
War Guard

The second dual book mage in history, an outcast. Wielding the book of wrath comes with great power but at a price. Rage is his enemy, yet his greatest strength... P.S.: This is my first book so please bear with me through the grammatical errors and rough beginning, I promise to get better and the story gets better. Thanks

Alec_Blaq · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter Three

"I'm not really a regular human, and you're not too", He started.

"We are both mages, I didn't tell you because I was trying to protect you just like your mother said".

"Wait, hold up…My mother?", I interrupted.

"Yes, she was the keeper of the book of wrath, which is one of the strongest books of Grait. She was my teacher. Before she died she passed the book to you and asked me to keep you away from the world of magic for as long as I could", He continued.

"Okay so I'm a book mage like I've always hoped, my mom was the owner of one of the books of Grait , I don't know what that is, and you've been lying to me my whole life, am I missing anything".

"So what does all this info have to do with why our house is a pile of rubble?".

"Grait is an ancient human that bent nature and science to create the marvel that is the books which we mages use to conjuer magic, hence why we call it them the books of Grait".

"So You know how almost all the books of Grait don't have just one owner", He asks.

"Yeah, that much I know", I relied.

"The book of wrath has only one owner, it can not split itself to share with an owner's descendants. So it can only be passed down to another if the owner is willing", He said.

I stood there just looking at him all the while trying not to storm off cause I was mad at him and really tired of hearing his voice.

"Look let's find some other place to talk I'm tired of standing", he suggested.

"Okay", I agreed not even trying to argue.

We walked through the woods which was what our house was surrounded by except for the road to and out of our house, until we came out to my favorite field that faced the lake, there was a tree not far from where we were.

We sat under the tree over looking the lake.

"How did she die", I asked.

"Hmm?, Oh Okay.....she fought against a god and she almost won too, the god was searching for you because you are the one that was supposed to wield the book of wrath, it was made for you not your mom".

"He believed that the book could only be fully activated when it is used by you, but when your mother was pregenant with you I guess a fraction of your ability to use the book was passed to her making her the first dual wielder in history".

"Wait if I have the book then where is it?", I asked.

"I don't really know where but she sent the book away after passing ownership to you, she said you'd know how to summon it when you've mastered book magic", he replied.

"How am I supposed to learn book magic without a book", I asked confused.

"Don't worry about that for now", he said.

He stood up and started walking back towards our burned down house.

"Who even did that or what did that to our house?", I asked, there were alot of questions but no comfort to ask them.

"He's a former colleague, he was sent to destroy it so that I would know that they are serious about calling me back"

"Who is serious about calling you back?" I asked.

"There are alot of things I can't really explain to you right now, But I'll answer all your questions I promise. For now let's go to the council of magic, I need to ask them for help", he replied.

"Okay, no problem let's go then", I said, motioning for him to lead the way.

We walked across the streets looking for a carriage to take us to Vasi City. I was very quiet as we stepped into the carriage that would take us to the council of magic. As we zoomed across the big and tall buildings that I had only seen from far away, I couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful city I'd lived across from all my life.

We finally get to the council and Haz paid the carriage man. Walking into what seemed like a very small building I was shocked as the interior of the building got bigger and bigger the more we moved forward, it really was magic.

"Stay here", Haz ordered. I wasn't happy about it because it was just another thing that I would not get to know about, I was very curious it was killing me that I was still in the dark about alot of things.

"Okay no problem", I replied although itching to follow right behind him, I had to control myself.

Haz went into one of the doors and I was left alone in the very large hallway in the council of magic, I felt like exploring a little so I just stepped into the nearest door to me that didn't look like anyone's office.

The room was kinda empty except for a few cleaning equipments that were obviously used for the cleaning of the hallway areas and offices. I was very disappointed that my little attempt at an adventure was so very underwhelming. Stepping back out to the hallway I see Haz coming back toward my direction looking very disappointed.

"How did it go, will they help", I asked already knowing the answer would be that the declined to help.

"No, they said it's not there problem that the couldn't risk investigating something so insignificant", he replied clearly furious at there response.

"Is there no one that can help, although I still don't understand what's going on".

"Actually there is one person that I'm sure would help, we should have just gone there first instead of wasting time coming here", he responded.

We both walk out of the building, and I turn to look at it once more, I was still surprised at how the exterior could look so small and the inside could be so huge. Magic is really cool.