
I'm Not Going To Give Up On You

Was there anything real about Cody at all? He had felt like an impostor frequently since escaping the Agency but never more than he did in this moment participating in a normal family barbecue. He didn't belong here and he knew it.

This was exactly why he hadn't wanted to meet Karli's family. He could never properly be a part of her world. This was the sort of thing she would want from him since she loved him but he would never be able to give it to her.

At the end of the night on the drive home after everyone had said their goodbyes he felt even worse. He couldn't do this anymore. That level of pretending was too much for him.

"Are you alright?" she asked softly after thirty minutes of silence hanging heavily in the car.

"No. I'm sorry, Karli. I don't belong in your world. Tonight made me realize that more than ever. I can't be what you want me to be," Cody said tiredly.