
I think I'm going to be the boss.

The sound of machinery humming echoed from the Silver Hammer's Carrier Deck.

The Silver Cranium Battle Group squads selected for ground combat jogged into their assigned positions for a final arms check.

Thunderhawk gunship transports covered in heavy armor had activated their engines and were waiting to take them to the ground.

The munitions machine servants, hollowed out of their ribs and fitted with servomechanisms, moved slowly between the carriers, placing shells, power packs, and fuel pumps in their designated locations with steel-boned, exposed hydraulic tube robotic arms.

Battle Corps Minions came and went in a hurry, bringing equipment, medals, and weapons and ammunition to the soon-to-be-deployed proto-cast starfighters.

Warband Chaplains marched along the rows of ready-to-go fighters, leading them in the chanting of the Warband's battle rituals and affixing oath papers to their ships.

Wise angels and silver-plated servo skulls hovered above the heads of the warriors, and they carried incense burners that oozed out heavy smoke, making the entire Carrier Deck smoky.

Battlemaster Korvu and Wisdom stood in front of the observation deck, watching the final preparations.

A minion clad in the robes of the Warband came up and said respectfully.

"Captain Inser informs us that the Imperial fleet has successfully gained control of near-Earth orbit and is ready to go airborne."

"Looks like you're going to get a war you've been craving, Captain." Jiku said.

"You make me feel like a war-hungry space coyote when you say things like that." Korvu looked over to the Warband Think Tank, a smile on his steely face, clearly joking with the Think Tank.

"I follow the will of the Protoss and fight for humanity and the Emperor. War is merely a means we use, not a tool for our own pleasure."

"The 10,000 year long wars have long since made us lose our original hearts, the Emperor created us for peace, but many of our brothers have sunk into the wars and can't extricate themselves, this is undoubtedly a great sadness." The Think Tank smiled tantalizingly, his tone not without some mockery.

"The Force will change all that." Korwu said, "We are changing, humanity is changing, even if it is only a little bit for the Empire, it has made a good start, our task is to help Lord Protoss, to continue to expand these changes, and one day, the dream of the Emperor will be realized."

"I hope so." Jiku said, as he pulled out an Imperial Tarot card, plain and simple.

Korwu picked it up and looked at the face, a joker card that was fooling the audience and making people laugh.

"The Joker of Fate." Wisdom said.

"What does that mean?" Korvu frowned slightly, "Do you mean the fate of mankind or this battle."

"I don't know, I was thinking too much when I divined it, and it skewed the results. It may be neither, or it may represent both. Prophecy is full of uncertainty, and the Joker is the most complex card in the Emperor's Tarot, representing foolishness and playfulness. No one knows whose face is under the jester's mask until the show is over."

"You should concentrate on predicting this battle, not thinking about the rest." Korwu placed the crystal-polished Emperor's Tarot card back into Wiseguy's hand.

"Chief, the prayer is over." The priest's voice echoed in the warband channel.

"Alright, the conversation about divination is now over."

After saying that, Kolvu no longer paid attention to Wisdom and walked straight to the observation deck railing, facing the Warband brothers who were about to go out to battle.

He pressed the communicator, which he used to augment his voice.

"Brothers." Korvu's voice carried throughout the Carrier Deck, "Once again, we will fight in the name of the Lords and Emperors of Ultramar."

"In ten minutes, the fleet will enter planetary orbit and we will be airborne for combat, straight into the face of those damned greenskins, let's add another victory to the warband's record."

The other fighters responded to Kolvu over the comms.

They chanted slogans, filled with high fighting spirit.

"For the Emperor."

"For Kiliman."


Korvu watched them, a smile on his face as he pressed the rune button on his iron fist and a ceramic alloy heat shield slid down to cover his helmet.

"One last check, then prepare to go airborne."

Korwu ordered the warjack's contemplative to confirm basic information on servos, weapons and ammunition, and flight pack fuel.

Waiting until all the helmet panel's prompting runes turned green.

He stepped towards a gunship machine that emitted a low humming sound.

The other fighters followed closely behind and entered different gunship machines.

After confirming that everyone was ready, Kolvu activated the squad battle mode and shared each other's data information.

At the same time, he distributed the originally formulated strategic arrangements to each squad.

Flight paths and war maps appeared in the minds and eyes of the fighters.

"Confirm your mission, brothers." Kolvu said through the communication channel.




One after the other, voices from various squads came over the comm channel.

"Let's make it a big one then, start airborne."

Kolvu gave the order.

The pilot of the gunship pressed the start button and a slight vibration traveled down the metal bulkhead to the group.

Energy was channeled into the propulsion system, dazzling flames erupted from the propulsion ports, and a huge thrust propelled the massive gunship transporter, slowly pulling out of the carrier deck.

Accompanied by rushing sounds and flashing lights, the huge hangar door was slowly opened.

The Stormbird fighters were the first to sweep out, they were needed to suppress the orc's anti-aircraft fire for the original cast starfighters and conduct a bombardment to weaken the orc's resistance.

The four-square Thunderhawk gunships followed, rushing towards the planet that had been infested and polluted by the orcs.


On the mine.

"Waste shrimp." Orc Warrior Ufo poked the humans lying on the ground with his own hammer, muttering with dissatisfaction.

Another dead shrimp, the boss would surely hammer him to death if he knew.

They needed a lot of shrimps to dig up stuff, and then give it to the mechanic boy, who turned that stuff into iron, and then built all sorts of goodies.

So, they can't get all the shrimp killed.

Otherwise, they'd have to go digging for stuff themselves.

Ufo didn't want to go digging for stuff; digging wouldn't get you all those high-grade scraps and parts, and it wouldn't get you all those shiny teeth, and it wouldn't make you greener, bigger, and stronger.

Orcish orcs only got bigger, greener, and stronger on the battlefield.

Uver touched the modified big gun at his waist, looking for the possibility of taking out his boss with a single shot.

His transformed big gun was a fine one.

The big gun was so big, so thick, so firm.

The caliber was so big that it could take a fart in and out with a bang.

Capable of making all the enemies cry like a fart.

Ufo took his own hammer and fiercely struck the head of the fallen shrimp a few times, hitting it so hard that it bled, and failing to make the other party wake up, he gave up the idea of continuing to save the other party.

Orc medical treatment is very simple, unconscious, just wake him up.

If he couldn't wake up, then he was dead.

Ufo often use this method to save those fallen fart spirit, a hammer down, ten inside can always pop up two or three.

It is a good medical skill.

Ufo grabbed the body of the shrimp and casually threw it into his mouth and chewed it.

The flavor was a bit worse than Scrooge's flavor.

As Ufo chewed on Shrimp's corpse, he took a step towards the war fortress, deciding that it would be better to take out his boss first in order to avoid being taken out by his own boss.

"WAAAAGH, I seek I can be the boss."

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)