
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
33 Chs

Chapter 5 The Transformation of two friend's

After One years of training in the mountains time passes fast. The two friends turned enemies, they both going through changes. One trying to save his friend and the other turned evil made to hunt the one trying to save him, without his memories to know.

Josefu: finally, this year is over

(Suddenly Josefu hears Diablo's voice)

Diablo: good looks like you did something right over the year I went into slumber

Josefu: Slumber?

Diablo: yes, its just sleeping, I wasn't going to just listen to you talking for a year that's boring but your physical body is nice

Josefu: well yeah I almost died living here

Diablo: now that you have increased to C rank you can handle the full flow of my energy now, we are in better sync than last year.

Josefu: I also felt that as I fought more using my energy

Diablo: now I can teach you my real moves, the name of my style is called Jigoku no Raijin. I will be teaching you my sword technique over time you won't need a sword to perform them.

Josefu: Jigoku no Raijin....what does that mean?

Diablo: It means Hells Thunder God, the second technique I will teach you is Thunder body

Josefu: Second? what's the first?

Diablo: you already know it

Josefu: .....oh Thunder god strike?

Diablo: yes, that is the first one you pick it up quick

Josefu: so this Thunder body what is it?

Diablo: It's a enhanced ability that increases your physical speed and senses.

Josefu: alright

(Josefu begins channeling Diablo's energy throughout his whole body Josefu Feels his senses widening as his feels the surrounding area)

Josefu: This isn't bad (Thinking to himself) let's like my field of view is getting clearer

(Suddenly they loud explosion coming from the Southwest)

Josefu: what was that?

Diablo: you should try out the new move

Josefu: yeah this is the perfect time...Thunder Body

(Josefu's body is covered in Red lightning and he starts dashing through the trees a high speed)

Josefu: this is great I'm moving so fast

(after a few moments Josefu sees smoke from a small fire)

Diablo: what is that?

Josefu: looks like it is some travelers being attack by bandits

(Josefu looking from in a trees)

Diablo: what are you going to do Josefu?

Josefu: Yeah I'll help, I haven't fought a person in a while, That one is the boss with the great sword

Diablo: alright, use your speed to gain the upper hand

Alice: Mom!!!?

Mary: Run Alice!!!

Bandit: quite, what do we do boss?

Von Lee: take the supplies out and kill the dad we can sell those two

Bandit: okay, hold him up

Rin: Daddy!!!

bandit: shut her up!

Josefu: Hey!!!

(The bandits look up and see Josefu crouching in the tree)

Von Lee: Who are you, for your own good leave before you get killed

Josefu: hahaha you think your strong fighting against a old man a his family

Von Lee: kill him

(3 bandits rush Josefu)

Josefu: Thunder Body!

(Josefu moves at high speed and disappears)

bandit 1: where is he?

bandit 2: I don't know

bandit 3: !? there!

(Josefu appears in the air above them swinging down on one of the bandits cutting through him trying to block Josefu's attack)

Bandit 2: !?

Bandit 3: what!?

(the two bandit begin to run away towards their boss)

Josefu: that's all it took

Von Lee: How dare you retreat!

(Von Lee the bandits boss swings his great sword cutting both of the two bandits that ran)

Von Lee: No one retreats without my permission

(Von Lee whistles and 10 more bandits come from behind Von)

Von Lee: I hope you didn't think that was all of use

Josefu: you only out number me but your not stronger than me

(Josefu gets in a ready stance with his sword and starts to gather energy)

Josefu: Thunder God Strike!!

(Josefu rushes dodging through the bandits and stabs the Boss in the heart)

Von Lee: (coughing up blood) !?

(The bandit boss fall over and dies)

Josefu: Now what will you all do

(Josefu releases killer intent)

Bandits: RUN!!!!

(The bandits shocked by Josefu killing thier boss run away)

Josefu: are you alright?

(Josefu helps up the man)

Dwayne: thank you my name is Dwayne grey Hawk this is my daughter Alice and wife Mary

Josefu: no problem I was in the area, where are you heading?

Dwayne: we are on our way to Wentzville, are you a traveler?

