

The sacred stone gigaroth of the beginning was fragmented by the god of heresy El Sof, in his fight against the original gods, the fragmentation of gigaroth was the precursor of the advent of the end it was the pillar of the world without it the world is now in an unstable state, when humanity was about to sink, all the people of the world decided to bring together all the most powerful warriors in the world and invite them to a tournament the winner will be the one who will have to defeat El Sof and put down the project of the original gods, in addition to give him the strength to fight he will then have all the power in the world to make him the ultimate being "god". Fact : I am the strongest, I am God, I will go beyond unification, praise the name that has been bestowed upon me beyond the worlds, my original name cannot be pronounced, he who aspires to be above, who am I? Act 1 : The tournament of unification will now begin, the kings of humans, all the lands of Pangea must prepare the greatest warriors that the earth has ever carried, the ambitious, the nobles, the commoners among all these people one will become the being by which everything will end and everything will be reborn, the time has come to determine the being who will be the pillar of unification, conspiracy, love, betrayal, combat will be at the appointments in the quest for salvation

omegadraw1 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

First action

-Master please stand up!

That voice, yes I remember it.

I got out of my bed and in front of me there was a young girl, her hair was dull blue, smooth and silky, her eyes were firm and cold.

It is Eleanor, she had attacked me in an alley of the capital so I beat her and I subjected her in clear it is now a slave it is her punishment for having upset me.

She still had her cloak from yesterday but she had pulled down the hood, you could see some bandages sticking out on her neck and the tips of her hands.

-Do you already hate your master so much that you want him to get up at dawn?

She didn't respond to what I was saying, keeping a straight posture with her impassive look.

-Anyway, as for the injuries you suffered yesterday, how did you manage?

I sat down on the bed to start a discussion with her, while she remained standing.

-Well as I couldn't go home I had to apply some ointment that I had left at the inn in my first aid kit, a recovery potion and also our slavery contract helped speed up the process.

-Does the contract have such property? I didn't know, I just read the method in a book I found, but it looks like it's a lot more complex than it sounds.

-But she started it, I only responded to her hostility.

-Master what are you talking about or rather with whom?

-You see what you're doing, I was planning to be careful, but it slipped my mind.

Eleanor doesn't pay attention to it, but to decide arbitrarily to exclude a potential candidate you are rather a big shot?

-The master is perceptive indeed I am of noble descent my father is the lord of the city.

-So start by sitting down, the discussion might drag on.

The configuration of the room was basic: a bed, a small bed and a chair.

-I am going to ask you a series of questions according to the contract of slavery you are not allowed to lie to your master at the risk of receiving a punishment, but as always I am a good lord I will define the character of the questions obligatory or not according to that you will have the choice between answering or not.

-What is a noblewoman doing in a shabby inn in the capital?


-The master does not mince his words, it is my hobby to sneak away from home to explore and see the state of the people we are supposed to govern.

-Who are the nobles of the middle capital to be involved in the selection of the tournament?

I observed her look although she was impassive, perhaps she didn't want to let any information leak out, after all this activity was going to determine the fate of the world.

-If I were to blackmail your father with you as a hostage, could he work out a scenario where I would be the candidate who would represent the middle capital?

It seemed shocking but it was an important part I had to determine if external interference could influence the course of the tournament.


-No, no matter who has to go, my father will do his duty.

Interesting, but that only applies to his father, the other nobles could try to interfere, not to mention those behind this initiative, I must be very meticulous in my preparations.


I was watching Eleanor while I was talking in my head.

I'm not interested in these family stories and stop distracting me for so little we lose the thread of the conversation.


-Eleanor, how high do you think my level is compared to the other pretenders confirmed by the noble houses and the knights?


As a precautionary measure the question was of an obligatory nature, she might not have wanted to reveal to me the situation of the state of the forces in the capital.

-On the scale of knights the master should be below the rank of captain if we consider the most powerful order of knights that I have known.

Interesting she considered me below the level of a captain!?

-As for the candidates having the support of the nobles I knew only four and on a scale of one to ten if ten represents the power of these four I would be at zero point one and the master at 1.

I lay down on the bed and started to laugh without really knowing why.

I straightened up slightly.

-So you estimate just nine levels between you and me?

How interesting!

-I am not good at quantifying power, especially since I have not yet seen you at your full capacity, but I can estimate that you are inferior to these people, you have a large panel of knowledge but it seems that your power is insufficient.

-Eleanor I thank you for answering my questions.


-I want you to know that I will not harm you when the tournament starts, I will give you your freedom, you will be able to do what you want, you will have the choice, as for me, I must take my rightful place and put an end to this charade.

-Time is short so here is my first action...




His eyes lit up as the light entered the room.

-Now go home and start the preparations, let's go for the celestial requiem, the sacrament of the being above all.

-As for me, I'm going to the dungeon.

In the middle of the capital there was a big tower, a dungeon, a monster's den of all kinds but also a treasure chest; for any big project you need resources.

She got up from her chair and approached me.

-Master, what is your name?

Does God need a name other than God if I had a name then I forgot it.

-God has no name!

-That's not practical so from now on your name will be, yes I know first.

First huh a name gives an identity does God really need it?