
Wastelanders: War of Iritheum

Under the rule of their God-King, the People of the Wastelands live an underprivileged life on the outskirts of a mysterious dark sphere known simply as the Black Ball. Theodore Gray, a sharp-witted teen, finds himself in the crossfire of a war-brewing between the God-King and an elusive rebel group that has emerged to challenge his rule. After a life-changing event and the discovery of an unfamiliar system, Theo and his friends must choose between their current life of oppression or one that could lead to the liberation of their people.

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20 Chs

Message for Your God-King

Isabella, Tana, Benny, and the recruits, accompanied by the remainder of the workers, made their way up a steep slope, bathed in the shimmering moonlight that pierced through the night sky, casting an ethereal glow on the narrow trail. At the hill's peak, Marco, alongside the other recruits and evacuated people, eagerly awaited their arrival. Aeda and Aida spotted them and hurried in their direction, their excitement radiating from their voices filled with relief.

"Hey, you guys! You're all right!" Aeda exclaimed, vigorously waving them down.

"Yeah, just barely!" Bryce responded, returning the wave with equal enthusiasm.

Relieved to see everyone unharmed, Aida addressed the group as they ascended the hill. Her words, carrying a genuine sense of concern and solace, "Glad to see you all made it back okay."

Curtis, seizing the opportunity to catch up, added, "You guys as well. So, how's it going on your end?" 

"We're fine. The others are, too," Clarissa assured as she silently crept up behind Curtis, cradling Mimi. Curtis's face lit up when he noticed Clarissa standing beside him. So much he couldn't contain his delight in her presence.

"Rissa, I always knew I could count on you!" Curtis exclaimed, his face burning with a smile as he affectionately patted her shoulder.

Confused by Curtis's use of a pet name, Clarissa questioned, "Rissa?"

Curtis began to respond, but before he could utter a word, Aeda's anger flared, and she swiftly intervened. 

"It wasn't just Clarissa! We all pitched in, you know! Isn't that right, Aida!?" Aeda exclaimed, turning to her twin sister for support. Aida, gaining confidence among the recruits, softly shouted, "Yeah... We all helped!"

Curtis chuckled at the twins' minor outburst, and Mimi, seizing the moment, leaped out of Clarissa's arms and into Theo's, licking his face. 

"Silly girl," Theo chuckled, gently stroking Mimi's head. "I'm glad you're safe, too."

Acknowledging the truth behind everyone's safety, Clarissa spoke up as the recruits observed the workers joyfully reuniting with their loved ones. "To be honest, Marco led us here. He deserves all the praise," she explained, giving credit where it was due.

Among the commotion and heartwarming reunions, Mera darted by the recruits, fixated on a woman in the crowd. Overwhelmed with emotion, the woman called out, "Mera!? Is that you!?"

"Mom!" Mera's joyful cry echoed through the air as she crashed into her mother's waiting embrace.

"Oh, Mera... My sweet girl, I can't believe you would scare me half to death! Don't send me into such a panic again..." Her mother's voice whimpered with relief as she clutched her daughter tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks as their hearts emotionally intertwined.

"I'm so sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to worry you. I promise I won't ever do something like that again," Mera reassured, enfolding her mother in a comforting hug and delicately wiping away her glistening tears.

In that tender moment, Faye and Colt appeared by Mera's side, drawn in by the intensity of emotions. Mera locked eyes with Faye's gaze, a silent understanding passing between them as she handed her the teddy bear, Suki, that Faye treasured so much. However, to Mera's dismay, Faye became overwhelmed by her emotions. She flung the cherished toy to the ground and embraced Mera in a desperate hug.

"Mera... Please, never put us through that again! You always put yourself in danger for me. I was scared you wouldn't come back," Faye choked out between sobs, her voice fluttering as her grip on Mera tightened, seeking solace in Mera's reassuring presence. Colt stood by their side as he watched their emotional and heartfelt reunion.

"Mera... Next time, I won't let you do something stupid like that. I swear it," Colt vowed, a firm determination gleaming in his eyes. Mera's smile radiated warmth as she soaked in the love and concern of her companions.

Benny approached Marco, who stood at the hill's edge, his gaze fixed on the raging wildfire.



Marco acknowledged Benny with a respectful nod as he greeted Benny's presence. 

"How did things go?"

"Everyone's accounted for," Marco replied, his voice steady and calm. Marco stared out into the darkened sky. His gaze remained locked on the mesmerizing dance of flames devouring the land.

"I didn't do much. All I did was guide everyone to the safest place I could find. I didn't put my life on the line like you and the others."

"But, Marco, your task tonight was crucial," Benny affirmed, his hand finding its place on Marco's shoulder. "Your parents would be extremely proud of the remarkable man you've become. You've done an exceptional job. Sometimes, we become so engrossed in celebrating the achievements of others that we forget to acknowledge our own."

Marco absorbed Benny's wisdom, his mind drifting into introspection. After a fleeting moment, he deftly shifted the conversation, redirecting his thoughts elsewhere.

"So, how did it go for you?" Marco inquired, his eyes filled with anticipation, awaiting Benny's response. Benny took a moment, the weight of the night's events heavy upon him, before finally mustering the words.

"We lost several extraordinary men tonight," Benny spoke solemnly, and with a heavy sigh, he retrieved a gleaming silver flask from his pocket. With a swift motion, he uncapped it and brought it to his lips. Benny took a long, fortifying swig. 

As Benny handed the flask to Marco, their gazes locked, and Marco's initial shock transformed into a profound sadness, silently sharing the weight of Benny's burdens. The enormity of the situation hung in the air, amplified by the sad sounds of sobbing emanating from the crowd behind them.

