
As I walk Through the Valley of Death...

I took a look at my life and realized there was nothing left for me to have...for me to obtain anymore...

I'll explain my life in a nutshell, I was born into a family in some country nobody knew about and to well make it famous I... maybe killed a few politicians?

I mean don't get me wrong the bastards deserved it but after that people called my country a birthplace for "murderers"... so anyways I killed them as well and as you would expect more and more people called me a monster the more and more I terrorised the population.

Though was I in the wrong? I mean they insult and I kill them. Some of them were hypocrites and some were narcissistic bastards with a god complex...like that big pudgy guy from China

But as always I mostly didn't kill for the fun of it. I'm going to be honest freedom was my only goal, my country's goal was freedom... and so it removed it's shackles and ran... while I pursued it... maybe in search of the so called "freedom" my country found... and I blindly followed.

Yet now look where I am... atop a hill of dead soldiers and their weapons... breathing my last breaths... chuckling to my self about all the fun I had when I was young... oh... oh so young and happy... free of worries... free of all the pain it took me to reach this point... I was always worried about games and pictures of cute cats and now I was worried about being chased in the after life by the GODDAMN IRS...

Now well would you look at that? I can't breath nor see...but I am so...warm? am...am I in heaven?...Did god decide I am a good person? I mean that would be absurd considering all the bullshit I pulled...

Maybe...Maybe I can rest easy...even if only for a few months, days or years...

(A/N Nice try, I am going to make sure you have the shit show of a lifetime you fuck




Ugh...what the fuck is going on right now?

Am I leaving heaven or something?


What is that light?


wait what's going on?





Well I guess that just happened, I'm going to be honest I don't know what I am but it's not great apparently

So long story short I got reincarnated it seems and in the world of one piece...a show I always admired but never watched due to me being more busy in killing than watching it but I have a vague idea of what the story is.

So right now I am the same age as Luffy and like Luffy, also are a devil fruit but not out of stupidity but out of desperation...I currently am in an island called Rhynium Prefecture...

it is an island of our madness, the island was originally inhabited by a sea king that could move on both land and water!

but of course capitalism allowed the marines to take over the island and now... it's a slavery camp...

The celestial dragons "Train" their slaves here... and my parents are both slaves which met here and had a child that being... me

And now they are dead and I am trapped on this island

But no worries! my devil fruit allows me control over ink! essentially making me made out of ink like katakuri's devil fruit allows him to turn into mochi or so I heard from the weird anime kid from my high school days.

However this ability grants me the ability to become ink and so I can turn myself into ink and stick myself in a barrel while escaping from this island! Problem is... the only way to access a barrel would be to... get on board with the visiting celestial dragons or how I like to call them,

Angry Balloons!

Now let's start mission."Escape from the CUMzone"

