
Wandering Scholar of the Hidden Realm

"What is this place?" "Perhaps... it's the River of Forgetfulness..." "Who are you?" "I am Impermanence..." "I have never heard of Impermanence in this world." "From now on... I am." Passing the River of Forgetfulness, thoughts linger on the other shore. Obtained among the living, also returned to the living. Su Mo woke up not as his past self, entered the capital for the imperial examination, and unexpectedly entered the realm of immortals, gaining the power of traversing the realms. With the power of traversing the realms, he laid out his path to immortality. However, Su Mo cannot see clearly the truth of this world..."

LomNinetyeight · Kỳ huyễn
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321 Chs

The Stone Gate

With the appearance of the Yongdao, a breath of heaven spread out and continued to extend...

This breath carries an endless sense of obscurity, like an ancient book that has been sealed for many years, is being slowly opened by people.

There's a lot of pain in that book that I want to tell the world about.

Su Mo and others do not know, at this moment, Dahua several places in the ground collapsed out of a mysterious yongdao...


On an old mountain, in a pavilion, a gorgeously dressed old man was brewing tea, and the fragrance of tea was overflowing.

A young man sat opposite the old man, looking at the old man's elegant posture of cooking tea, wanting to speak.

"Master, your tea will be bitter if you keep boiling it!" The young man looked at the old man who had been cooking tea, but did not see the old man pour out the tea and said helplessly.

The old man looked askance at the young man and slowly opened his mouth: "Your temper is like your teacher's mother, doing everything impatient and impetuous, can you learn your teacher respect me?" Only by calmly facing everything can we control the world!"

"But..." The young man paused and said helplessly: "The teacher's mother said that you do everything slowly, and told me not to learn from you!"

"What do women know?" The old man skimmed his mouth, "What we Xuanzong pay attention to is to control everything in the heart and rely on everything outside." One can pursue the mystery of the Tao only when one has a calm mind."

"But you are too slow, and the tea will dry up if you keep boiling it!" The young man said somewhat unconvinced.

"I told you..." The old man was about to guide his disciples slowly when he suddenly turned his head to look at the horizon and his face changed greatly.

"I'll go! Why is this divine realm open again?" The old man suddenly got up and looked at the direction of the vast sky, dumbfounded.

The young man was stunned and asked weakly, "Isn't the domain of God already open?"

"It's different..." The old man said, "This is the true God!"

"What is the realm of the True God?" Youth does not understand.

The old man turned around and said in a hurry: "Confucian sage diva, there is more land in the world!" This is the realm of God, but few people in the world know it,..."

"There are two sides to the divine realm!"

"The realm of God has always been shown only on one side, but three thousand years ago the other side suddenly appeared!"

"The world says that God's domain name is God's domain, but it's actually a ghost domain!"

"But they don't know that the other side of the realm of the gods is the real realm of the ghosts!"

"The other side of the realm has only appeared once, so why did it appear again so soon?"

The young man thought for a moment and grasped the point:

"Three thousand years ago... How long have you lived?"

"Quick, let's go to the Realm of God!" The old man did not answer the young man's question, but said in a hurry, without the previous pair of relaxed temperament.

The young man gasped and wondered, "Why?"

The old man pulled up the youth and went to the horizon, and the two figures became changhong.

"Because on the other side of the realm of the gods, there is the secret of the fall of the gods ten thousand years ago!"

"Actually... The other side of God's realm is better called...."



In another large doorway, a young girl in purple is rocking a rocking chair, thinking about something bored.

Suddenly, the emptiness in front of the young girl was shaken, and an old woman dressed in splendid clothes appeared out of thin air.

The girl in purple seemed to think of things in a trance and did not notice.

The old woman stood for a long time, coughing dry.


The girl came back to her senses and looked at the old woman for a moment: "Master, why are you here?"

The old woman stared at the purple girl as if she wanted to see what secret she had in her heart!

"Master?" The young woman looked a little hairy!

The old woman withdrew her eyes, looked at the direction of Dahua's situation, and slowly opened her mouth: "The God domain has opened, you go with me!"

The girl was stunned and wondered, "Am I not just out?" Why is it open again?"

