
Down to the ground

Dexter stood up, his whole body was trembling cause of the fall...

His surrounding has a weird stench, and his every step was accompanied by the sound of water

Below him is a ground that was wet by an unknown liquid...

Curious the young lad, put his finger down and wipe the floor

As the strange liquid drip down his finger...dexter raised it up to his nose

He sniff his finger just to regret it seconds after

After knowing what the liquid smells, the youngster immediately put his hand away,

It smells so bad that he didn't want to experience it again

Is his thought before putting his finger near his nose to smell the liquids disgusting odor...again

"urrk, why does this remind of public toilet?" dexter murmured as he wipe his hand using his shirt...

Thanks to his curiosity and the strange odor of the liquid that was completely filling the floor, dexter forget about his worry...

The wall that surround him is tall and has a smooth surface so climbing it never crossed Dexter's mind

And the only wall that has a hole in it, is the place where he just escaped from, so the only place he could go if he climb is the top

It's dark but thanks to the light from above as there was no roof in the place dexter has landed, seeing his surrounding didn't become that huge of a problem...

Dexter walk in a straight path looking back every minute just to see the hole he escape from slowly banishing from his sight

'She's gonna throw me away so me leaving without dirtying Maam Madell's hand could be my appreciation for her taking me in for many days, yes this is my thank you'

Dexter pondered while walking,

Minutes after walking with no clue on where to go, dexter finally lost sight of the hole where he's journey started from, and the sunlight that was hitting the place he was in is slowly banishing

While wandering aimlessly dexter stumbled down

He's face hit the floor and his dry shirt has been soaked in the stinky water of this place

Thanks to the light slowly diminishing small objects has blended with the darkness

Dexter slowly stood up and grabbed the thing that he tripped on

The youngster raised it up to see the object clearly

"Its wood"

What dexter saw is a chairs leg that was made with wood, its body is already darken and could easily break if you try to

Seeing the thing, the young man throwed it behind him and continued walking

Night has come and still no sign of an exit

The young man's leg already wanted to fall and his whole body was shivering cause of the cold

He was sleeping peacefully a couple of days ago and now he couldn't fall asleep as he might peacefully die when he's sleeping

Dexter sway his hand trying to find a wall he can lean on

When he finally touched something, the young lad put his back against it and sat down

His bottom has been wet by the liquid on the floor but he didn't put that much attention to it, dexter put his arms inside his shirts and waited for tomorrow to come

While waiting the young man remember the reason why he needed to be here

The skill board

If it wasn't for that no one could have known he wasn't human, dexter couldn't have known he wasn't a human

Everything was going well, even if he couldn't do anything she treated him well and that's because his a human

What's a demi king anyway, The young lad know about someone called demonking as it was popular in a fantasy genre he used to read and watch

"Just my luck" The young man mumbled

He's eyes felt heavy and was second away on closing but before it could Mandell said under his breath

"Skill board"

And it quickly shown the exact copy of the screen he saw back when he's with Madell's brother

Seeing the bright screen in front of him dexter start to look down to the text saying 'Skill'

His whole surrounding was dark but he could see everything in the skill board clearly, so he tried to look away of the screen thinking that maybe the light coming from it could be use to lighten up his surrounding but nothing change in his environment

'so Skill board couldn't be use as a flashlight' dexter pondered before looking back to his skill board

<Skill: Word translation, appraisal, creation manual, craft>

Seeing the skills that was written on it, dexter mumbled the name of one of them

If skill board could be use when you say its name maybe the skill could be use using the same method, with that in mind

Dexter mumbled

"Word translation" nothing seems to happened so he tried again "Word translation" nothing happened once more

He didn't let go of his idea and move on to his next skill


After saying those word, something pop out of his vision

<Item name:Broken glass>

<Uses:command 'use' to open>

<Can be crafted>

Another pop out showing an arrow of something that seems to be near him


<Uses:command 'use' to open>

<Can't be crafted>

It's near him so dexter reached the place where something similar to the skill board has pop out

When he felt something touch his hand, dexter grabbed it and put it up

Thanks to the moonlight he saw the image of a small wood the size of his finger

"Its like the appraisal in games.....this is cool"

Seeing the wood in his hand, dexter smiled before putting it to his side

The young lad look around and his skill showed a lot of little items near him... some far away while some is close

The young lad was amazed to what he just saw, he moved his head left to right enjoying the sight of what the skill board is showing him the items that he wouldn't be able to see cause of the darkness can now be identified thanks to his skill