
Watch the rain

In the year 2400 a man named Samsara is forced to partake in war. While in a battle, he is shot and this brings a thought to his mind, what was being primal.

robus_duplobus · Quân đội
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Tell me what it is

I rushed into a trench as the enemies gunned us down. As I was squatting down, I felt a cold sensation in my leg. I lifted my uniform and patted my foot. I was shot. The pain began to expand but I had to bare it to survive. As I stood back up, my helmet went flying and I fell back. I stood and limped behind a destroyed tank. I peeked around the corner and threw a gas bomb. I ran through the smoke putting on heat seeking goggles and shot down the Entarians. The dust began to clear and I tried to limp back to no avail. A bullet pierced my abdomen and I fell. I covered my head with blood and played dead. I would probably die but it was worth a try. If I died then at least I'd be remembered as a hero. When my world ends at least I read it through. As my vision fogged, I caught glimpse of the bright blue bullet trails and thought, where was humanity before civilisation, when it was "primal".

I awoke inside the hospital facility. By some miracle, I'd lived to see another day. My heart rate was 40 beats per minute. A nurse came in the room and explained, "You've been shot in the liver and you will return to the battlefield in three weeks". I just listened silently laid down. After three years, I finally had a goal. I remembered the day the army came to my home and I had to leave my wife and kids to fight this war. The only friends I'd made had all died in the war so I'd given up on making any. I just had to pray to God that I'd survive.