
all-out offensive(1)

After eliminating the weak space force of the Space Undead.

Sicarius' command fleet slowly sailed towards the near-Earth orbit of the largest colony planet in the Nordam system - Nordam 2.

As the fleet was about to enter orbit, many of the warships began to slowly slow down.

They chose to enter orbit on the side facing the star.

Under the reflection of the star's cold light.

A horrific massacre of the past appeared in front of the fleet's many senior generals.

When the space undead invaded the Nordam system.

The local defenders put up a stubborn resistance in an attempt to save their homeworld from its sad fate.

However, their ultimate fate was sad and desperate.

It was a merciless reflection of this cruel universe.

It is also a true reflection of the price humans pay for survival.

Survival is not a gift from the universe, but a victory in a cruel fight.

The wreckage of an Imperial cruiser and five or six battle barges are suspended in near-Earth orbit.

They moved in cycles around the planet like artificial satellites.

Icy metal innards mixed with broken wreckage caked into glistening clouds.

Spiralling clouds of oxygen ice with traces of plasma slime.

Broken nutrient tanks, huge square crates of unexploded ordnance, and unopened boxes of Imperial stash food slowly swirled in the void.

The bodies of thousands of crew members hovered in various parts of the void.

Some had faces of fear, some were curled up like babies, and some had eyes open in anger.

Their bodies were covered in white frost, glistening in the light of the star's rays.

The icy silence was chilling.

To keep the human race alive, the Empire was paying for it with a sea of men and women giving their lives every hour of every day.

This was a dark universe, this was a cruel era.

Every life that lives in these times is unfortunate.

The fleet broke into a forgotten tomb.

A grave belonging to the fallen of the Empire.

With the exception of a few despicable nobles.

The men and women of the Nordam system had paid a heavy price for defending their homeworld.

Even if they failed in the end, their spirit was honourable.

"We have returned, with the fury and will of vengeance."

Sicarius whispered softly.

It was as if he was paying tribute to these beings who had returned to the Emperor's seat.

Mankind will never forget, and mankind will take revenge.

The many high-ranking generals surrounding Sicarius were all silent.

They similarly gazed at the corpses and wreckage.

There were many more such void graves in the galaxy.

There were countless alien and chaos forces threatening humanity.

One day, humanity would liquidate these forces one by one.

A heavy voice came from a mechanical priest who walked up to Sicarius.

An icy, rational mechanical voice came out from a vocaliser built under the steel throat.

"My lord, according to the observation data from the Bird Diviner, there is a building belonging to the Space Undead in the Darnum system that appears to be their outpost."

"I know." Sicarius did not turn around.

As he gazed at the tragic scene, he also became more and more determined to follow the Progenitor.

Only the great Lord Kiliman could free mankind from this terrible nightmare.

Only then can mankind get rid of the pathetic fate of certain destruction.

After a few moments, Sicarius turned back to his deputy.

"Get all of our brothers ready, we are about to descend to the surface and decimate those damn metal skeletons."


The teleportation device had already been successfully installed in the Sky Punishment Colossus for its initial battlefield application.

Unfortunately, it hadn't yet been able to become widespread.

It would still take some time.

By the time the many foundry worlds in the Charadon Star Area were proficient in this technical knowledge, they would be able to produce them in large quantities.

By then, humanity would have fully utilised these teleportation technologies.

For now, Sicarius could only take the gunboat planes with his warband brothers to fight in the air first.

With the current teleportation technology, the risk of transmitting to the ground in near-Earth orbit was still too great.

Plus, the catacombs of the space undead were installed with protective force fields that would also interfere with teleportation.

Using teleportation technology to enter would most likely result in an accident.

It was best to airborne combat.

The battleship reached the attack target point of the deep strike with precision.

The space undead on the ground still retained anti-air fire.

Just after entering the designated spot, they were met with intense bombardment from the Gauss array artillery.

The space undead's Gauss weapons were far stronger than the humans'.

In no time, the battleship shields were continuously bombarded.

The defence system sounded a sharp alarm.

The contemplators connected to the massive hull sounded alarms one after another.

The entire battleship was shrouded in sharp, flashing red lights.

Sicarius, with two of his personal guards, stepped through the marble gallery and entered the airdeck.

