
Wandering Scholar of the Hidden Realm

"What is this place?" "Perhaps... it's the River of Forgetfulness..." "Who are you?" "I am Impermanence..." "I have never heard of Impermanence in this world." "From now on... I am." Passing the River of Forgetfulness, thoughts linger on the other shore. Obtained among the living, also returned to the living. Su Mo woke up not as his past self, entered the capital for the imperial examination, and unexpectedly entered the realm of immortals, gaining the power of traversing the realms. With the power of traversing the realms, he laid out his path to immortality. However, Su Mo cannot see clearly the truth of this world..."

LomNinetyeight · Kỳ huyễn
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321 Chs

Sage of Confucianism


The giant runes fell and lifted up to the sky and the dust and the sand and the gravel.

Fu culture is a huge net of gold light, constantly spreading, and then becomes a huge net that can cover the entire God domain, seemingly trying to trap a certain consciousness in the God domain.

The giant face of the earth of the God domain was unwilling to break through the huge net, and the huge net was raised by the big face.

Another mountain turned into a giant hand, madly trying to break the great net of runes under the great net.

The huge black-dressed Su ink shadow, looking at the giant shadow struggling at the foot, raised the huge pen to reach out to draw a sign.

At this time, the Su Mo Ling Sea came out of the "big fierce" voice: "You can't hit the God domain." Even if you use the power of the book of Life and Death, you only have two strikes at most."

"With one hit left, there's no real damage."

"And after this blow, you will be dead or seriously injured!"

The huge black-clad Su Mo looked at the giant face that was going to break through the giant net at his feet, shook his head, and responded in the Spirit Sea: "Who says I have to continue to smash him?"

"Then what are you going to do?" 'asked the Big Bad.

Su Mo did not answer but lifted a giant pen, gently drew a stroke in the air, and murmured.

"Flowers born on the other shore..."

"Forget the river and flow back..."

With eight words out, a stroke...

A deep river of stars gradually appeared in the void without the sky.

The stars flow down from the sky, and to the sky.

It seems that just for the sake of Su Mo specially to visit the God domain...

The river of stars that flows into the realm of God seems to contain countless attachments.

'Wake up! Su Mo gently opened his mouth.

As Su Mo to open, suddenly...

A white figure in Confucian robes appeared out of thin air above the realm of God.

That a white wind, white Confucian robe no wind automatic, Hua Guang Yao world, like a saint reborn.

The white figure only slightly looked at Su Mo, then looked at the giant face struggling on the earth of the God domain.

The white figure seemed to sigh slightly, and one arm was stretched out slightly to his side.

Su Mo saw that with the arm of the white figure stretched out, a small Confucian sword appeared out of thin air in the hands of the white figure.

The white figure seemed a little helpless to look at Su Mo again, and then holding the Confucian sword to the huge figure below gently waved...

This day...

Countless people in the ninth realm of nine days and ten lands saw that a huge Confucian sword appeared out of thin air in the vault of heaven, and then chopped down and did not know where it was going...

This day...

It was discovered that all entrances to the realm of the gods disappeared into thin air...


Su Mo woke up in severe pain, looked around and found that he was still in the realm of God.

It's just that the eerie atmosphere in God's realm seems to be gone... I don't have that feeling of being watched.

And then two figures on the side of the face to face on the ground, as if playing chess?

A body enchanting, magnificent.

All white, noble and extraordinary.

"Yo ~~ woke up..." The enchanting figure of the "Big evil" glanced at Su Mo and then grabbed a white chess piece, the shadow, and landed on the checkerboard in front of him.

"I thought you were dying?" 'The Big Murderer' curled his mouth and sneered.

At this time, the white shadow took a look at Su Mo, then turned to look at the Big fierce, and asked: "Your disciple?"

The "Big murderer" shook his head in disgust: "I would want such an idiot to be a disciple?"

"No brains at all, only foolishness!" The Big Bad added.

The white shadow shook his head, grabbed a black chess piece out of thin air, and fell into the chessboard: "If you are not smart, how can you find my existence?"

"You don't... How about giving it to me?"

The Big Bad rolled his eyes:

"What kind of disciple do you want?" The Big murderer mended the knife, "and then... You're dying of this!"

'Big murderer' sarcastically opened his mouth, although his mouth did not stop, but his hands did not stop, grabbed a white son and threw it into the board.

White vacuity sighed and shook her head: "You... What a poisonous mouth!"

'Big Evil' ignored the white shadow, turned his head and shouted at Su Mo: "Come here!"

Su Mo two eyes full of doubts, and then went to the "big murderer" side sat down: "What is the situation now?"

'Big evil' white Su ink a glance, toward the opposite white shadow nu nu mouth.

"Didn't you guess everything? This is Confucian sage!"

White shadow added: "Just a relic of Confucianism and saint!"

Su Mo immediately got up and made a salute toward the sacred relic of Confucianism, "Later life has seen predecessors."

The scholar's residual thought waved his hand and threw a black chess piece into the board: "Sit down, sit down, how did you guess that God and I have a problem?"

Su Mo turned his head to look at the "big bad", a good child's appearance.

"Speak as you are told!" 'Big fierce' said angrily.

"Oh..." Su Mo pondered for a moment and said, "Because of those three illusions!"

