
Chapter 68 Inheriting Skills

Women who conceal their pregnancy status when they join the company and sign a labor contract, relying on the labor protection regulations for female employees, take sick leave for a long period of time with pay, which is a malicious fraud. I didn't expect that the purpose of the eldest sister's work would be to defraud the company of paid maternity leave first!

Weiwei was really dumbfounded.

"Sister, think about it, I won't mention these words again. I think you'd better not forget Shen He's divorce agreement. If you read it carefully, you will see that between the lines, money is being used to hold you back. Or rather, I despise you..."

"You are talking nonsense!"

Feifei stared at Weiwei excitedly. Weiwei smiled and said goodbye.

If a person is stubborn, it is a waste of words to say anything to him. With Feifei's cleverness, if she wanted to, how could she not understand these great truths of life!

At noon, the autumn tiger began to show its power, and the air in front of the tile stove seemed to be evaporated, and it seemed like a mirage in front of him.

Weiwei put down the shovel, grabbed the scarf around her neck and wiped the sweat from her forehead. At this time, assistant chef Aqi pushed open the backyard door and called out to Sister Weiwei. Aqi would like to introduce his younger brother, who just graduated from the chef training school, to work with Crock Pot. Weiwei was in need of manpower, and asked Aqi to bring his junior brother to see the job. Archie looked happy.

"I'm afraid you don't need anyone, so I haven't dared to tell you. In the past two days, I saw you burning the stove in person, but Le Yi didn't come again. Everyone was so busy hitting the back of the head that they dared to speak up. His name is Ali, He and I came from the same town, and now we rent a house with me, and it's quite hard work. Then I'll notify him immediately, you can try the work first, or let him go back if he can't. "

At the end of the afternoon market, Aqi went to welcome Ali. Ali has a darker complexion, is stronger than Aqi, and is more introverted than Aqi. He does not talk much, and works quickly and easily. Although he just graduated from the chef school, his knife skills are extremely skilled, even better than Aqi, who has two years of work experience.

Weiwei immediately decided to let Ali officially start work. Ali didn't seem particularly excited or happy, he raised his head and smiled at Weiwei, and continued to peel the radish.

"Ali's pickled radish skin is very delicious. It's what his mother taught him. It's a pity that his parents are sick one after another. I hope he can take root in Guangzhou. Sister Weiwei, thank you."

Aqi looked at Ali with pity in his eyes.

The evening market opens, and each table presents a plate of secret radish skin. As expected by Weiwei, Ali's radish skins were warmly welcomed after being packaged by her. Before leaving, some guests proposed to buy some radish skins to take home and save them as porridge for breakfast the next day.

"I'm sorry, the radish skin is temporarily not available for takeaway, and a takeaway companion will be launched in a while, please come and enjoy the time."

Weiwei's mind flashed, thinking of the famous takeaway hand companion canned multi-flavored fish in Mingji Teahouse in the city. When the evening market was about to end, Weiwei asked Ali and Aqi to discuss together to develop some sauce series, and Ali was suddenly surprised.

"My mother used to sell pickles in our town. She learned the craft from my grandmother. My grandma's family has been in the pickle business in the Qing Dynasty, with a history of hundreds of years. The pickles made by my mother are very special in the local area. It's popular. Although I didn't learn it from my mother, I watched her work since I was a child, and I probably knew the process. After a few experiments, I should be able to make more than a dozen."

"Okay, let's start the experiment tomorrow, and finally keep three of them as signs. Write down the ingredients you need first, and I'll go shopping tomorrow morning..."

"Then I'll go grocery shopping with you tomorrow morning. I can borrow a tricycle from the landlord."

Ali seemed even more excited than Weiwei, and being able to inherit her mother's craftsmanship was the best memory for her mother.

At five o'clock the next morning, Ali rode a tricycle and waited in front of Weiwei's small courtyard on time. It was just dawn, and people who got up early and busy were already running on their way to make a living.

The wholesale market was full of people, and trucks full of fresh fruits and vegetables were parked on both sides of the road. The vegetable sellers negotiated fiercely with the truck wholesalers, and baskets of green and red vegetables were loaded onto the vegetable sellers' cars.

Weiwei is not qualified to go to the truck to order vegetables like the vegetable vendors, so she can only continue to walk in and enter the street-style vegetable market to buy ingredients sold in bulk. Only in the wholesale market open in the early morning, the fruit and vegetables sold in bulk are also more than half cheaper than the residents' meat market and supermarkets.

Weiwei and Ali walked around the vegetable market one after the other, knowing the prices of each ingredient well, and then they began to target them. After a while, the tricycles were piled up into hills.

"Sister Weiwei, do you have to get up so early to buy food every day?"

Ali was one year older than Weiwei, and it seemed reluctant to call her Sister Weiwei, but he was embarrassed to call her by her first name, so he had to call her like Aqi.

"It doesn't come every day. The business in the store does not need to purchase so many vegetables in large quantities. The ingredients needed now are delivered to the store by a vegetable distribution company. But if your experiment is successful, you will have to come every day in the future. Purchased."

"The radish skin in the secret juice last night was not my fault. The fine tangerine peel you added at the end was the finishing touch. Not only did the faint earthy taste of the radish skin disappear, but the improved taste was even more wonderful. My mother's pickles series have been made, and the key is to wait for you to discover better flavors."

"Well, let's work together!"

Weiwei likes Ali's flamboyant and down-to-earth character very much. Along the way, the two kept discussing the ingredients and cooking, forgetting the bumps of the tricycle. It wasn't until she got off the car in the store that Weiwei felt sore all over her body and her legs were so numb that she couldn't move.

Weiwei supported a tree with red velvet flowers at the door and watched Ali unload the vegetables from the tricycle to the kitchen. At this time, I heard the sound of a car coming from behind, and a dazzling cheese Ferrari with an open hood rushed towards Crock Pot.

Seeing a man and a woman sitting in the car, Weiwei's feet suddenly felt conscious.

Xie Hui and Qiao Na came to Crock Pot House early in the morning, shouldn't they be here for dinner?

Xie Hui parked the car, took off the black mask, and snapped his fingers at Weiwei who was standing at the door of the Crock Pot.

"It's better to come early than to come by coincidence, she really is a hard-working cook!"

Qiao Na pouted and waited for Xie Hui to lift the wing-like door and stretch out her long legs in nude high heels to get out of the car. She slipped her fingers through her short, smooth hair, revealing a professional smile.

"Weiwei, I didn't expect to disturb you so early. We Xie Shao would like to talk to you about something. If it is convenient, please go to the teahouse in front of us and have a chat over tea."

"I'm sorry, the store is very busy. If you have something to say, just tell us in our store."

Weiwei thought sensitively that Qiao Na and Xie Hui should have come to do charity endorsements for Yingying. But why are they looking for her?