
Warden Blossom : Ante Initium

In a kingdom plagued by the oppressive rule of the diabolical Queen Anarchy, a daring tale unfolds as the prince is abducted by the notorious Asperity Palace. With the entire realm in turmoil, hope flickers when the Superior Leader of the Cardinal Manors rescues the prince, vowing to protect him from the clutches of tyranny. Eager to unveil the identity of his savior, the prince escapes the safety of the manor, only to realize that his absence plunges the kingdom into greater peril. As he grapples with the weight of responsibility, whispers of a mysterious force unsettling the Asperity Palace reach his ears. Demons within the palace meet brutal fates, sparking suspicions that the vengeful Superior Leader is orchestrating a vendetta against their oppressors. The prince, torn between loyalty to his rescuer and the welfare of his people, finds himself at a crossroads. In a riveting journey filled with intrigue and moral dilemmas, the prince must navigate a treacherous path. Should he side with the Cardinal Manors, whose leader seems to be exacting a bloody revenge on the Asperity Palace, or should he forge his own destiny, standing against both forces to save his kingdom? As alliances blur and the line between friend and foe becomes indistinct, the prince's choices will determine not only his fate but the destiny of the entire Kingdom of Liberta. Will he emerge as a savior or a pawn in the ruthless game of power? The captivating saga unfolds as loyalties are tested, and the prince discovers the true price of freedom.

SevenSolaris · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Asperity of Envy

"Golden Dragonfly. I've heard so much about you. I'm glad I was given this chance to meet such a respectable young woman." a demon woman of red struts towards Dragonfly. Though her words meant no harm, yet her face was screaming foul words and threats. Her left black eye was bleeding with cracks, barely covering it with stitches, while the other eye glowed a bloody red. Her hands lied on her back, itching to claw one of the pugilist disciples. She seemed calm, but Dragonfly could clearly sense the rage boiling in her veins. Behind her were masked agents carrying crossbows, ready to fire arrows with just a snap of the leading woman's fingers. The agents were positioned around the leader and her disciples, with those on the rooves aiming their bows at Dragonfly.

"Hell yeah, I'm the literal Pugilist Manor Leader! I beat some of y'all's asses back then!" Dragonfly boasted, completely unbothered by the dire situation.

"Of course, your line of work is respectable. I admire your strength."

"Are you being serious or are you sarcastic? Because I seriously can't tell." says Dragonfly as she scrunched her face.

"I come here in peace." the woman then raises her left hand, signaling her agents to lower their weapons. "I do not want to hurt your people or these civilians. All I ask is for you to surrender the prince to us, and I shall leave this city undamaged."

"Yeah, the funny thing is, I do not know what you're talking about. Does anybody here know who the prince is or something? Yeah. Unfortunately, we don't know him, never met him, never saw him, don't know who you're tryna take from us."

The demonic woman walked forward. "How foolish, the Superior Leader must have not told you about how you kidnapped the prince from his rightful place."

"Kidnapping? Isn't that illegal? You think we do illegal stuff? Well maybe half of our work is illegal but we do not support kidnapping royal people!"

"I have no time for your nonsense." The woman was losing her patience, obviously expressing it with the cheek under her right eye twitching annoyingly. Still, she refused to frown. "Hand over the prince and we'll leave you right away."

"Dang, good thing I know a liar when I see one. And girl, you're certainly one of them."

"You..." Accumulated anger spilled out of the demon's eyes. She clenched her fists, erasing the grin on her face completely.

One of Dragonfly's disciples scolded his leader while teary-eyed. "Leader! Stop! You're gonna make things worse!" He yelled at her.

"Nah, it'll be fine." She said. 

From under the demon's palm, red fiery smoke emerged. She pointed her fist towards Dragonfly, extending the smoke left and right, revealing a red steel as it peels itself to the edges. At the end of the right side of the steel pole, a sharp obsidian blade appears as the red smoke dissipates. The demon then heaved the weapon above her and roaringly pierced it's talon on the ground, blasting a wave of gust to those who stood before her.