"I'm not sure how I will explain this to the others, but I suspect they have already grasped the truth," Benny confessed, his voice laced with anguish and acceptance. 

Marco, mirroring Benny's actions, raised the flask to his lips and took a large swig. The bitter taste left a wrenching look on his face, a true reflection of the bitterness that now colored their world. Together, they turned their attention towards the Iron Fortress, its once-mighty structure now reduced to smoldering ruins.

Stretching out from Benny's stronghold, the Iron Forest, a vast expanse of the forest lay scorched and lifeless, still ravaged by flames. Inanimate bodies of fallen Devils sprawled across the scorched earth. The bodies transformed the landscape into an eerie graveyard of war and eternal slumber. 

Standing atop a distant hill, Sedgwick, Branch, and his soldiers observed the scene, keeping a safe distance from the battlefield. Branch's frustration was evident as he checked a concealed device hidden within his inner pocket. He let out an irritated sigh before bringing his discovery to Sedgwick's attention. 

"Sir, it pains me to report that we have lost all one hundred Devils..."

Sedgwick clenched his fist tightly, his expression a reflection of the deep disappointment he felt. Turning to his soldiers, he issued a command, every word filled with resolve, "We're returning to base! Gather the horses!"

"Retreating so soon, Section Commander?" a voice taunted Sedgwick from the shadows of the night.

"This is not a retreat!" Sedgwick roared, his voice echoing with fury as he spun around to confront the audacious culprit.

"It wasn't any of us, sir," Branch explained as Sedgwick stared down the handful of soldiers before him. Sedwick scanned the area to see only Branch and his men who occupied the space. 

Suddenly, a wicked gust of wind swept through the surroundings, drawing their attention towards Nozomu, who had been effortlessly hovering above them. 

"Yo," Nozomu greeted, gracefully descending to stand before Sedgwick. 

"You..." Sedgwick muttered, caught between a surge of emotions as rage and a deep sense of worry rendered him motionless.

The air crackled with tension as a sudden gust sliced through Sedgwick's soldiers, causing them to crumple to the ground, their necks oozing crimson streams. As the once-confident Section Commander stood frozen in fear, his spirit crushed, Nozomu casually draped his arm around Sedgwick's shoulder.

"You have a minute?" Nozomu's voice pierced Sedgwick's turmoil, leaving him at a loss for words, his mind blank as he felt Nozomu's arm around him, the same man who had caused him so much trouble. Sedgwick couldn't fathom how someone like Nozomu could dare to address him, let alone wrap his arm around him as if they were comrades. 

To Sedgwick, Nozomu was considered the lowest of the low. A Person of the Wastelands. Scum. Internally, Sedgwick burned with fury. This man had no right to possess the Dyna System, let alone command a gang of individuals who also utilized its power. They were the scum of the earth, after all.

"Wha-What... What do you want?" Sedgwick stammered, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"In exchange for your life, you'll deliver a message to your God-King for me," Nozomu whispered, and his words sent a chilling shiver through Sedgwick's body. Desperately, Sedgwick tried to signal Branch for assistance, but as Branch took a step forward, a ferocious gust of wind halted his progress.

"It's a simple message, just three words... I know everything," Nozomu stated, hovering in the air, out of Sedgwick's reach.

"I know everything...?" Sedgwick repeated to himself, puzzled by Nozomu's cryptic words.

"Now that I think about it, this is the second time I've spared your life, Section Commander," Nozomu proclaimed, soaring into the night sky. 

"The next encounter between us will likely be on a much grander battlefield than this, and when that time comes, I won't hesitate to kill you. Whether it's me or one of my subordinates, we will not rest until we've taken the heads of all the Five Section Commanders and, most importantly, your self-proclaimed God-King, Sen Elkai."

With his final statement, Nozomu zoomed into the vast night sky, filled with shimmering stars. Sedgwick remained frozen in place, consumed by fear and anxiety. Branch approached him, concerned for his well-being.

"Sir? Are you okay? Sir?" Branch waved his palm in front of Sedgwick's face but received no response. Sedgwick was lost in a battle of roaring rage and infernal fury as he watched Nozomu disappear into the distant horizon.

"Deliver a message...? Me!? Section Commander Sedgwick Fullerman, deliver a message for this vile creature of the Wastelands!? Me?! And he dares to claim he spared my life not once but twice!? Branch! Who does this Wasteland scum think he is!?" Sedgwick's voice reverberated with fury, his anger uncontainable as it reached its boiling point.

"Sir, I empathize with you, but we must stay focused. How should we proceed with our report after all of this? The Section Commander meeting is just around the corner," Branch reminded him, but Sedgwick brushed him off without giving any attention. Instead of listening to Branch's concerns, Sedgwick ignored them and stormed off in frustration, consumed by his thoughts.

"You'll see soon enough what happens when you toy with me... I'll teach you, you worthless inhabitants of the Wastelands, a valuable lesson," Sedgwick muttered under his breath as he unfastened his horse, preparing it for the upcoming journey. 

Reaching into his inner pocket, Sedgwick revealed a small detonator. His hand emitted a faint glow of Dyna as he used his thumb and pressed the button. As Nozomu soared through the enveloping darkness of the moonlit night sky, his gaze descended upon the desolate landscape below, strewn with the lifeless bodies of the Devil. Suddenly, the chests and necks of the Devils ignited with a vibrant, crimson glow. 

Nozomu watched in disbelief as he observed the reddish illumination of the Devils from his aerial vantage point. Simultaneously, in a breathtaking spectacle, all the corpses of the Devils erupted in a dazzling display of explosions. Nozomu was caught off guard by the sheer magnitude of the blasts.

"Well played, Section Commander. Well played," Nozomu murmured, absorbing the sight of the scorched and devastated terrain before him.