
Mockery from Kiliman(1)

The power of the Demon Progenitor was terrifying to the extreme.

The scepter in his hand was waved, and the raging spiritual energy was driven recklessly.

The entire landmass of the planet trembled violently under Magnus' terrifying powers.

The oceans tumbled, and gigantic waves of a thousand meters rolled over and surged towards the coastal Nestor cities in an attempt to submerge them.

A subspace rift surfaced across the planet, more stable than those before it.

Demons flooded into the human world once more.

This time it was even more frantic.

The red-letter warriors of the Thousand Sons Legion also attacked the imperial army under the leadership of the sorcerer.

The Red Character Warriors were a very special kind of existence, similar to machine puppets like magic.

They were once normal warriors of the Thousand Sons, and were later transformed into Red Word warriors by sorcery.

Sequence 15's Thousand Sons Legion was a legion of all psychics.

The battle power was very strong, but the instability of the gene seeds caused these warriors to mutate to a certain extent.

As time passed, the entire legion then slowly fell into an unusually horrific and irreversible flesh and blood mutation.

Magnus once tried to stop the flesh and blood mutation of the Thousand Sons Legion, and so negotiated a deal with the Lord of All Changes, the God of Conspiracy, also known as Treachery.

For this, Magnus paid the price of an eye in exchange for a solution.

The deal offered by Treachery, however, only lasted until just before the Horus Rebellion.

Moreover, there was absolutely no after-sales on this one.

Any problems that arose afterward were ignored.

Such a suggestion could be called a treacherous deal.

After the Horus Rebellion, the flesh and blood of the Thousand Sons Legion mutated and became even more uncontrollable.

A large number of Thousand Sons Legionnaires turned into some sort of unnamable monster.

In order to help his brother, the great sorcerer Ariman came up with a super spell to stop the flesh and blood mutation by studying the Book of Magnus.

This spell freed a small number of Thousand Sons warriors from the flesh and blood mutation, but beat the souls of most of them to ashes, their wills forever imprisoned in their armor.

Magnus was enraged by this and banished Ariman, once the most highly regarded of them all.

Because of their lack of flesh, Red Letter Warriors are immortal, and the only way to destroy them is to completely shatter the armor.

It can be said to be one of the most terrifying existences in the Mutiny Legion in terms of combat power.

The imperial army, which was originally winning and in a great situation, was quickly reversed after the Red Letter Warriors entered the battlefield, and was soon crushed.

"Shrink the defense line, don't get attached to the battle, and execute deserters on the spot." Liji shouted through the streets, trying her best to maintain the collapsing imperial army.

At that moment, a huge explosion rang out.

Countless pieces of wreckage flew out, the explosion and those fragments with a huge impact caused many imperial soldiers to perish on the spot.

An old model Rilumans heavy tank was smashed into pieces by the Red Character warriors that came out of the portal.

This scene caused the already routed Imperial army to become even more chaotic.

Those powerful sorcerers were also using sorcery indiscriminately, dumping thunder and lightning, and gusts of wind inside the imperial army, causing a large number of deaths and injuries.

"All is dust."

"All is dust."

"All is dust."

The Red Character warriors repeated their cold words without any emotion, like cold mechanical voices.

They raised their weapons and mechanically and numbly pulled the triggers.

Runic bullets were fired, slaughtering every living person in sight.

Their muzzles were adorned with ornate runes that twisted and mutated with the flow of etheric energy, opening and closing like the throats of unnatural creatures.

The Red Letter Warriors fired bursts filled with deadly sorcerous energy, unleashing it on impact and tearing apart everything in its path.

Neither armor, nor flesh and soul are spared.

There were also some Red Letter Warriors who wielded flamethrowers, and those radiant flames melted the armor of even heavy tanks with ease.

What was even more frightening was that those things that were melted were not simply destroyed, but combined together in an even more twisted form to form brand new monsters.

