
Wanderers of the Cosmic Frontier

In the vast tapestry of existence, where worlds collide and destinies intertwine, a divine being named Azrael finds himself reborn into an unknown realm. Once a god of great power, he awakens with memories of the past and a profound sense of purpose. Azrael's journey begins as he embarks on a path of rediscovery, facing countless challenges, and fighting to survive in this strange new world. With each trial, Azrael's powers gradually reemerge, and he must learn to wield them anew. Driven by an insatiable hunger for strength, he pushes himself to the limits, overcoming formidable adversaries and relentless obstacles. Every battle he endures brings him closer to his ultimate goal: to transcend the boundaries of mortality and ascend to godhood once again. But Azrael's ambitions extend far beyond his personal quest. As he grows in might, he sets his sights on the cosmos itself. His travels take him to far-flung galaxies and distant dimensions, where he encounters beings of unimaginable power and diverse cultures. Along his celestial odyssey, Azrael amasses a loyal following, individuals who are captivated by his indomitable spirit and inspired by his unwavering determination. Amidst the splendor and chaos of the cosmos, Azrael must confront the depths of his own soul and make choices that will shape the destinies of countless worlds. Will he overcome the challenges that lie ahead and rise to celestial supremacy, or will he be consumed by the very forces he seeks to command? Only time will unveil the true extent of Azrael's power and the impact he will have on the cosmos itself. *patreon/AstridNova33*

AstridNova · Võ hiệp
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16 Chs

Crimson Symphony [3]

The lack of visible injuries on the colossal slime did not surprise him, for its massive form seemed impervious to harm. Azrael's gaze focused on Sam, engaged in an intricate dance of evasion, blocking, and counterattacks. With precision and agility, Sam unleashed acidic projectiles that stung the colossal slime.

Though, its impact resembled an ant's bite against a finger. Yet, the relentless assault had provoked the abomination, causing it to inadvertently harm itself in its furious rage. Sneaking quietly, Azrael deftly engineered a pitfall trap that caught Sam's attention immediately. Guiding the colossal slime towards the trap, it eventually succumbed and plummeted into the depths below, resulting in a resounding quake reverberating through the cavern.

Trapped momentarily, it did nothing to make the monster any less dangerous. Summoning a swarm of writhing appendages that whipped and snapped at both Azrael and Sam. Azrael pondered, recognizing that unleashing fire prematurely would only agitate the creature further. Slicing and parrying some of the appendages.

"I must find an opening," he thought.

It was inevitable that the trap could only last so long. As the duo valiantly defended themselves against the ever-expanding onslaught of slime arms, the colossal monstrosity gradually gnawed its way out of the pitfall, determined to break free. And break free it did, as the monstrosity climbed out it shot boulder sized rocks towards them.

Witnessing this, Azrael created a rock wall, the unstoppable force met an immovable object as they collided. The clash of the opposing forces unleashed chaos, sending debris hurtling through the air and filling the hall with swirling dust. As the particles danced and swirled, the fragmented light from the overhead crystals became diffused, casting an eerie darkness upon the cave.

Azrael's eyes lit up at this opportunity. Scooping Sam up, he rushed out of the hall. However, just before making his exit, Azrael turned around, his hands clasping together in a snapping gesture. With a sudden release of energy, a small spark erupted from his hands, illuminating the darkness that had enveloped the cave.

An explosion rocked the main hall. Blasting Azrael from the entrance towards a hall. Crashing and rolling, he heard Ragnar's voice in his head.

"I'm starting to think you like recklessly creating explosions. Good luck getting out of there if the place caves in." Indeed, Ragnar heard the sound and felt the shockwave of the dust explosion from the cave entrance.

Azrael was not so amused, even growling out a sentence, "It was convenient!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Standing up in a huff, Azrael thought, "Damn it! He is so much like him! Wait a minute."

