of the Devil…

Get Lost · Huyền huyễn
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772 Chs

Unrest (2)

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Ignore him. Leave at full speed," Lu Sheng ordered in a lowered voice.

With this, the two of them sped off.

Yun Ye was not moving fast. Coincidentally, Liu'er's forte was in the Escape Arts. She had lowered her guard just now, while she was going off at full speed at this moment. The distance between them did not shorten, but had increased instead.

Yun Ye was slightly flustered when he saw this. It was not easy for him to catch up to the heavily wounded Four Seas Sect's sect master. If he could gobble up the two of them in one go, the time he needed to recover and improve his strength would have been greatly shortened.

He displayed a greedy expression on his face, and black Devil Qi rolled out of his body. He used it to accelerate.

"Brother, can you wait up? This poor Taoist has no ill intentions." He put on the guise of an innocent passerby. He wanted to numb the two of them, but they did not fall for his trick.