
Warden Blossom : Ante Initium

In a kingdom plagued by the oppressive rule of the diabolical Queen Anarchy, a daring tale unfolds as the prince is abducted by the notorious Asperity Palace. With the entire realm in turmoil, hope flickers when the Superior Leader of the Cardinal Manors rescues the prince, vowing to protect him from the clutches of tyranny. Eager to unveil the identity of his savior, the prince escapes the safety of the manor, only to realize that his absence plunges the kingdom into greater peril. As he grapples with the weight of responsibility, whispers of a mysterious force unsettling the Asperity Palace reach his ears. Demons within the palace meet brutal fates, sparking suspicions that the vengeful Superior Leader is orchestrating a vendetta against their oppressors. The prince, torn between loyalty to his rescuer and the welfare of his people, finds himself at a crossroads. In a riveting journey filled with intrigue and moral dilemmas, the prince must navigate a treacherous path. Should he side with the Cardinal Manors, whose leader seems to be exacting a bloody revenge on the Asperity Palace, or should he forge his own destiny, standing against both forces to save his kingdom? As alliances blur and the line between friend and foe becomes indistinct, the prince's choices will determine not only his fate but the destiny of the entire Kingdom of Liberta. Will he emerge as a savior or a pawn in the ruthless game of power? The captivating saga unfolds as loyalties are tested, and the prince discovers the true price of freedom.

SevenSolaris · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs


Carlos and Ruby quietly followed the woman. They traversed through the red barren wasteland of demon houses and abandoned ruins. As they walked, watchful eyes stared at them, yet not daring to get closer. Remembering what she had heard earlier, the woman was no longer able to hold in her curiosity, she turned to the prince and warily asked. "Sir... May I... Ask something...?"

"Yes, you may." Carlos replied.

"You were called "Your Majesty". Are you... perhaps... the Queen's son?"

Carlos was silent at first. But then he had no other answer but "Yes." Though it was partially a wrong answer, he still grew up in the palace as the prince. 

The woman backed away, unsure of what Carlos' intentions were. "How can I know that you won't kill us?" she asked once more. She pulled her child away from the prince's sight, hiding him from the harm that might come their way. Prince Carlos hurried to answer. "I am against the Queen." He said without hesitation. Yet the next words seemed to become lost. "I am with..." He struggled to speak further. He cannot say that he is with the Cardinal Manors, he is yet to know them. He does not agree with what's going on between the Superior Leader and the Asperities, even if the other leaders were more merciful compared to her. 

"I am going to lead a revolution." Carlos dictated. If the Cardinal Manors will lead a war, the prince will lead a peaceful revolution. "I escaped the palace, and with this freedom, I will help the kingdom regain what it lost and cast away all evil."

Looking at the prince, the woman couldn't help but doubt. "But are you not like them too?" she spoke without fear.

"I am human." Carlos assured.

"Your eyes says otherwise."

Carlos was silenced once more. His eyes were as red as that of a demon's, indicating that an evil being's blood ran through his veins. He is undoubtedly a demon, at least the windows to his soul says so. It was as red as the rest of the Asperities, the enemies, and the Queen. "I was... Simply born with a disease." The prince denies it still. "But I truly am human."

"I'm not convinced enough. Especially with that Asperity standing beside you." The woman continues to question his sincerity. Her fear turned into contempt. "How can you say you'd lead a revolution against the kingdom's colonizers when you're a victim yourself? Look at you. You are controlled."

Angered by such words, Ruby tried to confront the woman. Carlos saw Ruby's irritated face and stopped her from moving forward. He knew she would violently lash out.

"The Asperities are not all evil, many of them were forced to serve the Queen and follow her wicked ways. They are still capable of change. They too, can fight against evil." Carlos insisted.

The woman was unsatisfied with his answer. In fact, he found his resolve delusional and unrealistic. How could one think of forgiving oppressors and murderers, while also going against them at the same time? It was questionable. Yet, with how it is now, the woman had found a way out, and the prince will be leading her there. If she were to go against him, she might be abandoned once more. "You did not convince me. But..." She said. "I take it that you've become our hope. Do not betray us."

"It is my duty. I will not fail you." Carlos nodded.

