

all war is out

They put the war kids in the wagons, " Granny, Granny. Called, Theodemer, " shh, in the wagons my little, we getting ready to go, said, Seldanna, Sana walked up to her mother, " why is my grand kid calling you. He smiled at his grandmother, " he said Granny, which makes me feel old, said, Seldanna. " war mother you are a great grandmother, they got on their horses, Theodred is in his huddle asleep on her, they ride out of the gates and they closed them behind them, all of war kingdoms is out in the lands of Elvin, protection kingdom is out paroling, and peace kingdoms is breaking bread and celebrate peace, the sun is shining bright in the sky, as they ride down the hills, Allyuna didn't want to say in the wagon with the other kids, she saw her grandfather Theodmer, " Pappy, Pappy! he ride up and take her out of the wagon and put her on his horse, " put her back pawpaw, said. Selphine, " she is my granddaughter daughter, said. Theodmer, " you are pulling Grammy and Pappy. said, Selphine, " how come they can get away with it and i can, " really son when did we never took them out of the wagons during a rally learning, said. Theodas, " oh but you did took them out riding with you father, and what about the time they snack off looking for you two? " war cry there are only grandchild, Selphine and Gantar let him ride with his grandfather, the name war, why you point blame at us, asked. Seldanna, " like you both can't do now wrong, said. Theodmer. " war age we are not bad parents are we let you rage don't say anything, said. Theodas, as they cross Elvin country, " you are wonderful parents, said, Sana. " see if we are is a crime to be there for our children and grandchildren as well? Theodred moan and rubs his face, it was feeding time. they stop on the hills and Theodas in telling them about the hills of Elvin, as Seldanna is feeding Theodred her milk, he is enjoy nice tasty mother's milk, as they day is grow down, he ride up to his wife and newborn baby, " we need to head to the nearest war camp my love, we enjoying ma milk son, " why yes pa it is tasty, you picking up something my love. asked, Seldanna, " uneasy war feeling, i feel better we not camp on lands but in the war camp, he kissed her, she let him rest for air, " mother and father is picking up something, so every war rally kingdoms is heading to a war camp near them, the sun is going down and the wind is starting to howling, Seldanna finished feeding Theodred and they went on their way to a war camp, " ma what is it? all six asked, " what are you activating for, be aware when you are out, the night holds danger i not talking about Dark knights, something dwells at night, " great what in the war is it, asked. Daffin, " i can really say Daffin their is two types one got horns, yes one is call night rider and the other is call dark rider, said. Seldanna, they all entered a war camps and locking the gates and putting up the force fields around the camps, " Kali, Jastira Alias, Ceada take the war point with your husbands and kids tonight shoot at well, ordered, Seldanna, they shake their heads, they let the children out of the wagons, they are running around having fun, Seldanna walked into a tent and lay Theodred on the cox he is fast asleep, she walked out, " we manage to get here in one piece, you saw what there were didn't you Seldanna, may be a miyth or true, they say war queens has the third to see farther rgwn any, " one is a night rider, and is a dark rider my war wisdom we should go east stay out of their path, said. Seldanna, " we not crossing path with them at all we should warn our sisters and brothers to, they walked in the globe room and warn them of the dangers tonight, they all agree in decide to go different way and keep out of their way, after that was done they was fixing meals for them. Due South riding and howling is the Night rider, as he was about to pass by the war camp in the woods he smell fresh meat, young meat, infant, and children, a Night rider feeds off elven children, and infants, it doesn't car if it's a war infant or kid, or protection infant or kid, Love infant or kid, and a peace infant ot kid, a infant is a infant and a kid is a kid. it change it direction for food, it enter the woods, " fire don't hold back! arrow fly at it hitting it in the shoulders and torso, it show it yellow broken jagged teeth and hissed, " right back at you fire again, that was a warning shots this time they mean business, they fire at it, chasing it off and out the woods, this night all their kids is safe, Theodred wake up crying, Seldanna walked in and picked him up, she kissed him, " sh,sh, it's okay. mammy got you let's go find your siblings and father, he walked of the tent, Kali walked up, " my supreme we chase it away but not the last we see of it this night, he smell our young and it is hungry. reported, Kali, " war good all days Kali we decide to take them out things are going out, said. Seldanna, the kids settle down and they start to eat super, after they eat, they settle down for the night, knowing their is a night rider want to feed tonight the war kings and queens even the supreme is uneasy until they get back home, as it circling the woods howling, " will it shut the war up! roared Theodmer, " won't we just put the f#cker out its misery! said. Tarron, " do not move Theodmer, Tarron and Daffin, think about you kid and grand kids, said, Seldanna,