
Pharos (planet)

Kiliman looked around at the men and smiled back.

The Great Rift had torn through the entire Milky Way, and mankind had been visited by the most terrible darkness that had ever infested the world.

Monsters and demons from the Ancient Long Night continued to emerge and ravage the human world.

Humanity's fear, insecurity and despair all echoed through subspace.

Humanity was on the verge of destruction, and the Empire was dying and about to collapse.

It is these people in front of them that sustain the Empire's last existence.

In this moment of bureaucratic corruption and the confusion and fear of all beings, they stepped forward and carried the responsibility of guarding humanity.

"It is a pleasure that we can gather here."

The Progenitor's voice did not need any augmentation device to reach any corner of the hall for all the commanders to hear.

"Our race faces an unprecedented disaster, the fall of Cadian Fortress is only the beginning, an unprecedented darkness is converging, humanity is just one step away from extinction, the Great Rift has torn through the entire Milky Way, and countless planets are deep in catastrophe. Our duty is of immense importance, especially at this moment, gentlemen."

"In order to save the Empire, and to undo the destruction of humanity, reform is imminent. The reforms in the Otrama Starfield, which have gained us popularity among the people and more troops and supplies, have proved the necessity of the reforms."

"But there will always be people who covet the power in their hands and try to resist change, putting their own interests above those of the empire and the race. At that time, the pressure you will face will be heavier than ever, and the Chaos Gods will not let us succeed so easily. They will deceive you and lead you down the wrong path, and I only wish to advise you here that when you are confused and uncertain, you need to quiet your mind and ask your heart why you are fighting."

"Is it for the honor of others' admiration? Is it for the cheers of victory? Or is it for the guardianship of my people, to guard my father's glory and to fulfill his great unfulfilled dream?"

Kiliman was silent for a moment, pausing tactfully for a few moments to mobilize the people's emotions before continuing to speak.

"For whatever reason that set you all on this path. This time, I want you to fight for humanity, for the Holy Empire, and for the sake of guarding my father's glory and fulfilling that great unfulfilled dream."

"I, Imperial Regent, Lord of Ultramar am with you all."

A loud cheer accompanied Kiliman's last words.

The thunderous shouts of the starfighters also merged with the sound of the rustling loudspeakers.

The Proto-Body's speech mobilized the people and made them stir.

In the next meeting, Kiliman briefly explained the mission.

To push for the reforms currently underway in Ortrama and to reorganize the political and economic environment of the empire.

And most importantly, the conquest of the alien forces of Charadon.

Charadon is currently a mix of human, space undead, and orc forces, with skirmishes going on year after year.

If the threat could be completely removed, the Charadon star area would become a powerful arm of the expedition.

A huge holographic projection hovered above the heads of the many attendees.

The projection listed in detail the various galaxies in the Charadon Sector, the Imperial Army, the Merchant Families, and the warbands stationed there.

Kiliman assigned each of them a task, so that they could kill the alien forces in the Charadon sector once and for all.

The war council did not last long.

The main purpose of convening this meeting was not supposed to be deliberative, it was just to inspire these Imperial Loyalists.

Regarding the planning of the war council, Kiliman had long ago conducted many simulated confrontations with the help of Sicarius, Fikris, Amaric, and others.

With the power of the original cast starfighters, it would not be difficult to win this war.

When the meeting was over, Kiliman had Amariki, Celestine, and Clovis stay behind.

None of these three's strengths were in fighting the aliens.

Nor did Kiriman intend to involve them in the battle for the Charadon Sector.

For the sake of secrecy of his plans, and to say something that might sound a little disrespectful.

Kiliman dismissed everyone, leaving the three alone to converse.

This left Celestine and the others confused.

What kind of mission was it that would make a Protoss so discreet.

"I have a brand new mission for you." Kiliman looked at the three who were left behind with blank faces and said in a deep voice.

"What is it? My lord." Amaric asked as he looked at the protoform in disbelief.

"We have achieved a little, but a greater danger is still looming. You should all be aware of the fact that the light of the Emperor's Star Torch can no longer cross the Great Rift to illuminate the dark realms of the Empire?" Kiliman looked at the three, "Without the Emperor's Star Torch, subspace navigation for humans has become even more difficult, and extremely dangerous for the various warbands. My renegade brother is also in the Dark Realm, trying to build his twisted psionic empire."

The three nodded.

The news Clovis had brought wasn't top secret, they were all entitled to know.

"We can't be led by the nose by our enemies, but that doesn't mean we do nothing either." Kiliman looked to the three, his eyes misty for a moment before he continued to speak, "There is a place I need you to hold for me."

"What place, my lord." Celestine asked.

"Faros, where lies our hope of reclaiming the Dark Realm and defeating Magnus."

Kiliman reached out and a holographic projection appeared in the air with his movement.

A green planet was outlined by the projection, slowly rotating.

From the data, it was a poorly developed colonized world.

"What's here?" Amaric inquired in disbelief.

Kiliman pondered for a moment before finally deciding to be honest.

"There is a lighthouse-like device here that will help us with subspace navigation."

"This isn't human technology is it?" Clovis asked with some gravity.

"It's an alien technology, I used it ten thousand years ago. At that time the Milky Way was in worse shape than it is now, the gods had set off a terrible subspace storm to try and make humans their slaves and playthings, and my father had the heavy responsibility of fighting the gods."

"At that time, when the light of the Star Torch faded away and disappeared, I activated this mysterious technological device that had helped me contact St. Giles and Lain, allowing us to face that shocking rebellion together."

Kiliman hid some information.

The existence of the Second Empire did not lend itself to telling.

The reason for the Second Empire was simply to consider the possibility that the Emperor had been killed by Horus.

He had to make preparations for humanity to continue to fight against Horus.

But others wouldn't feel that way, they would feel like they were trying to replace the Emperor.

"A whole new team of researchers has set out to dissect the technological devices on Pharos, absorb their principles and apply them. This way, we can give the Imperial Dark Sector some help in building some beacons that will allow the Imperial fleet to escape the subspace storms."

"Utilize alien technology??" Clovis grimaced.

"We have no choice, and we can't simply assume it's Alien tech, the knowledge doesn't belong to just anyone, it's just that the Alien's pioneered the use of that knowledge, are we going to give it up? To condemn the people of the Empire to deep suffering for the sake of some unnecessary insistence?"

"The one thing that is most likely to stop us from applying these technologies is Chaos, and you are all the strongest beings against Chaos. So, I need your help to help me guard Pharos until that research team gets enough data to be able to eat through and replicate those alien technologies."

Kiliman looked to Clovis, who still had a hesitant look on the other's face.

"And to defeat Magnus, Clovis. Without Pharos' lighthouse tech, what are we going to do to stop Magnus, the subspace storms alone could kill half of the Imperial army."

Hearing Magnus and associating it with the other party's crazy plan, Clovis finally nodded.

"Very well, it's decided, so let's each prepare to depart."

Kiliman beamed.


Three days later, the imperial army assembled in the Connaught Galaxy split into several teams.

For the Battle of Charadon, the Protoss had all assigned them different tasks.

Celestine, Amariki, and Clovis also traveled to Planet Pharos with their own secret missions.