But before he could think any further. The abomination began to scream. "Die!" It announced as a wall of appendages rushed into the hall that the duo was in. Swiftly lifting Sam into his arms, Azrael wasted no time and started sprinting towards the cave entrance. With the creature chasing them and creating a ruckus, it is no wonder that the cave started to destabilize.

As Azrael and Sam raced through the crumbling cave, the ground shook beneath their feet, and rocks cascaded down from the ceiling. The once-stable walls now trembled with each thunderous step of the pursuing creature. They dodged falling debris and leaped over widening cracks, Azrael's heart pounding in sync with the chaotic rhythm of their escape.

He simply couldn't help himself and had a smile brought to his face. This is what it's all about, he thought. Even as the air grew heavy with dust and the acrid scent of earth, he pressed on. Azrael skillfully navigated the treacherous terrain, his instincts guiding their path towards the fading light ahead. Sam clung tightly to Azrael, his trust unwavering, as they darted through narrow passages and vaulted over fallen boulders.

The sounds of rumbling and crashing echoed around them, urging them to hasten their pace. The entrance loomed closer, a distant beacon of freedom beckoning them forward. Seeing as Ragnar was already prepared for battle, he nodded. With one final burst of energy, Azrael propelled himself and Sam forward, lunging through the collapsing threshold.

Emerging into the open, they were greeted by a rush of cool, fresh air. They stumbled onto the solid ground outside, exhilaration coursing through their veins. Well only Azrael's veins, Slimes really don't have that sort of thing…

Behind them, the cave groaned and gave way, its existence succumbing to the chaos it had endured. But it was not over yet. As the rocks shot out into the sky like a volcano, a deafening noise reverberated through the air. It was the screeching of the abomination.

"Alright lets kill this thing. Sam distract it. Ragnar help however you can." Quickly giving out orders, Azrael's voice resonated with determination as he prepared himself for the final battle. With swift movements, he reached into his ring and pulled out two gelatin-hardened swords.

Though their appearance might deceive, these blades were honed to perfection, possessing a deceptive sharpness that could cut through even the toughest of foes. Now it is poised to face its ultimate trial.

Sam begins as he once again shoots acidic balls towards the creature. Mostly aiming at its eyes, it has to spend a considerable effort to block lest it becomes blind. Ragnar begins to shoot wind blades at the appendages that were lashing out at the group.

Azrael advanced, his movements fluid and precise. Every step he took brought him closer to the heart of the abomination. His grip on the swords tightened with each passing moment, making sure it couldn't be knocked away at a whim. As he neared the creature, his eyes focused on its pulsating core, the source of its malevolent power.

Igniting his swords he began his sword dance. Moving like a ghost, he slashed, maimed, and burnt any appendages that were in his way. The fire along the sword soon began to spread onto the grasslands. Yet, Azrael remained unperturbed. Mere meters away his swords slashed through the air with lightning speed. The gelatin blades found their mark, piercing through the tough exterior of the abomination and sinking deep into its core.

Azrael felt the resistance of the slime's inner essence giving way under the force of his attack. The abomination convulsed, its monstrous form writhing in agony. Azrael maintained his relentless assault, delivering blow after blow, his swords carving a fiery path of destruction within the abomination's body. With each strike, the abomination weakened, its once-mighty presence diminishing.

Azrael remained steadfast, as he began his final attack. The all-consuming flames that were burning the prairie were sucked back towards Azrael. The grand spectacle was only beginning as the flames converged like a tsunami. Collapsing on him, wings of fire soon emerged from his back. Forgoing his other sword, he held one of the swords with both hands above his head.

And then he slashed. It was beautiful, the searing heat, the choir of elements that played to his tune, and the majestic wings of luminosity. It was as if it was a… 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲.

I'm back for this week!

Fun fact: These are five things that can cause a dust explosion!

-Oxygen in the air


-Combustible dust

-Dispersion of dust particles

-Confinement of dust cloud

AstridNovacreators' thoughts