


Hi i'm Cassandra six. Six is ​​my surname Btw i have 3 friends or should i say bestfriends. We live together. So we are on the same roof or house should i say. Why? Because we both went to the same school, our parents agreed. Coz yeah 'Friendship goals.' I will introduce my Bestfriends later haha ​​see you!

I am here now in my room watching korean drama. I really admire them so much!

"Omooo!" I shouted happily as I watched the korean drama I was watching.

"Hey, your so loud! My room is very close to your room!" I heard Kendall scold me.

By the way, I will introduce her to you guys She is Kendall Laxon. Our leader. Of the four of us, she was the most stable She is kind in case he just chooses as if he is kind to the kind. But if he doesn't know or you are close, She's not that good or kind haha.

I didn't even pay attention to Kendall because I was watching a drama.


I heard a knock on my door lazily I got up so I just shouted. "It's open!" I shouted and turned back to my laptop.

"Hey girl!"

Delilah aquino is my jolly friend. She's very annoying and she's so hyper at a time! but she's a badgirl too. She likes to read books. Coz yeah reading is life.

"What is that lilah?" Lilah nickname She said we were the only ones who could call her because we are the one who imbented "Lilah"

Lilah - Layla not lil ya. So you know that? Because Delilah. De lay la haha ​​see? Atleast you know.

"Is there any books I can read here? I'm bored." She said as she walked closer to me.

"Wew, I'm don't like reading books! Kdrama is just my thing. Do you want us to buy a book later?" I said.

"All right, what time?" She asked. "you're so addicted to that drama!" He said while looking at my laptop on the kdrama site.

"Well, my husbands are there." I said and flipped my hair.

"Wow, that's the reason why are you nbsb? Haha! Now I know." He teased.

"your wives are also in the book? You're also nbsb duh!" When I said back. She nodded.

"Duh, you know they don't exist in the world! My husbands here at korean drama is only in Korea, I can only go to them!" I said suddenly hed forehead furrowed and slapped my shoulder.

"Ouch" I shouted at her.

"Atleast they exist in my heart." She was tense so I laughed because she looked dumb.

but yeah is really a dumb.

"Haha, you take care of your life I can't really relate to you. The book is so boring! I'm too lazy to read." I said.

While we were talking, the door immediately opened.

"Hey hey hey." Mabel and said And walked towards to us.

She is Mabel joaqin. Our stingy friend. jeez Then sometimes we are embarrassed because when we go shopping with her at the mall, she will ask for a discount funny right?

"Oh what is it mabel?" I asked

Mabel as in May-bel hindi Ma-bel.

"Can i have 5 thousand?." She said.

"You have money." I refuse, even though I look like this, I am also stingy, but it's not that much.

"seems i'm not a friend." She pouted said. Diba? He knows a lot more!

"What are you going to buy?" Lilah asked.

"Because you asked you will pay the shipping fee. I will shopping haul." She was more stupid than Lilah.

"What ?! Why me! Are you crazy?" Lilah refused.

Kendall immediately entered my room. Her forehead was furrowed as if he was having a hard time because of our noise.

"Hey, what? You will beat the market with your excessive noise." She said while crossing his arms.

"Hey, Kendall. These two are very stingy!" She said and approached kendell and wrapped his hand around kendell's arm like a child complaining.

Kendell immediately removed Mabel's hand.

"Of the four of us you are the most stingy." H

She said to mabel.

"How much do you need?" Kendall said and took out his wallet.

See. Kendall is very kind. Even if you owe a million, she will give and she will still give. coz she is generous.

"Okay! I said you are the only one who can help me. 5k hehe." She said. Kendall immediately took 5k from his wallet and gave it to Mabel.

"Is that okay?" She said.

"Yes, thank you girl!" She said and immediately hugged Kendell and kendell patted his back.

A / N: Hi. I will publish the prologue first because your sister is excited. But on Monday I did not have an update first because our class has already started and yeah I have strict parents so I have no phone first. But I will try to write somehow just wait. I am slow to write so please extend your patience haha. If I still have a reader, thank you for reading every update of my story. I really appreciate it. That's all godbless.