
War Guard

The second dual book mage in history, an outcast. Wielding the book of wrath comes with great power but at a price. Rage is his enemy, yet his greatest strength... P.S.: This is my first book so please bear with me through the grammatical errors and rough beginning, I promise to get better and the story gets better. Thanks

Alec_Blaq · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

It felt like I had been kidnapped and was been led down to their creepy hideout, the funny thing is I was following willingly. Axy was leading me down to the library which she said was underneath the mansion, the complete silence and squeaky sound of the steps made me cold, but at least finally I could see the door into the library after the long walk down.

"why exactly is it so deep down? is there some dark secret people shouldn't know that the library is holding?", I asked.

She chuckled, "I've asked that question before, not the dark secret part, I asked Rick why the library was so deep down and he said it was to protect the books, and also the library served as a fortress of sorts".

"Fortress? What kind of fortress is buried in the ground?", I asked again.

" I don't know, but can we keep walking now, we've been standing at these stairs for at least fifteen seconds now", She replied.

"I never told you to stop I just asked a question and...", I decided to shut my mouth because the look she was giving me was telling me that if I did not stop talking she could hurt me.

We finally got to the door and she pushed it open, the light that blasted my eyes made me go blind momentarily.

"You should close your eyes", She said.

"Yeah, wonderful timing", I replied opening and shutting my eyes to get them working again.

My vision started coming back to me, and even from the blurry image that my eyes were showing I was marveled. The library was even bigger than I had imagined, 'is this the world's knowledge bank or something', I asked myself.

"Come one already I don't have all day", Axy said from a few paces toward the first giant shelf of books.

My eyes hadn't recovered but at least I could fairly see everything now, and yes the library was magnificent, there was light coming from some orb that floated around the ceiling. I fully expected to find dist and cobwebs but I couldn't see anything that could show that this library wasn't visited often.

I was standing in front of Axy but my focus was still on the features of the room.

"Earth to Casto!", she said snapping her hand.

I recovered from my trance and brought my face down finally, " sorry about that, it's surprising".

"I know, so what exactly are we looking for?", she asked.

"Anything book that has information on the use and history of the book of wrath", I replied.

"Okay got it", she said and handed me a rolled-up paper.

I opened it up and saw that it was a map, to be more precise it was a magical map. Two dots were indicating where both of us were in the library and which section holds which book.

"Where did you get the maps?", I asked.

"Over there", she pointed to the left, my eyes followed her hand I saw a shelf that had several maps just like the one was holding.

"We will split up to cover more ground, if you find anything come to the central area on the map ill meet you there", She said.

I agreed with a nod, and we both walked into different sections of the library.

I walked from section to section, looking for categories that the information I'm looking for might fall under. I looked in sections like 'history of the books', 'grait the great and wise', and a few others.

I could see Axy on the map moving just like I was, and from how she was moving nonstop she wasn't making any progress either.

"Check in sections about myth, when I was alive I always heard people say that the book of wrath was like a myth until it surfaced fifty years ago", Strig suggested.

'Okay good idea, let's check', I replied.

I checked on the map to find the section labeled myths, I saw it and I wasn't too far from it.

'The myths of our world' it read, boldly written on the top of the section entrance. I started searching for anything that would look like the information I'm looking for.

The section was way too long I'd almost given up when I caught the glimpse of a book titled "Sightings of wrath" it didn't have much volume but it could give me a little information at least, I took it and started making my way to the center of the map which was also the center of the library. Axy was also moving toward the center of the library hopefully she found something too.

"What did you find?" She asked.

"This", I said pointing at the book in my right hand. "What about you?" I asked her.

"I found this book in one of the unconventional categories and it looked like it will have something to give, THE GODS OF OUR WORLD US is what's written in front of it", she replied.

I opened my book and started flipping pages, it was talking about a man two thousand years ago who was the first man to survive a spirit of wrath rampage.

According to the book, the spirits of wrath once were demons that ravaged the villages of Hyderin in the past. A village far into the east of what is now the nation of Lakia, experienced the most gruesome bloodshed, the demons killed everyone in that village except one man, he was a mage hiding in the village at the time, ancient mages could only summon gods to aid them if they had a contract with them. He summoned a god, the book didn't say which god but the god subdued the demons and granted the mage the power to control the demons, that mage was later called Actre the god of wrath. He acquired power greater than the demons he controlled and the rest of the book was about his life as a god.

I kept skimming through the book I didn't find much useful information, 'I wonder why this was in the myths category', I thought.

I was getting to the last pages of the book when I saw a name written boldly 'AYXASK that is the name of one of the five demons of wrath', it read.

I had gotten useful information, first was the name of the god of wrath, the second was the name of one of the spirits of wrath and the last was that I still had four extra names to find.