
Water Element

PureLmnde · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

Kaito proceed to slowly go to Shun's Mother's room. He was skeptical about going there since she probably left after all this commotion but going there can lead him where he might find her, like clues like foot prints or blood trail… anything.

When he got to the room, the door was open… and it stinks. It reeks of the smell of blood. He slowly approached the door and peeked what's inside of the room.







The room was filled with blood and black stains… It was a mess. The chairs and equipment were thrown and broken into pieces... Blood tainted walls. This place…used to be Shun's hiding spot whenever he and kaito were playing… It was so clean and beautiful but now…It's unrecognizable.

The room was filled with blood but… that's not the only thing that catches Kaito's eyes…

It was his father's wife… Shun's Mother… Crying…Shouting and begging for the demons to kill her while the demon feast on her legs eating it and ripping it apart from her torso. Blood dripping, Blood curling screams, and desperate cries of his step-mother, Everything… He saw everything. His stomach started twisting and his heart burning.

[I want to cry…Stop hurting her… No…]

[Kaito… Focus, if you whine… you won't be able to save her… So, think.]

[… Focus.]

C-Rank demons, looks like that's what these demons are, C- Rank Demons are known for their Dirty White - Grayish skin, Blood shot red eyes and Huge teeth and claws with unusual behavior. Most demons just take their prey's soul but these demons eat people alive before taking their souls… Out of all demons… It maybe not intelligent but this type is the most violent. They have strong defensive abilities. Their skin is resilient to physical attacks, as far as the books he has read said… C- Rank is hard to fight in one-on-one combat but you can outwit it and can either trap it and lure it out with animal meat or attack and damage their gills to make them have a hard time breathing and make them lose their sense of smell and sight. Killing them…is not an option because no one have ever killed Demons above D-Rank, except for higher level fighters.

Kaito started thinking whether he should risk it or not.

[She is already considered dead… How can I fight 3 C-Rank demons while protecting someone who can't use magic to fight nor their legs to run? Fuck. We don't have too much information with demons in the first place, Also, I only know healing and defensive magic…I can't withstand physical attacks and Obviously I won't even be able to go near that thing, as well as damaging it. Okay think…Kaito think… Don't panic… What should I do… Look for a weakness… Think of every possibility you can think of…?]

[Huh? What is this? That thing…groaned in…pain?]

Kaito saw that the demons flinched when the sun reflecting from the windows touched them… Now that he noticed that. He scanned the room…The lights, chandeliers, lamps everything was smashed and broken into pieces… The couch pillows chair everything was broken but… The curtains are perfectly fine. The windows don't have damage on it. It seems like they purposefully didn't touch it.

[Are they afraid of the light? Or are they scared of heat? Wait no… If they are sensitive to it then how did they manage to even get here?]

Kaito waited a little more because he wanted to gather more information, he was getting impatient until saw the demon walked pass the window… The part that the sun touched the demon, turned darker shade of white. It didn't groan in pain and waited for his turn for eating the poor woman.

[Huh? So… That's their real appearance…In books their fur was describe merely as a dirty shade of white so… That's how it is.]

[Okay, Let's assume that they are afraid of both, either way their skin is sensitive when their skin turns to a snow-white color… which means that's their weakness! Whenever they are eating, they tend to keep their guard down and show their true colors.]

[Also, they are taking turns? Why? Is that some rule for them? The other two looks like they are starving though…Why are just waiting? I thought they are known for their barbarian ways?]

[Does this mean… We can actually turn them against each other?]

[Okay, this maybe just a theory but this is important… Good job me.]

[Alright then… Is there something I could use to set them on fire?]

Kaito saw the spray sunscreen that his step-mother usually uses because she had sensitive skin and the damaged lamp still sparking because the ignition source is still alive…the magic is still there. Kaito had an idea. He proceeds to the plan and try to distract the demons.

"Tsk, I hate to use this but…Fuck." Kaito winced as he activated the healing magic and use it on the ball that he found. Rafflesia Arnoldii, this healing magic is used for stopping internal bleeding but usually when you use it… It smells like rotten burning meat.


"Hope this works" Kaito used a strong magic on it and it successfully got the attention of the two demons. He holds his breath when the demons go their way to the ball the Kaito set for them and stayed quiet.

The 1st demon went pass at him without a problem, drooling as it tries to follow the disgusting scent…While 2nd demon stopped near him and starting grunting and sniffing around him.


Kaito started sweating as he thinks carefully whether he accidentally put some Rafflesia Arnoldii on him.

[Am I dumb?]

[No, Of course I am not.]

[Fuck, I did not memorize and read all those dusty books to be this dumb and die like this.]

[No No No…Right?]

[I didn't put some on me… Right?]

[Okay Fine, Plan B. If I did then put some on me then I have no choice to use my defensive magic and trap him inside of the water for a few minutes… I still have the element of surprise; I need to use that properly.]

While Kaito was planning his back-up plan, the 2nd demon suddenly licked the blood stain and some fresh flesh hanging on the curtain that was across from his hiding spot and start running to the direction where the 1st demon went.

He sighs a breath of relief as he cautiously looks through the door and see the situation inside. The 3rd Demon is eating his step-mother's leg while the poor woman is laying on top of the table, rapidly losing blood and unconscious.

He is finally down with one demon but the time is ticking. He proceeds to the second stage of his plan and that is…Killing the 3rd Demon.