
Warden Blossom : Ante Initium

In a kingdom plagued by the oppressive rule of the diabolical Queen Anarchy, a daring tale unfolds as the prince is abducted by the notorious Asperity Palace. With the entire realm in turmoil, hope flickers when the Superior Leader of the Cardinal Manors rescues the prince, vowing to protect him from the clutches of tyranny. Eager to unveil the identity of his savior, the prince escapes the safety of the manor, only to realize that his absence plunges the kingdom into greater peril. As he grapples with the weight of responsibility, whispers of a mysterious force unsettling the Asperity Palace reach his ears. Demons within the palace meet brutal fates, sparking suspicions that the vengeful Superior Leader is orchestrating a vendetta against their oppressors. The prince, torn between loyalty to his rescuer and the welfare of his people, finds himself at a crossroads. In a riveting journey filled with intrigue and moral dilemmas, the prince must navigate a treacherous path. Should he side with the Cardinal Manors, whose leader seems to be exacting a bloody revenge on the Asperity Palace, or should he forge his own destiny, standing against both forces to save his kingdom? As alliances blur and the line between friend and foe becomes indistinct, the prince's choices will determine not only his fate but the destiny of the entire Kingdom of Liberta. Will he emerge as a savior or a pawn in the ruthless game of power? The captivating saga unfolds as loyalties are tested, and the prince discovers the true price of freedom.

SevenSolaris · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Should I call?

Carlos walked back and forth in his room. His mind spiraled out of control. For hours, he has been rubbing his hands and his arms to soothe himself. His anxiety has gotten the best of him.

Ami. Should I call you? I need your help. But why would I do that? You're the executioner. You killed them. If I tell you about Priscilla, if she does something you won't agree with, you might end up killing her, just like the Asperities who died in your hands. You saved me. But why did you kill everyone else? Why? Why save me but not them? Why do I have to be saved only to hear of their deaths? Why do they have to die knowing they could've been saved like me too? Why couldn't you spare them? But they're the Asperities. They had done the kingdom wrong. They wronged humans. They experimented on them. They killed them. Maybe... Maybe you killed the Asperities to avenge the humans who were too weak to fight back. But not all of the Asperities were criminals! Some of them were kind souls who were forced to serve the queen. They too tried to save the humans who were abducted. They refused to be evil. I saw them with my own eyes trying to be kind to others. They wanted to be redeemed too. No... I... Have I forgotten that I was wronged by the Asperities too? Do I want to be avenged? I was... I suffered in that palace. Do I want to have them killed for trying to kill me too? The Asperities can still be given a second chance. Maybe not all of them can be redeemed, but at least there are still some of them who can be given a new life to repent for their crimes. They did not deserve to be hunted down like animals. But... they ARE animals. No, I don't really think of them that way... right? Wait, but they're demons. They're irredeemable. Would god forgive them? If they do... Should I forgive them too? I guess... I guess I have to wait for the Superior Leader. They have answers. 

"I'm bad at this. I never should've let the leader take me away." Carlos whispers to himself. "I shouldn't have used my power on them. I was wrong. Doing that was a mistake."

The gentle night breeze entered the room, hugging the prince's body as the wind flew through his hair. When the prince glanced towards where the wind came from, a shadow appeared on the window, sitting on its frame. The shadow was large, having six horns sticking out of its head. Though the prince couldn't discern it properly due to the dark, its long hair was flowing freely and its fingers were playfully tapping on its seat. "Is something troubling you, my prince?" the shadow's head turned slightly to the left, wanting to face the prince but couldn't.

"...Ami?" The prince immediately recognized whose voice it was. "...are you really there?"

Ami chuckled. 

"Of course I am, my prince." They said. "But... you cannot look at me yet. You will not like it."

"...I'll just... stay here then."

"As you wish. I will not come closer to you too."

Carlos has many things to say, but couldn't find the right words to start with. His head was kept low out of embarrassment. He thought Ami must've heard him earlier. His silence was worrying Ami, still, they remained calm and composed. "Are you going to find the Red Courtyard with Priscilla?" they asked.

Shocked, Carlos hurriedly raised his head to look at Ami. "How did you...?"

"My servants take care of this place. Everything they see in here, I see it too." Ami explains.

"Then... are you here to... get mad at me?" Carlos became even more anxious than before. And so he hugged himself and waited for what might happen next. He held back his tears. 

"Oh, my beautiful, beautiful prince." Ami softened their voice. They assured him. "No I will not, why must I? Are you perhaps afraid of me?"

"Of course not! You saved me, and I am grateful for that. But... maybe I..."

"Is it because you have heard of the things I have done?"

Ami was only met by Carlos' silence. Yet they were not distressed at all, although they became worried for Carlos and his wellbeing, they made sure not to make him feel as if he should fear them. "Do not worry my prince, your journey has just begun. Everything still does not make sense. I understand how you feel."

Eventually, Carlos mustered up the courage. "What you did to them... Was it all for justice?" He finally asked.

Ami knew what he meant. They also knew what the answer, but it is something that should not be spoken of yet. "Perhaps." they could only reply with simplicity.

Carlos wasn't satisfied. "Ami, answer me please. I have gone insane." He continued to persuade Ami, asking them for answers that will heal his confusion.

However, Ami didn't budge. Their mystery remained uncloaked. "If only I could my prince. But there are things that cannot be explained properly through words. You would have to seek your answer yourself, through seeing what unfolds before you."

"Why can't you just tell it to me now? I do not want to be against you. I do not want to fight you, you who saved me. I cannot bear having thoughts of my sword clashing against yours." Carlos argued while teary-eyed.

"My prince, listen to me carefully." Ami then spoke in a caringly strict tone. "I will not cloud your judgement. What you think is evil, is evil. What you think is good, is good. I will not stop you from waging war against me, nor will I stop your sword from bringing me my demise. Whatever you will think of me now and in the future, I will not try to change it. It is up to you to despise me or not."

"Why? Why can't you just tell me to trust you? Why can't you just tell me that you're on the right side so I can be with you without question?"

"You do not know me enough, I cannot tell you to trust a stranger."

"Ami, you're only making it worse." Tears finally fell from the prince's eyes down to his cheeks.

"I apologize my prince, but this is for the best. I refuse to teach you things that might bring you harm someday. I swore to myself that I will protect you from everything, even when I'm not with you." says Ami as they try to use their voice to comfort him. It wasn't enough. It did not work.

"That night, I told you I'd give you my everything so you could take me away. Ami, I really mean it. I promise to give up everything I have to you so my salvation would be worth it. But please, don't kill the Asperities. Don't do it anymore. I beg you, please give them a second chance." Carlos cried, facing Ami with his heart held in his hand.

"My prince." Ami turned their face forward. "I'm afraid I cannot fulfill your command."

"If you say that... are you going to kill Priscilla too?"

"Sooner or later, yes. I must. It is what I have to do. I will not neglect my duties." Ami's conviction was unmoved. Their voice was firm and strong, leaving Carlos with the impression that they never will change their mind.

Finally accepting Ami's obligations, at last, Carlos arrived at his ultimate decision. He wiped his tears and stood straight, clenching his fist with his face rid of doubts. "My swordsman, I'm afraid you've declared yourself as my enemy."

"Then I am relieved." Ami replies.

Ami came to check if their babygirl is doing well only to leave knowing he ain't their babygirl anymore. They're now sworn enemies (maybe).

SevenSolariscreators' thoughts