Original cast starfighters from multiple warbands were ready.

Warband servants were being withdrawn from their full ranks.

The Chaplain had also collected his seal and the rest of his prayer paper.

The pre-battle prayers were over.

The warriors could be thrown into battle at any time.

Meanwhile, the airborne deck in the belly of the battleship slowly opened.

The ejection mechanism was ready, just waiting for the original cast starfighters to enter their airborne pods, after which they would be ejected straight out.

Cold, unsoftened stellar light stabbed straight in.

The coldness of the void caused a white frost to begin to condense inside the deck.


Sicarius did not say anything more.

The oath of war had long since been turned into hot blood flowing through their every cell.

All the war brothers were waiting for the baptism of blood and fire.

The airborne troop team was divided into two parts.

Part of the original cast interstellar fighters were sent into the airborne cabin, using the barbaric method of meteorite impact to send them into the battlefield.

One part of the Original Cast Starfighters used jetpacks to land.

They needed to make tactical arrangements based on the form of the battlefield.

With Sicarius' order to start the battle, the members of each squad activated the shared interface and clarified their tasks.

Their mission was very simple, clear the planet's surface of space undead.

Take this world back from those metal aliens.

Wait until all the original cast starfighters were ready.

The airborne countdown sounded.

Along with the countdown, the various readings were slowly raised.

With the countdown returning to zero, the airborne silos all launched within seconds.

Like small arrows fired from an invisible bow and arrow, they stabbed straight at the planet.

The huge propulsive flames caused the airborne pods to blast into the ground like meteorites.

In just a few seconds, the airborne pods were all thrown out.

Fighters using tactical airborne backpacks also leapt out of the battleships in near-Earth orbit and rushed towards the planet using their thrusters

Sicarius was one of them.

Every time he was airborne from near-Earth orbit using an airborne backpack.

He had the illusory feeling of feeling small.

The planet was so huge that he was as insignificant as a black dot.

"Let them meet the fires of human vengeance."

Before entering the atmosphere, Sicarius roared loudly.

All of the original cast starfighters involved in the battle roared along with him, making the space undead pay dearly for what they had done.

The airborne pods were the fastest, trailing flames like meteorites as they crashed into the planet's surface.

The Space Undead locked onto them as they burst into the atmosphere.

Dense gauss beams continued to crash into the shields and bulky armour of the airborne pods.

Red warning runes constantly flashed in the airborne pod panels.

Sicarius and the others followed closely behind, and with the help of their thrusters, they went directly from the outer orbit, entered the atmosphere, and then shut down their thrusters and fell down to the planet's surface in a free fall.

That would be extremely easy for the enemy to misinterpret as falling debris.

This tactic was quite effective.

The enemy often waited until they were about to hit the ground before noticing anything strange.

The sound of violent winds rang in Sicarius' ears.

The earth became clearer and clearer in his eyes.

The snow-covered mountains and the frozen lakes were in the midst of drastic expansion.

A loud roar suddenly came.

Following the sound, Sicarius saw that an airborne pod had been hit.

The top half of it was chipped off, and dazzling flames lit up the air.

A warrior was flung through the shattered airborne pod.


An angry, mournful roar emanated from the communication channel.

A Warband brother couldn't hide the grief in his heart.

"Remember him."

Sicarius saw a point of light on his helmet disappear, signifying that one of the Warband brothers had left them and returned under the Imperial Throne.

Sicarius struggled to control his anger, trying hard to suppress it with reason, it was not time to explode yet.

Looking through his goggles at the giant, dark black pyramid made of unknown materials on the ground, he added the second half of his sentence.

"And then avenge him."


The airborne pod was the first to land on the ground.

It was accompanied by one loud rumble after another.

The Emperor's angels were thrown by the airborne pods into the vicinity of the black pyramid.

The huge impact left spiderweb-like cracks on the frozen earth that had long been broken beyond repair.

"For Kiliman, for the Emperor."

With a high-pressure airtight sound.

With a bang, the hatch was ejected right out of the way.

The ejected metal hatch was so powerful that it plunged directly into the ground.

The fighters who rushed out shouted the names of Kiliman and the Emperor.

The sound of intense firefighting rang through the communication channel instantly.
