
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 17 Dragonborn Encounter

Josefu: (Sighing)

Lucy: That was one hell of an experience

Alice: for real

Dastreth: hey hey no time to lazy around let go get some drinks!!! haha

Druthrith: that's right my brother come on!

Shinya: I could use a drink

(Sometime later in a Bar in Overgaard)

Dastreth: Hahaha Come on let's have a drinking contest

Druthrith: Alright! Josefu you want to join?

Josefu: count me in

Xanith: Don't leave me out!

(Everyone cheering a drinking on I the bar having a good time)

Lucy: thank you for letting us stay at the inn

Rachel: oh it's nothing it's the least we could do

(Josefu and the rest of the group drink themselves to sleep and earlier in the next day in the morning)

Josefu: (Yawning) what a night

(Josefu looks around seeing Shinya and the others)

Josefu: everyone is still sleep, I'll go for a walk

(Josefu leaves the bar and walk around Overgaard)

Josefu: (Thinking to himself) That fight against those Demonic dire wolves was something else, I should start trying to enhance my abilities together. this will being my techniques to a different level

(After walking for a while Josefu starts to head back to the bar then suddenly he hear the city warning bell ringing)

Overgaard Guard: An monster has appeared near the gate and is getting closer!

(Josefu goes toward the Guard)

Josefu: what did the monster look like?

Overgaard Guard: It's a giant Lizard man

Josefu: A lizard man? is it alone?

Overgaard Guard: ye

Josefu: (Thinking to himself) there is no way a lizard man walk to Overgaard by its self, that may be a dragon born.

Josefu: I'll help don't attack yet

(Josefu rushes to the front gate and sees a tall Creature)

Josefu: (Thinking to himself) I can see why they thought this was a Lizard man but I have seen a dragon before and I know dragon scales when I see them.

(Josefu walks over to the dragonborn)

Josefu: why did you come to this place?

(This dragon born looks down at Josefu)

Snake: My name is Snake the son of dragonborn and I am here for a healer to help my clan

Josefu: a healer?

Snake: yes, I have heard that this city has one and I need them to help me

Josefu: on one second come this way real quick

(Josefu leads the dragonborn over talk in private)

Josefu: now that we are alone I have a request for the dragonborn clan

Snake: what kinda help do you need?

Josefu: my group and I are the rebels looking to form a alliance with the dragonborn clan

Snake to ask for an alliance I wasn't expecting it, does that mean your forces are large

Josefu: ...no recently we lost a huge percentage of our forces, we only have four people right now not long ago we had a large battle against the king

Snake: mhm I don't know I can't make that kind of decision I am not the chief of the clan, of you can bring me a healer than I will take you to my clan to ask the chief about the alliance

Josefu: alright, but why do you need a healer I dragonborn have strong physical bodies?

Snake: I need a healer to save my mother, I am the son of the chief and my mother has fallen sick

Josefu: Give me a few minutes I'll be back

(Josefu head back to the gate of Overgaard going back to the bar)

Overgaard Guard: what did it want?

Josefu: I have business with that creature him, just watch over him till I get back

Overgaard Guard: ok

(some time later Josefu makes his way to the bar and he sees Lucy and the others walking)

Lucy: Josefu what happened? I heard that a monster appeared at the front gate

Josefu: The guard thought a lizard man showed up but it was a Dragonborn

Shinya: Dragonborn? their real?

Eva: I can't believe it

Josefu: yeah he is here to look for a healer for his mother, I asked him for an alliance with us

Lucy: what did he say?

Josefu: he said he doesn't have the authority to make the decision on his own but if we get a healer he will bring us with him to his clan

Lucy: a healer mhm who can we find to help us heal?

Josefu: I don't know yet but lets go so I can introduce you guys

(Josefu lead everyone outside the gate and they see a tall lizard like person with scale all over his body)

Snake: so these are your friends

Josefu: yes let me introduce my friends Lucy, Shinya and Eva

Eva: your really tall

(Eva looking at Snake)

Snake: I get that a lot

Josefu: alright let's get down to business

Snake: so are you able to help me or not

Lucy: what is it that you want help with, we know your mother is sick but what

Eva: yeah I thought Dragonborn don't get sick

Snake: well that's normally that case for us Dragonborn but this isn't a regular sickness

Shinya: it must be a serious illness

Lucy: I think Luke may be able to help he healed Josefu when we were battling he has better knowledge of healing than we do

Josefu: can you go see if Luke can help us

Lucy: yes

(Lucy leave going back in Overgaard to look for Luke to ask for his help)

Snake: while my mother and I were hunting a man came falling out of the sky, had a very ominous feel to him

Josefu: fell form the sky?

Snake: yes, he soon got up and left but they area he crashed into started to grow a plant

Josefu: a plant?

Snake: yes this plant releases an energy like dust it has 13 petals dark blue with red veins shortly after being near the plat she got sick

(After a few minutes Lucy return with Luke by her side)

Lucy: ok I brought him

Josefu: thanks Lucy, Snake this is Luke a type of healer

Snake: hello my name is Snake

(Luke shocked to see a Dragonborn)

Luke: it's nice to meet you

(Snake proceeds to tell Luke about how his mother got sick while hunting with him and explaining the details about the plant that had grew afterwards)

Luke: mhm I have never heard of a plant like that but I would have to see the person sick before I say if I can help

Snake: alright are you able to travel now?

Luke: let me go report to me leader Xanith

Josefu: is that ok Snake?

Snake: yeah

(Luke leaves going to report to Xanith)

Josefu: other than your mother is there anything else The dragonborn clan needs

Snake: mostly food, hunting is the most important thing for us Dragonborn but the food source are high level beast which makes finding food difficult to supply for the rest of the clan

Lucy: that sounds serious

Josefu: yeah

Shinya: hopefully we can help solved the food shortage

Snake: thank you but how.mich longer is your friend going to take

Eva: maybe 10 minutes or he should be on his way back now

Snake: ok

(20 minutes Luke come walking back)

Lucy: what took you so long?

Luke: my bad i had talked with Xanith he said that he is fine with m going with you guys. he also told me where to find him if I need him

Josefu: alright then so if everyone is ready Snake lead the way

Snake: ok it will take some time to get to my homeland

Luke: before we go from the What you told me it seem she is affected by a plant called the Dark lotus but that's weird

Snake: why is that?

Luke: That plant is only found in the heavenly realm that mean whoever that was the fell from the sky was from the heavenly realm

Josefu: heavenly realm? what is that?

Shinya: yeah what's the heavenly realm?

Luke: you don't know? well that understandable not everyone knows about the full understanding of the underworld

Snake: is this that bad?

Luke: yes, depending on the stage your mother's is at determines how bad the illness will be

Snake: let's hurry and go

Josefu and his friends head north along with Snake the Chief's Son of the Dragonborn clan. Snake trying to save his mother from a unknown illness, will he be able to save his mother. who is the person that fell front the sky and what is his connection to the plant. Will Josefu be able to rebuild the rebel forces and save Makiru from the kings grasp, freeing his friend from being controlled and tested on.

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