"Okay, I might've crossed the line a lil bit." Dragonfly nervously said.

With fury in her screams, the woman dragged her spear and dashed towards Dragonfly. "You dare disrespect me, the Asperity of Envy?! You foul-mouthed wench!" she thundered, swinging her spear full force at the golden leader. Quickly, Dragonfly blocked her strike with her golden electrified whip. "Wait a damn minute, you're one of the highest ranking Asperities?" she hollered with her arms struggling to push the spear away. "I thought you guys just sit your asses down in the palace! You fight too?! Come on!"

"I killed the first leader of the Pugilist Manor, you're no different." the demon sneered.

"Oh my heavens, and you killed the old man?!"

"Yes, wallow in grief!" 

"Okay, this would've been an emotional moment if I knew him personally, but girl---" Dragonfly finally charges her whip, electrocuting the enemy weapon and blasting her away. "---shut your ugly ass up!"

The demon was launched forward, crashing unto her agents. Agitated at the sight, the agents re-aimed their crossbows at Dragonfly. 

"Fuck off, loser!" Dragonfly confidently shouts.

"Ami?" Carlos quivered, calling out to the Superior Leader. He held on tightly to the window of the carriage, which was speeding throughout the forest as if it was a race. He couldn't clearly hear anything amidst the chaos. Fauna, uncomfortably seated on the roof of the carriage, continuously fired her gun at the unknown beings that were chasing them. The driver kept yelling at the horse to go faster, worsening the noises of the carriage that sounded like it was about to break down anytime soon.

"Yes, my prince?" Thankfully, the leader immediately replies. 

"I... We..." Carlos doesn't know what to say, or rather, he doesn't know how to describe the situation. He looked behind, clearly seeing the soulless monsters chasing them.

"Are you in trouble?" The Superior Leader could hear the commotion, and somehow spoke in a dithery tone.

"Not exactly, but, in... in Ironhaven, the Asperities, they're..."

As soon as the word "Asperities" was mentioned, the leader immediately understood. After less than a second, the sky started to rain out of nowhere. "I'll take care of it. Keep yourself safe." the leader's soothing voice then follows. 

"Wait, Ami, before you go..." Carlos calls out once more. "Please don't hurt them."

"Do not worry, as long as you say so, I will not."

"Thank you, Ami."

"You're welcome, my prince."

The same rain fell on Ironhaven. As the raindrops fell on Golden Dragonfly, she knew it was her turn to sneer at her enemies. "AL-FUCKING-RIGHT! HAHAHAHA!" She loudly boffed. "YOU GUYS ARE SCREWED FOR REAL!" With each drop of water touching the golden whip, sonorous cracks could be heard.

Thunders eventually came, greeting those under the skies with a downpour and waves of thunderstrikes. "A thunderstorm... Tch... You summoned that scoundrel, you coward!" the demon shouts back at Dragonfly.

"Greetings, Golden Dragonfly." an unexpected masked guest arrives.

Dragonfly turned to the Superior Leader and happily waved at them. "You look good today, big sis, you in the mood to fight?"

"I'll leave this to you, Golden Dragonfly." The Superior Leader replies as they grabbed a nearby chair and sat under a shelter. "Let this be a test on your wielding abilities. I want to see your improvement." They casually put their leg on top of the other, resting their intertwined fingers on their knee and watching the scenario unfold before them.

"My pleasure, big bro." Dragonfly says as she returns her eyes to the sight of her enemy.

"You.. YOU! I am Ruby of Envy! You think you could defeat me?!" the demon pointlessly tries to make Dragonfly fear her with her authority. However, she failed to notice that the agents who stood beside her have all dropped dead, stunned by the sudden rain and the scattered thunder bolts.

"Hey, big sis! Should I go all out?"

The Superior Leader responds. "No, the prince says we shouldn't hurt them. Follow his orders."

"Alright, Miss Ruby of Envy, I'll do my best not to break your bones."