
Wambui wa Roe

What happens to a naive beautiful mermaid who washes out of the water to the river banks and starts to experience humanity through the life of Daring young man

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This is the best part of the day! What is it? He asked as James zoomed past me as he was racing as fast as his skinny body could carry. It was the hottest afternoon in the school holidays. Being from the ghettos can be challenging and beneficial. It just needs a good mind to see opportunity said James as he zoomed past us with his school bag Earlier we had sneaked out of the class as it was recess. The time when we usually go to and mile with other classmates as we await the teachers to mark our examinations. The brightest and the smartest of us will be hand-picked and assist our class rep together with the teachers to mark the exams Charlie also known as Charles never liked being in the class at the time but since he was being waked up by his parents to study every day, he became a top student. Now he is with the other seven best students from class 4 South in Salama Primary School. He was busy marking the other student's papers and wishing he was outside playing football with his peers. Then he heard a small tap on the window only to be met by His friend Musau signaling him to come out and play Looking from his far left corner he saw his intelligence giving him an idea Can I be excused? He asked. Yes just be quick with it " called back his teacher He hated being called in formally, but anything for his friend Musau .as they met in the back of the toilet and blurted it out without wasting time Let's go the driver shot outside Can you see the weather is calling us to dive in. What we will be caught by the watchmen. What watchmen. We are in the clear. True to his word the gate post was as clear as day without clouds. Indeed we were in the clear That only remained was my small brother Eddie He had to be where I was or the plan was as good as failed as long as I didn't tag him along Now we had to think of how we had to sneak out of the school the three of us without being caught by the teacher or out parents Sounds easy right? Soon we were all together. Waiting for the perfect opportunity that is to sneak the school, go swimming and go back home all in one afternoon. Easy peasy lemon squeeze. As soon as the bell rang for the final assembly call from our Headteacher, we dashed for the fence near the KitchenAid. We are outside! Like little ninjas from the tall apartments in Huruma, we are running while changing our uniforms to P.E kits Crossing the road towards Huruma flats we were running, almost out of breath but frankly happy and free.we knew the way to the River We avod8dd the main roads and the chief post since someone can rest us out to our parents. Climbing the small hills and navigating through endless corrugated houses that looked like toys from afar. The heat wave from the iron sheets was no joke we were careful not to touch them as we went down the valley to the place of cool spots, River Kitta.CHAPTER 1 Roma c concrete jungle fill up the space from left right bottom weight All you can see was grace papers of six floors regen from 1 to 5 as it feels neighborhood This is what the little kid from when you are fine you used to go today sorry I will use to flash every weekend and holidays and go to play in the fields mostly room of class field because space is empty space is public land where used to be crammed up with and finished buildings so we never found a place where we could really fit in and it was really about for us great kids in the neighborhood so it used to come up with this games the plan in the morning then rush today feels better with other kids than former team then we play soccer much or football whichever you prefer till late in the evening and then carry out with stories from all walks of life from school and soccer ends whatever you wish to see from the TV like you back then used to have black and white TV I don't like this once we used to have and what do you listen from the radio that was the thing. Musau Charlie and Eddie what did Notorious trio We used to go up and do reservoirs things in the whole like catching birds plucking neighbours' chickens feathersSometimess when the ball is too much jump over the face and break some neighbours we will run and deliver kids and shoes behind later will be found out and will become properly you know growing up good times see Huruma Estate yeah people are used to my great from the rural areas to the Avant Santa's looking for so soft employment and job so we will be found and encroaching the space is that you are left behind by settlers. AKA Colonizer's II I used to go to school in one of the schools neighborhood closest home in room of floods is where I will find you find us mostly during the weekends after school doing our mysterious activities as kids we will climb trees jump fences go play with their dogs that was the thing used to do later will go for the carpenters woods and I'd send it to mama kebanda ski ll restaurant owner who used to fly fish and chicken on the roadside and it was very populated after school so he used to go there and will get our prayers here after fighting our way with the furniture and left over from the carpenter workshop I want stick was made compressed off different tribes like majority the compass and the Maasai because they are the first to settle in that estate their followed by the lawyers and the laws then them they accuse then the smallest and produce it was just a mixture of diversity I was a state hudd ry major public schools that used to serve the children of the area majority of us used to go public school as private schools was unheard of. During the day weekends mostly Sundays people go to various religions, including Saint Martin and later Parish in Kariobangi where am I Muslimsllics used to go. My elder siblings were protestants so they used to go today other churches and stuff but mostly used to see them go to their youth and to hang out since they were older and they do like the vibe of Catholics My friend came from my house family of three he was the oldest followed by his young house brother sister and he was the most responsible one of us three By Eden you already knew how to cook cleaner do the basic chose also really how to like to look for money he was always having money and when you're growing up both money was a lot man a lot of money in those days. Computer games were our thing after playing around and lazing around the shopping center so we will cover some coins then fresh today at kids then do the thing. Since we had only one arcade in the whole estate that place was scrapped up with kids from all over your body you name it. The game was pretty simple just inside the coin The big one The big ceiling then you press start. Tell me you still happen when some of the kids will sneak with their money or change after it's captured in the shopping centre it was really fun to see your friends outside again we had a fun after-school day food as will be lighting up outside the gate waiting for us hungry children to buy snacks from them they are the ice pops they cake some boosters to party juice. I favour it when I used to say last the cakes in a mixture form and it was affordable so with the 10 shillings coins you can have like 24 you and your friends. Eddy used to love these cakes and made them so after school I used to carry some invite school back then with him.My mom used to buy notes from buying stuff from the vendor but it all folded and then like so I used to have major toothache but I never listened because I would can you do?Before we lads arrived at the River you were barely with their breasts panting and sweating as we took as it took off our teachers and showed that place them by the river park check me out as a head that I jumped headphones all over the river You are laughing and chattering while swimming was the lookout. Don't forget to check our clothes as I dive deeper going to today's waves on the river currents big boys came by with their big dogs and you were scared I told my small bro to jump inside the river so we would intimidated by the action so we still there watching them until they give up on accounting us then they left it's not going down now it is almost evening time and you are scared that you will leave court by our party so we started to swim back to the riverbank and look for clothes dedicate me I'll be phoned two of our clothes but I was missing an I was missing my shoes and a t-shirt and I knew I was in whole trouble. What are we doing to do? Asked Eddie It's almost evening said Musau We have to get out of Mathare fast.

this is a second revision part so I will have to check on some data na facts Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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