
The Three Reasons

Norgai went silent for a second. And then he narrows his eyes and question Jayeux.

"What if he doesn't win? Right now, he seems unstoppable but there is many people who have tried to do what he is trying to do. And there is more story of failures than of success"

Norgai paused for a second and ask

"What if he failed later?"

Jayeux could explain to him that this time Aeryon really picked the right time to unite the people of the Steppe and the people outside the wall.

The Yan is in a civil upheaval, Roma has its own problem, Western Zhou has a succession crisis and Yindu has never been able to penetrate toward the Steppe in a military manner.

All the circumstances is there for Aeryon to take advantage of. In the past, each time a chief of the great Steppe tries to unite the tribe, there is always foreign interference.