Under the immense psychological oppression and the completely unequal firepower attack, the Imperial army was ushered into a complete rout.

Lige was protected by the stormtroopers, but she was also caught in a siege of red-letter warriors and demons.

Seeing her loyal subordinates continue to die under the enemy's siege.

A hint of despair surged in Liji's heart.

She realized that she would also perish and return to the emperor's embrace.

At this moment of crisis, the psychics scattered all over the planet sensed the arrival of another terrifying psychic energy.

Just as they were terrified as to whether a new Chaos force had joined the feast to carve up Pharos.

Spectral whispers resounded from every corner.

The shrines of the Emperors all shook.

Amidst the trembling prayers of the priests, fiery figures of burning flames stepped into the fray from nothingness.

Dressed in pitch-black armor, wearing skeleton bone ornaments, and wreathed in Etheric fire, the Legion of the Damned appeared at the most critical moment on Planet Pharos.

A thunderous rain of bullets swept through, crushing the terrifyingly loud forces of Chaos.

The Red Character warriors went up in smoke under the attack of the blasts entwined by the Cursed Flame.

Seeing this scene, Lige's face showed joy.

"All troops gather around me, any act of running away by turning their backs on their comrades will receive the harshest punishment under the laws of the Empire."


Seeing the Cursed Legion take the field, all commanders at all levels were ecstatic, and they did not waste the advantage that these silent allies had fought for.

They hurriedly ordered all their troops to reorganize and launch a counterattack in coordination with the Cursed Legion.

No one knew where the Legion of the Damned came from.

All that was known was that they would respond to the Empire's plea for help at some point, descending from nothingness to the battlefield and winning victory for the Empire in a devastating manner.

Many Imperial scholars believe that the members of the Legion of the Damned are the souls of loyalists collected by the Emperor.

The Emperor used his supreme greatness to mold those souls into shape again so that they would continue to fight for humanity.


On this side of the fortress, Magnus, who saw the Cursed Legion make their entrance, also realized that he didn't have much time and needed to act quickly.

He was seen raising his scepter high, ready to completely destroy his brother's base.

Without the Navigational Beacon, the Imperial Army would be plagued by the Etheric Storms of Subspace, with no way to focus their forces against Chaos.

The Human Empire would become an empire with only half of its borders.

In the fortress, the Gray Knight Grand Mentor-Clovis decimated a twisted evil demon.

His steel boots stepped on the corrupt corpse of his opponent and killed other enemies.

But there were really too many enemies.

Along with the descent of Magnus, the demons' offense became more and more frantic.

Just after decapitating an Evil Demon, seven or eight of them surged forward.

Clovis raised his explosive gun and pulled the trigger continuously.

The powerful recoil caused his body clad in Terminator Power Armor to vibrate slightly.

The bursts that had gone through the sacred prayer ritual penetrated the demons' bodies, easily expelling them back into subspace.

Valen's screams rang out.

Clovis looked in the direction of the sound and found several evil demons surrounding the Gray Knight who was responsible for guarding Valen.

Clovis wanted to go for support, but he was unable to do so.

He was similarly surrounded by evil demons.

By the time he resolved those disgusting monsters with sharp claws.

Walking over, he found Valen already lying on the ground, already dying.

His stomach had been broken open and his intestines were visible in everything.

Clovis made a quick assessment that he was dead, no mortal could survive such a horrible injury.

The dying Valen's eyes were filled with fear and remorse.

Tears streamed down his well-maintained face.

He looked to Clovis who was looking down at him, "I'm sorry."

"I didn't mean for this to happen, I just wanted to, I just wanted to continue to serve the Emperor, to continue to serve the Protoss."

His tone was filled with remorse.

Valen reached out to touch Clovis's armor, "I really didn't betray, really, I never would have touched the spell if I had known it had this consequence, I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't have touched Chaos, their promises are always false, like a vicious trap that constantly lures people deeper and deeper into it. They tend to promise good things in the beginning, but they always end up with eternal torment."