Josefu: Yes I am, my name is Josefu can I join you to Wentzville?

Dwayne: of course you saved our lives

Josefu: thank you

(Josefu helps load their supplies back on the carriage then gets in)

Diablo: you should meet back up with Lucy

Josefu: Yeah

Alice: you say something

Josefu: oh sorry, I tend to talk to myself now that I look at this carriage are you guys nobles

Dwayne: only minor noble family that's why the bandits target us instead of the stronger noble family's

Josefu: glad I came by then you guys are nice people

Mary: thank you

Josefu: how long until we arrive at Wentzville?

Dwayne: about a days ride

Josefu: alright then I'm going to rest for a bit

Dwayne: okay

(At the same time at the king's capital)

King: what is it?

Scout: my other scouts told me that Josefu was seen leaving the mountains near Chelan Falls

King: mhmm how long ago was this?

Scout: a few hours ago sire

King: have DK go after him I know he has been mad because he couldn't do anything for this pass year

Scout: yes sire, he might me going to Wentzville or River bank

King: send some soldiers to River bank, then send DK to Wentzville

Scout: as you wish

(the scout leaves)

King: he is finally moving

(Back to Josefu)

Alice: Mister, how did you get so strong?

Josefu: How did I get so strong? haha I won't bore you with a story like that

Josefu: (thinking to himself) I hope Makiru still alive I don't know what the king will do

(The Next Day)

Dwayne: Josefu we are here

Josefu: (yawning) Thank you for taking me here

Dwayne: don't worry here take this money it's not a lot there is an Inn down the street it should help

Josefu: thank you

Diablo: you need to be careful you still have people after you

(Josefu leaves the family and head to the Inn after a few minutes Josefu arrive at The Old Owl Inn)

Josefu: this looks like the place, Old Owl Inn? weird name

(Josefu walks into the Inn and sees a lady behind a desk)

Josefu: hello miss, I would like a room for one night

Winter: that would be 3 bronze Michi

(Josefu reaches into his sack a pulls out 3 bronze michi handing it to her)

Winter: on the second floor fourth door on the right here is your keys

Josefu: thank you

(Josefu heads up to his room)

Josefu: (sigh) I haven't layed in a bed in a while, Time to get some real sleep

(Josefu sleeps untill the next day)

Josefu: (Yawning) That was the best sleep I had in years i seems

Diablo: we need to leave get some new clothes and let's go

Josefu: why the rush Diablo let's take our time

(Josefu heads out his room and leaves the Inn)

Josefu: let's see

(Josefu sees a tailor shop, he walk over and goes in the door rings as Josefu walks in)

John: Hello welcome to my shop

Josefu: Hi do you have any cheap light cloth armor, I don't need anything heavy

John: mhmm let me see I would have to get your measurements

Josefu: Alright

(after a few minutes of of getting measured Josefu fine some clothes)

Josefu: how much is this?

John: 5 bronze and 3 silver Michi

Josefu: ok

(reaching into his sack Josefu looks and sees)

Josefu: here that's all I got left thank you

(Josefu get changed before he leaves putting on a grey long sleeves thin jacket with a hood)

Diablo: now we should go staying in one town to long is dangerous

Josefu: I know, I'm leaving now

(Suddenly a loud explosion goes off and people starts screaming)

Towns people: RUN!!! a Demonic best got into town and is attacking people!!

Diablo: Demonic beast!?

Josefu: let's just go we don't need to.....

Diablo: Josefu Dodge!!!!

(suddenly a dagger comes flying at Josefu face)

Josefu: !?

(Josefu does a backflip dodging the dagger then he jumps back)

DK: Not bad you dodge that

Josefu: Who are you?

DK: I'm here to kill you by the orders of the king

(a man standing with a mask over his mouth looking at Josefu with a crooked stare)

Diablo: this guy is bad new, he looks crazy

Josefu: I know (thinking to himself) I can feel something from him, he isn't normal

DK: I'm going to kill you here

Josefu: (thinking to himself) He has to be be connected to the Demonic Beast

(Josefu and DK dash at each other)