
Want to Be Protagonist

A 20 year old man is reincarnated into a fantasy world, he doesn't know why he can die. In that fantasy world, he expanded his knowledge and found something called an achievement. Achievement which is a supernatural power, which is only available in a grimoire. To get a grimoire the user's age requirement must be 15 years. When he reaches the age of 15, he is very excited and tries to become the main character in that fantasy world.

Nuggetless · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Obtain a Darkness of Grimoire

"Strive to get an interesting grimoire. The young people."

The books on the shelves fly towards us.

The books landed on various teenagers who were my age.

They also seemed to warmly welcome the flying books.

Those books are grimoires that have various achievements in them.

And there is a grimoire that is quite large in pitch black pointing at me. This grimoire is bigger than any other flying grimoire.

But I don't want to welcome him, because my wish is to get a small grimoire to become the main character.

But, when I didn't want to welcome that grimoire. The grimoire was suddenly in my right hand.

That's so weird! Why did I get such a big grimoire? Is my journey to become the main character already extinct?

"Wow great! Look at him, he got a really big grimoire!"

"Who exactly is he?"

"I envy him!"

"His grimoire is so big it can't be compared to mine."

Damn it! They are just jealous of me. That great grimoire is just a trash book that doesn't have infinite power in it.

Infinite power only exists in small grimoires, not large ones! My dream of becoming the main character ... is over!

I walked back to where my mom and dad were. When I got there, I saw my mother and father who seemed very busy.

When I saw there I was also shocked, because there my sister Audrica Oplezia was holding a grimoire in both hands.

The grimoire was blue with several designs like splashes of icicles. And that grimoire has a size that is quite large compared to normal grimoires in general.

"Audrica? Whose grimoire is that?"

I walked towards them while asking who the owner of this blue grimoire was.

"Ah, brother. I don't know, for some reason a grimoire headed here and immediately reached my hands."

Lost grimoire? That's impossible, in history such a thing has never existed. Even in this world to get a grimoire you have to be 15 years old.

If that person's age was below 15 years, then it would be impossible for him to obtain a grimoire.

But ..., if it's true that Audrica got a grimoire. That means did her life span in the other world and her life span in this world combined?

Because basically those who are reincarnated will have the same soul as in their previous life.

Logically, Audrica's soul might have been over 15 years old if combined with her previous life. Because in her previous life maybe Audrica was already a teenager.

I guessed like this because of her character.

"Do you know anything?"

"Yes, maybe, but I can't talk about it here."

"Oh, I see ...."

Audrica nodded after hearing my answer earlier. Meanwhile, my parents were still busy looking at Audrica's grimoire.

They don't even seem to notice that I've come back before.

But a few moments later, they started to turn their attention to the center of the place where the grimoires were distributed earlier.

"Edric~ You are back."

"What about the grimoire?"

They took a long time to realize. Are they getting senile already?

"I get──"

I had not finished speaking when I heard footsteps behind me who were heading this way.

"….. Sorry to interrupt."

It was an old geezer named Hiryuu Von Goethe, what did he want here?

"──Master Hiryuu. What do you want here?"

"Your son caught my eye, over there. Miss is not yet 15 years old is not it?

He stopped for a moment then looked at me and continued.

"──And this master has quite a large grimoire, I have never seen such a grimoire before."

"I myself am also quite confused about that, Audrica is only 13 years old and Edric got a grimoire that is not recorded in the knowledge book."

"This is an unexpected incident. By the way, what's your name?"

"──Ah sorry, my name is Lohem Oplezia."

"Oh … Then see you later."

Old geezer Hiryuu said as he stretched out his hand for a handshake, and Lohem also held out his hand tightly in return.

When we got home I went straight to the room to change my clothes to try on the achievement I just got.

My sister Audrica is the same way, she can't wait to try her achievement grimoire.

Even though it didn't match my expectations, I'm a little grateful to be able to have a grimoire.

I had thought about this before, that I wouldn't give up just because I didn't get a small grimoire.

My dream as the main character in this world will never be extinguished. I will definitely make that dream come true.

"Hey brother, how come I can get a grimoire?"

"….. Well, before you said about reincarnation right? That means your actual age is probably over 15 years old."

"──Big brother, trusted me before? You don't think I'm stupid?"

"That's natural, right? An older brother trusts her younger sister."

".... .... .... ...."

I put on my usual clothes and headed straight out saying:

"Let's go out, father and mother are waiting."

"Yes alright."

We were behind the house with the clothes that had been changed before. Because later if you wear nice clothes when trying to achieve achievements, maybe the standards will be broken.

So just in case we wore fairly simple clothes.

Lohem and Elivia are also behind the house teaching us how to use achievements.

"Listen, kids like you are only allowed to use the first to third achievements."

That means ..., I can't use the sixth achievement right away huh? Why is it not allowed, is there a special reason?

"Why can't we use more achievements than that?"

Audrica asked with a tilt of her head.

That is a good question, I give you five stars Audrica!

"Because your body is weak, that makes you unable to consume more magi. If you force it, your body will explode due to excess consumption of magi."

So that's how it is, as long as my body is strong I can increase the power of appearing. That means I can use achievement fifth and above.

"First of all, use the first achievement first."


Lohem was teaching us while Elivia was sitting by the wall. Because there are chairs there.

Apparently, Elivia also brought provisions here. Even though the house is very close, but he even bothered to make supplies.

So, per Lohem's directions. Now I will try to use achievement.

Of course, Audrica and I took turns trying to using achievements. First turn is me.

I imagined that my grimoire was right in front of me, and it immediately appeared while floating and the grimoire also opened.

I tried the first achievement, it is written that the first achievement of this grimoire is <Darkness Advancement> this is the achievement to increase strength, physique, speed.

There are various kinds of achievement knowledge books. First Achievement <Enhancement>. Second Achievement <Barrier>. Third Achievement <Weapons>. Fourth Achievement <Particle>. Fifth Achievement <Intagible>.Sixth Achievement <Territory>.

"First Achievement ── <Darkness Advancement>!"

A few seconds later I felt that my body felt very light. Even inside my body I feel overwhelming power.

"Okay, next try to hit the rock."

"That boulder?"


I stepped closer to the boulder in front of me, the rock was bigger and taller than my parents' body.

Get into a stance, and immediately hit the rock as hard as you can.

The rock I had just hit turned black, and a few seconds later the black stone shattered into pieces.

I didn't expect it to be this strong, it should be able to make my hands red and sore. But this is not felt at all, maybe it is the effect of using the first achievement.