"It's different this time, it's on the other side!" The old woman spoke slowly.

"What other side?" The girl in purple looked puzzled.

"I'll explain on the way. Come with me!" The old woman shook her head and spoke slowly.

The girl in purple hesitated for a moment and nodded: "The master wait for me for a moment, and wait for me to condense an avatar!"

'No! The old woman refused.

"This time you and I are coming!"


This tunnel from the top down, the interior is dark, the cool air welling up, washing people's nerves.

The old four and five looked at the path that appeared in front of everyone, and the green light flashed in their eyes.

They looked at each other, and looked at a face of dull Su Mo.

"So Confucian and Taoist tomb explorers can really cheat?"

Old four and five looked at the green light in the eyes of the tunnel, and then looked at each other, and the fifth opened: "How does this big tomb feel a little wrong?"

The old four points nodded, slowly said: "I also have this feeling!"

The fifth turned to look at Su Mo and said faintly: "Is it possible that you have applied the wrong technique?" Why do I feel the smell of this big tomb change?"

Su Mo froze and said in doubt: "Not so? I just let it open the door..."

"I can't use a magic method can make a big tomb changed!"

Gu Yu looked at the tunnel, the tunnel is so open in front of everyone, the inside is dark, it seems to go into another world...

The crowd looked at each other...

"Go, go down and see!" Gu Yu red flapping, a head of unrestrained said.

"Girl, let's go to the blessed land!" Su Mo turned her head to the carriage and shouted.

Luo Yin took a little girl out of the carriage, weak to Sue ink in front of.

"Was it dug up so soon?" The little girl looked at the floor of the path, puzzled toward Su Mo asked.

Su Mo raised her head and said, "That's right, your young master is out, what's difficult?"

"Young master is so powerful!" Little girl worship looked at Su Mo.

Gu Yu and others rolled their eyes and shook their heads, taking the lead into the yongtao...

Su Mo took the little girl, thought about it, turned to the black horse and said: "You first find a place to stay, wait for us to come up, in case anything happens to the college first."

The black horse immediately nodded, the horse's head twisted, and disappeared in front of Su Mo... He just saw a very handsome filly on his way here.

Su Mo shook his head, holding the little girl slowly into the Yongdao, Luo Yin silently followed behind.

The tunnel slanted to the ground below, which seemed to be very deep, and the cool wind was blowing from below.

The walls were all mud, and the wind carried a fresh smell of earth, moist and refreshing.

Gu Yu walked in the front, carefully has been going down, the people slowly followed.

As the crowd went down, the passage got wider and wider, like an inverted tapered void.

"This... Isn't that a little deep?"

They have been going down for about half an hour, old five suddenly opened his mouth.

Su Mo thought about it and nodded, "It's not really digging by hand!" How long must we dig?"

Suddenly, Gu Yu pointed to the front and slowly said: "The front of the head."

Everyone looked, saw a huge and simple stone door appeared in front of everyone.

The stone gate is about three zhangs high and two zhangs wide.

There are countless mysterious lines on the stone door, it looks very strange!

There is a gap in the door, there is a filamentary breath in the gap, Su Mo has a very familiar feeling.

Gu Yu and others went to the stone door, appear extremely small, in front of the three zhang-high stone door, it seems to need six or seven people stacked together to be able to reach the top of the stone door.

"How do you open such a big door?" The old four and five went forward and pushed the stone door, the stone door did not move, it seemed thick!

The eldest brother also came forward to carry the knot Dan great perfect repair, towards the stone door suddenly attacked, but the spirit force in contact with the stone door, it seems to be like a punch on the cotton, the stone door was gone.

The stone door still stood there quietly, without any reaction.

The elder brother slowly shook his head, and seemed a little sleepy to open his mouth: "Non-Hua God can not open this door!"

Su Mo a leng, what is this strange tomb, even the tomb door can not open.

Su Mo led the little girl slowly to the stone door, was about to reach out to touch the stone door.

Suddenly, there was a roar in the tunnel, followed by...

The sound of "Chugging chugging" came from the stone door.

I saw the stone door itself slowly open...