
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
36 Chs

Chapter 3

Looking at the blood gushing corpse in front of him, Zhang Jun felt black in front of him and almost fainted.

The battle cost a lot, and at this time he was almost completely out of strength.

But when he heard the wonderful sound of the system, he couldn\'t help smiling.

"Ding, congratulations to the host on completing the task, obtaining 40 inferior bait and 1 ordinary bait. At the same time, the host completes the fusion task for the first time and rewards 1 high-quality bait"

The mechanical sound of the system ended, and Zhang Jun\'s eyes showed a trace of surprise, but more expectation. It\'s the first time to have high-quality bait. I don\'t know what to catch!

"Young man, I\'m the head of baihang village. I really appreciate you. Without you, our village would be gone!"

Just when Zhang Jun was stunned, an old voice came.

Turning around, a kind-hearted grandfather was looking at him with a grateful face.

Many people around him nodded along with his words.

"It\'s not worth mentioning."

Zhang Jun smiled and nodded, dragging his tired body in one direction.

Seeing this, they quickly stepped aside.

Zhang Jun nodded gratefully and dragged his tired body to the little boy who fell in a pool of blood.


Zhang Jun touched his tender and cold face and said in a low voice.

Suddenly, Zhang Jun realized that the world is still strength first!

"Don\'t be sad, Grandpa. Xiaohao will be in peace if he can see Grandpa saving his favorite village..."

The hoarse voice sounded from behind Zhang Jun, the old hand touched his shoulder, and the old village head conveyed warmth to Zhang Jun.

Soon, people began to clean up the messy village and bury all the sacrificed villagers, including Xiaohao.

Zhang Jun also came to his home at the invitation of the village head, who had only him and his wife.

Both of them have no children and regard Zhang Jun as their own child. Even if the child has great ability, they still treat him wholeheartedly.

Zhang Jun stayed in this village for half a year, in which he finally calmed his heart.

At the same time, he also strengthened his faith: the goodwill to protect the world!

This is his only requirement for himself and his only belief. He never wanted to return to the original world. As an orphan, he realized the real warmth in this world.

In the past six months, he also used up all the bait one after another, gained 152 points of combat effectiveness and 400000 Bailey, obtained the paper drawing of one of the Navy\'s six types, and of course, a lot of useless gadgets.

He collected all the newspapers and shells as a souvenir.

Now only the last high-quality bait is left unused. He was pleasantly surprised by the ordinary bait before. He even caught a Navy six style - paper painting!

At the entrance of the village, Chaoyang rises.

The whole village looked golden. Although some people were reluctant to give up the simple people in the village, Zhang Jun decided to leave quietly.

When I came to the small bay where I had just worn more and more clothes, I planned to leave for the distance after using the last high-quality bait.

Zhang junpan sat on the stone platform.

The breeze gently caressed him, he slowly adjusted his mind, and then his mind moved. The mysterious fishing rod appeared in his hand with mysterious bait.

With a gentle swing, the hook falls into an unknown space with bait.

With anticipation, Zhang Jun slowly closed his eyes and waited.

Slowly, a virtual shadow appeared in his mind for some reason.

He tried to see, tried to see.

I don\'t know how long it took. He just felt the purple light in his mind. He finally saw what was in front of him.

It is a fruit full of mysterious patterns!

"Demon fruit!?"

Suddenly opened his eyes, Zhang Jun whispered in surprise.

Suddenly, he felt his hand sink, and the fishhook flew to Zhang Jun with a familiar purple light.

The purple light fell on his hand and gradually lifted his mysterious veil.

The devil fruit in front of him had a mysterious attraction to him, which made him swallow saliva involuntarily.

He took a big bite without hesitation. The imagined bitterness didn\'t appear, but it was extremely sweet.

"Ding, congratulations to the host on obtaining one true lightning fruit without any side effects."

"Note: this demon fruit is the manifestation of lightning control ability in this world. It has no restrictions such as fear of water and sea floor stones. It does not completely belong to the category of demon fruit. It can be developed and upgraded. See the information template for details."

Surprised, Zhang Jun devoured the sweet fruit one mouthful after another.

He knows that the devil fruit of this world has fatal side effects for pirates and is powerless in water!

But does his fruit seem to have no such side effects? This is perfect!

"System, open information template"

In his meditation, Zhang Jun opened his information template with a move in his heart.

"The following is the information template of the host."

Host: Zhang Jun

Combat effectiveness: 304 points

Skills: one of the six naval styles shaving, one month step of the six naval styles, one of the six naval styles paper drawing.

Fruit: true * lightning fruit (current development level: 1, total gear score: 10. Note: each gear raised can enhance 20% combat effectiveness when used.)

Item: 600000 Bailey, newspapers in the East China Sea * 1


Zhang Jun found that there seemed to be something wrong with the data. There was no problem with Bailey. He secretly left 200000 to the village head.

But the combat effectiveness was inexplicably increased by 50 points?!

It seems that this is really the function of the devil fruit!

Zhang Jun stood up with a smile, the purple light flashed across his hand, and a lightning split like the sea.


The sea was split by lightning, making a loud noise and spreading a white fog at the same time.

Zhang Jun was looking at the scene in front of him with satisfaction, and suddenly his mind flashed.

If this idea can be realized, maybe his practical combat ability at sea will be greatly improved!

Shaking his excited brain, he turned to look at the village where the riot had begun because of the loud noise.

The unwilling in his eyes was pressed down by him, jumped and landed on the ship of the demon Pirate Group

But at this time, the sign of the demon Pirate Group had long been thrown into the sea by him, and the ship now belongs to him alone!

"Xiao Jun! Xiao Jun!"

After a while, the village head and his wife hurried to the village with a package in their hands and shouted loudly.

"Grandpa village head, I\'ll come back to see you. I\'m filial to you for the things in the package, but you should take good care of everyone..."

Zhang Jun couldn\'t help standing up and waving goodbye to the villagers.

For a long time, the ship had disappeared under the push of the waves.

At this time, Zhang Junzheng, with a compass in his left hand and a map in his right hand, frowned and studied which direction to go.

This area of the East China Sea is not like a great route. It\'s still easy to find the direction here.

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