Ruby on the other hand, had her arms crossed and head turned the other way, not wanting to look at the woman. "Let us hurry, time will not wait." She impatiently behests the prince.

They continued to walk a long distance. As they went farther away from the bridge above them, they'd found themselves in a soundless place filled with still waters. Passing by the crimson walls, the red atmosphere dissolved and drowned in the blue illuminations. Blue fireflies were scattered across the empty skies, mistaken for young stars hovering above the dark. Plants crawled on the ground, but unlike the greenery of the surface, it's bodies looked like corpse limbs void of blood. One might say these are the souls who died longing to return to their homes above. Flowers grew, emitting luminescence to try and overtake the darkness that swallowed them, but it's tiny petals and stems could only light up a footstep, not the road. 

Reaching upon an area filled with large tents, they paused, standing before a silent group of barely surviving humans. Though they were alive, they were soulless, idly sitting and waiting for their demise. The young tucked themselves into their blankets with their mothers and fathers, eyes clinging on to what little hope they see in a hopeless place. Seeing the children wait for their friend, the woman carefully put down her child, running off to his friends to hug them. Even so, raising the corners of their lips seemed to be an impossible feat. Their bright emotions were taken away from them. Carlos felt pain just by seeing these people in such state.

"You, demon woman. Get something to cover your face." says the woman, fearlessly commanding the Asperity. Unable to bite back at her, Ruby simply followed her command. With just a wipe on her face, a black metal mask appeared and completely covered her face.

"Everyone! Listen carefully!" The woman then raised her voice, pulling the people's ears towards her. "We have here the proclaimed prince of the kingdom." Hearing the word "prince", the quiet place shifted completely into a chaotic crowd circling around Carlos, many became hopeful, while many were angered. Some threw insults, telling him to go away as he is the Queen's son and a demon, wanting him out of their sight. Yet these were stopped by the hopefuls who looked at him with a beaming face dreaming of finally getting out.

Carlos was stuck in the middle, pressured by the overwhelming sight of humans and unable to even speak of why he had come here. The woman saw him speechless, and turned to her fellows to command them to be silent. "SILENCE! You are in the presence of royalty, behave and listen!"

The crowd eventually calmed down. This time, it was Carlos' turn to say something. He looked at Ruby and the woman, obviously seeking help amidst his loss for words. His hands nervously fidgeted. "Well...uh... I am here... to..." He stuttered. "I am Prince Carlos... and... I... as prince I will... take you all out-" The crowd screams in terror. "Wait- No no no! I meant-!" Carlos helplessly try to calm them down once more. "I meant I'll- I'll get you all out of here, back to the surface!" Again, the crowd settled down. 

Carlos then continues. "I am the Prince of this Kingdom, Anarchy... the Queen, has been making the kingdom suffer for, I don't know how long, but... uhm... Now that I... Got out of the palace... I... Plan on leading a revolution against the Queen, to save this kingdom."

Unbelievable, the crowd thought. One man will not take down hundreds of winged, horned, and deadly demons. His sword was as thin as a twig, his arms were unfit for battle, and his resolve was completely delusional. Even if he managed to somehow lay a blade on the Queen, his head would be cut off in mere seconds. He looked weak. He could not even speak properly before the people he vows to save. The crowd was too doubtful of his abilities. Perhaps his blade was sharp enough to cut and drive away lowly brutes, but to take on the Asperities is a different story. Not only are they powerful, they are cunning and deceitful.

"Ahem." The woman beside the prince overtook him. "Anyway, we found a way out of here, believe it or not. So pack your things, we'll be leaving."

"Mellissa, how the hell do we know we're not getting killed if we go with this asshole?" A drunkard scoffs.

"He saved me from the demonic bastard who almost murdered me while scavenging for food. Is that enough?" Mellissa responded impatiently. "We lived here for I don't know how many years, and this is the only chance we have now. We're getting out no matter what, and he's gonna help us do that. So if you don't plan on staying in this hellhole forever, just take the goddamn chance. Now go." Though the people wasn't quite thrilled and was still questioning, they dissipated, leaving to get what they could carry to the surface. Carlos could only sigh. 

I'm finally back! (I had a lot of schoolworks TT)

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