"Two illusions, to be exact!"

'Oh? The curiosity of the sacred relic of Confucianism arose.

"It looks like three, but it's actually two."

"The first vision looked at my past, but the second vision was out of my own perspective and made me feel detached." It wasn't until the third one seemed to be trying to cover up how the second one made me feel that it simply confused me with reality and tried to trap me."

"So I guess there are two minds trying to manipulate my vision!"

"The last thing I definitely have a problem with is...."

"The long hair left by the Confucian sage is by no means used to kill people, and the palace of the Confucian Sage actually used a trace of the long hair left by the Confucian sage to kill the 'little girl'. After my anger, I am more sure of my own speculation."

"From the points that Confucianism is holy and God's domain is strange, and Confucian cultivation will be sheltered in God's domain, I am sure there is something wrong with God's domain!"

The residual shadow of the Confucian sage turned his head to look at the "Great Evil" and opened his mouth: "Really not your disciple? If not, I'll take it."

'Big fierce' cold turned his head, white Su Mo a glance, leaving a white son.

"What's it to me..."

Confucianist relic smiled happily, dropped a sunspot, look to Su ink waiting for Su ink statement.

Su Mo carefully turned his head to look at the "big fierce", but found that the big fierce cold face, squinting at the board, angry drop a white chess.

Su Mo sighed and shook her head slightly.

The sage sighed, looked at the "big evil" one glance, helplessly grabbed a spot on the chessboard.

'Big Murderer' looked at the sunspots under the sacred relic of Confucianism and nodded with satisfaction.

The sage of Confucianism took a look at Su Mo and opened his mouth a little depressed: "He is a Confucian cultivation, why do you hold so tightly?" It would be appropriate for me to pass on my Confucianism and Taoism to him."

'Great Evil' rolled his eyes and dropped a white son on the chessboard, "You are a thing that has been dead for tens of thousands of years, what a broken Confucian and Taoist inheritance." My little brother doesn't need it!"

The sage shook his head and sighed, looked at Su Mo and said:

"If you have any questions, ask me while I can!"

Su Mo asked intently, "What happened in the realm of God?"

'I don't know! Confucian sage relic thought replied.

"Why did Confucian saints cut off the heavens and cut off the realm of God from nine days and ten lands?" Su Mo asked again.

'I don't know!

"Why did the Confucian saints kill all the people in the realm of God?"

"This... It must have something to do with what's going on in the realm of God, I don't know."

The 'Big murderer' frowned, looked at the Confucian sage, and opened his mouth with disgust: "How come you don't know anything?"

Confucian sage relic innocently shrugged his shoulders: "I'm just a relic, how do I know so much."

"The meaning of my existence is just to find inheritance! As a result, the inheritance has not yet been found, and it has been used by you to seal the consciousness of the God domain..."

"Useless thing, you can go!" 'Big fierce' said angrily.

"No hurry, still can finish this game!" Confucian sage residual thoughts shook his head, threw a sunspot, opened his mouth.

Su Mo looked at the Confucian holy ghost of chess, the heart lit up a little fire of hope, and asked: "Senior, are there other shore flowers in the realm of God?"

Confucian Sheng turned his head and looked at Su Mo: "The other shore flower is too weird, when I broke the sky, it was all destroyed!"

Su Mo looked dull and cold.

Su Mo stood up, white hair floating, looking at the sky above the God domain, it seems that you can see the smile of the small figure in the sky...

"Also ask the Confucian sage elder to send me out of the realm of God!" Su Mo deep opening.

"No hurry, wait until I finish this game..." The Confucian holy relic thought waved his hand and began to say.

"Also ask the Confucian sage elder to send me out of the realm of God!" Su Mo stubborn repeat.

The Confucian sage sighed and looked at the 'Great evil'.

The 'Big murderer' took a look at Su Mo and waved his hand toward the Confucian sage's residual thoughts: "No, no, no, you send us out!"

"Really, I'm dying, and you won't stay with me any longer." Confucian sacred relic thought sighed a sigh.

When the sage waved his hand, a black crack appeared.

Su Mo toward the crack will step out, "big fierce" but suddenly shouted a "and so on."

The 'Great evil' looks to the sage and the relic of Confucianism.

"Anyway you are going to die, Confucian and Taoist inheritance to me, I help you to pick out to see if there is a suitable person..."

Confucian sage read the mouth a smoke, looked at Su Mo a glance, casually threw out a virtual shadow book, virtual shadow book was "big murderer" readily caught.

The Big Evil said again, "You are going to die anyway..."

Confucian relic read a black face...

"The cause and effect of that book, you can take it..."

After the words are said, there is no Confucianism promise not to promise, pull Su Mo out of the divine domain.

Leaving a poor, lonely sage.

Looking at the unfinished game of chess, the scholar sat down and lifted the sunspot up.

"Mingming... You're going to lose..."

The sage thought for a moment, waved his hand, and the breath of the book of life and death of the soul of Su Mo was grabbed out of the nothingness of the divine domain.

"Confucian cultivation is Confucian cultivation, why do you still engage in such strange things..."

With a sigh, the Confucian holy relic held up another chess piece and wanted to put it on the chessboard...

Just not waiting for the chess pieces into the plate, a gust of wind blowing, vanish...

Leaving only an empty god domain...