
Wanted By The Devil

She could hear and see the devil, that was the problem. Some thought she was crazy, others thought she was a freak. Her mother on the other hand thought she was cursed and possessed. What they didn't know was that the devil wanted her. *** “Now, that’s not how to be a good girl, Kitten.” “You are not a good boy either.” God, I loved being drunk, it gave me the courage I needed. He scoffed at my words as he took me to God knows where. I didn’t care actually. I wanted to remain in his arms forever. “Can you carry me like this forever?” “Would love to Kitten, but there are a lot of things we have to do, like give you a bath. I can perceive another man’s scent on you, and my wolf and demon don't like it, neither do I. Now sleep.” My eyes suddenly became too heavy to keep open, and I gave in to the darkness.

Sose_Penn5 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


He's just a werewolf with demon blood.


"One two, take a step."

"Three four, another step. Don't look back."

"Hey, weirdo!" I heard a voice call loudly to me, and soon

enough, a series of mocking laughter followed, but I didn't once look up

through her raven hair which had formed a curtain in front of my face.

"One two, take a step!" my whispered chants became even more

desperate as my hands shook with the nerves.

"Three four, another step. Don't look back." My lips

trembled non stop and tears gathered in my eyes.

"One two, take a st-" my words got cut off when I was rudely

shoved against some lockers.

"Watch where you're going freak!" It was Stacey's voice. Stacey, she was the

queen bee and a bully, my bully, mistress amongst others. I was just so happy

that graduation was around the corner, that's if he didn't get me before that. I

crumbled to the ground, pressing my body closer up against the locker as a series

of sobs wracked through me uncontrollably.

I could feel him. He was close. I could hear him; his

animalistic growling. He was pissed, I knew. He didn't like the fact that I was

running, running to get away from him.

"Look back." His husky voice whispered somewhere in my head,

and I clutched my head tightly in my arms and continued my chants.

"D-don't lo-look back, please." I cried, pleading with


"Weirdo!" someone yelled as they walked past me, but that

was the least of my problems. Bullies were the least of my problems.

Everyone thought I was weird and crazy, what they didn't

know was that I was not. Even my mother thought I was seeing things and that I needed

exorcism, but I knew, I knew that it was

nothing like that. I just had a really bad luck.

He was in my head almost every time. Him. He came to me in my

dreams, he followed me everywhere, yet I had never seen him. He was like a

presence I could not get rid of, a presence too strong to bear. He wanted me to

look back, to see him, but I wouldn't, and it got him very pissed.

"Look back now, kitten."

"Don't look back." I whispered, pressing my hands against my

ears, and hoping to block out his voice.

"Look at me, kitten. Look back. Don't make me force you to."

"Oh Lord, rid me of this devil." My voice shook

uncontrollably, the tears not drying from my face.

"You're right, I'm the devil and you are mine. Look back!!!"

His voice was like a roaring thunder, and just then, I felt a hand on her

shoulder, and I snapped. I screamed in fear with my eyes closed. He finally got

me, didn't he?

"Miss Monroe." At first, the voice was like a distant

whisper, and all I could see was black. All I could feel was fear.

"Miss Monroe." The voice repeated more desperately this

time, and I felt hands on my shoulders, shaking me back to reality. My screams

stopped, my eyes flew open and I stared at the person in front of Me.

It was Miss Katie, the English teacher.

"Are you all right?"

Without a second

thought, I threw myself at her, holding desperately unto her. He didn't get me

after all, it was just Miss Katie. At first, Miss Katie stayed frozen, but she

soon relaxed, and patted my back in a suiting way.

"He's coming for me." I whispered in a shaky voice.

"Who is coming for you?"



"The Devil."

"Oh my God," Miss Katie whispered.

"Did you hit your head somewhere, Leticia?" She asked


I pulled away from her abruptly.

"You don't believe me, do you?" I stared with teary eyes at her.

"It's- It's just so crazy how you think that the devil is

after you. It's..." Miss Katie trailed off looking lost for words and deeply

concerned for me.

"My mom doesn't believe me too. No one does." A tear slipped

past my eye.

"No one will until it is too late." I stood up to her feet,

turned on my heels and fast walked out of the school, ignoring Miss Katie's


This is my life, welcome. My name is Leticia Monroe, and I

am a nineteen-year-old nut job raven haired girl, or so they said. I could see

the devil. It sounds crazy, I know, but I don't care how crazy I sound anymore.

I don't care how many bullies I have -people who choose to make my life a

living hell, I don't care if my mom sees me as a cursed child. All I care

about, is getting the devil off my back. He wants me, and he is coming for me.

Do you have a solution to that problem? Sooner or later, he was going to get

me. Even if I hide, he is always going to find me.


I walked into the house to be met with my mum packing some



She yelped in fright haven not noticed my arrival, and

turned to stare at me with her hand over her chest.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in school."

She scolded, and turned back to continue packing, shoving stuff into a travel


"Why are you packing?"

"Why aren't you in school?" she asked avoiding my question.

"He followed me there." I replied after a while of silence,

my voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course he did." She shook her head as if she still

couldn't believe that I was going on around saying that bullshit.

"Why are you packing our stuff mama?" I took off my school

bag slowly, and placed it on a couch, before going to stand beside her.

"We are going on a trip. It's been a while since you last visited

grandma and grandpa, I think it's about time you did." She replied. I could

feel the panic in me start to steer.

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