"There is nothing that can free us from suffering, and there is no such thing as eternity. Once you deal with Chaos, everything you have is stolen from you by those charlatans; your youth, your vigor, your health, your soul. The only blessing that Chaos can bestow upon people is an accustomedness to enduring pain."

Clovis gazed at the remorseful Valen, "You have forged a great mistake, even if your intentions were good. You should not forget the teachings, I don't like the State Church or the Inquisition, but they had some moves that were spot on. Do not try to draw on the power of Chaos, even for the best of intentions, or you will surely suffer the backlash."

Valen died with remorse.

He had held on for two and a half centuries, working diligently to keep himself alert to corruption and depravity.

Restrained his desire for materialistic pleasures and kept himself from being distracted by external objects.

But in the end, he fell to the temptation of Chaos.

Chaos does not only tempt others from material things, but also from the heart, from the spiritual level.

Utilizing people's desire for beauty and loyalty to the emperor, it lured people onto a terrifying path.

"Go." Clovis didn't have time to grieve for this wayward soul.

The demons were still raging, and their mission was not over.

Demons and traitors raged in all parts of the fortress, waves of madness crashing through the defenses of the loyalists.

Eerie whispers resounded through the fortress, and twisted forms were everywhere.

Mortal servants howled in terror mixed with the war cries of the original cast starfighters.

A disgusting, putrid odor filled the air.

A large number of mortal soldiers died in battle.

Their limbs were twisted and distorted by the supernatural evil fire of the Other Side, their torsos turning to translucent glass in the flash of light.

Twisted monsters lunged out of the darkness, and a large number of broken limbs and arms were scattered all over the ground, just like an earthly Shura.

The original cast star fighters did their best to maintain the defense line, trying to expel those twisted and abominable monsters.

They formed one formation after another, trying to ensure that they weren't swept away by the demons and traitors.

As the psychic energy fluctuated, warriors from the Legion of the Damned appeared in the fortress as well.

They were silent, utilizing bursts of fire entwined with cursed fire to help the Imperial Loyalists clear out the demons.

The original cast starfighters were able to catch their breath, and they quickly recovered their combat strength with the powerful restorative power provided by the Heart of Kiliman.

In conjunction with the warriors of the Legion of the Damned, they fought against these subspace evil demons.

The huge caliber explosive guns roared continuously, harvesting the twisted flesh and blood in pieces, gradually advancing to recapture the lost defense line.

Clovis also ran to the battlefields everywhere.

The black sword that sealed the demon chattered.

It was still tempting Clovis to use its power.

Unfortunately, Clovis ignored the black sword from the beginning to the end, and instead buried his head in hunting demons as usual.

Soon with the assistance of the Cursed Legion warriors.

Clovis was able to rendezvous with Amarich, as well as other important figures of the warband.

"The demons keep coming, we have to get to the root cause." Clovis said, he could already see all the threads of fate going in one direction.

That was the direction where Magnus was.

Banishing him would solve everything.

"Where are the saints?" Instead of responding positively to Clovis, Amarige inquired about the situation of Saint Celestine.

It was too strange that she hadn't even been seen when something like this happened at the fortress.

At those words, the concentrated crowd looked at each other and all said that they hadn't seen the saint.

Thinking back carefully, it seemed like they hadn't even seen the Battle Nun.

"It stands to reason that saints and battle nuns would never defect, huh?" A company commander of a battle regiment whispered, "Why don't we see them come out?"

If saints would all defect, it would be an absolutely fatal blow to the imperial faith.

However, since saints had appeared in the history of the empire, there had never been a record of them defecting.

"Could it be that they left, or perhaps they were transferred by the enemy with a ruse." Another original cast starfighter said.

The people exchanged ideas for a while, but nothing came of it.

No one knew where Celestine had gone?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)