
It was all a Dream

As Drake got to sleep that night, he did not end up dreaming or resting peacefully like he had over the last three years. Instead, he woke up in a white space that looked remarkably like the place where he last saw his siblings, Thanatos and Morrigan.

Taking stock of his surroundings, Drake realised that there were in fact two distinct presenses behind him. Turning around, he was shocked to see his siblings standing there.

"What happened, was that all a dream? Where are we?"

He shouted in a dismayed voice. With a huge smile on her face, a face that Drake could see, unlike just before he was sent to reincarnate, Morrigan explained.

"No little brother, it was not a dream at all. In fact, this is closer to a dream. The two of us are just visiting you tonight as a birthday present. It's not every day that you turn six, now is it."

Hearing this, Drake ran up to her and gave her a hug. A hug which Thanatos promptly joined.

"I've missed the two of you so much. I didn't realise how hard it would be not seeing you as often as I used to."

The two older gods kept comforting Drake as he started to cry. The tears that of a child who left home excited, just to realise that it would be many many years till he would see his family again. They continued to hold Drake as his tears finally stopped and a massive smile appeared on his face.

Stepping out of the hug, the relief was palpable on Drake's face as he said, "I'm so glad that I get to see you again. Even if it is only for tonight. Oh, and are you two going to explain about my spirits?"

At this Thanatos took over.

"As you know Drake, the world that we used to watch over eventually had no more life on it. This meant that the energy from that universe being shut down by those above us had to go somewhere. A lot of it went to me due to the amount of lives that ended in a short period of time. That energy was obviously fed into me and that which I couldn't absorb, about two thirds of it, was sent into the bond between me and Morrigan allowing her to absorb as much as she could. This still left about a third that was just sitting in the bond and would be useless to anyone.

The two of us talked about it and realised that it was enough energy that we could give you a part of our power from each of us as extra spirits, and due to the power left over, it would not even cause our souls any damage as we had so much energy to use to repair them. So that's what we did in the end.

That power jump did end up in both of us getting promoted by the way. That's the only reason that we can be here today. Plus it means that the two of us can visit you every now and then when you sleep. It won't be too often as we are still getting used to our new roles, but we will still try to come see you a couple of times a year or so.

We do have one more thing that we have to tell you."

As he said this, Thanatos noticed the look of impatience on Morrigan's face. He hurriedly backtracked.

"On second thoughts, why don't the three of catch up for a while, we can tell you about the other thing a bit later. There is a bit of a time difference between here and when you're awake so three days in here is one day outside so we have plenty of time."

Over the next 20 odd hours in the white space, you could see a six year child talking to two others. The first was a tall lady, about 6 foot 2 inches in height, with a face that screamed elegance and poise. Looking at her face gave you the impression of power, personal power. One which was emphasised by her long, silky, raven black hair that fell till her waist and a body that looked built for war. The muscles showing were not those built in a gym, but built through brutal combat and hard training. But out of all of that, what really caught the attention of others were eyes that glowed iridescent green and a cape of pure black raven feathers upon her back.

Next to her was a man that stood an even 7 feet in height. His face was hauntingly beautiful. So stunning in fact, that it looked more like it belonged on the God of Love instead of the God of Death. It was rounded of with windswept black hair that reached his shoulders. He was also built like a warrior and like the woman, his eyes also caught a lot of attention. His eyes were black, not dark brown, or almost black, but black. They resembled what humans imagined a dark hole to look like, sucking in all the light around them, but the beauty of his face balanced it out enough that even though his face would inspire fear and terror, it did not look cruel. He wore a robe of pure black and once again had his scythe in his hand. It was being used as a walking stick instead of the blade that reaped life in this instance though.

Having caught up as much as they were able to, Morrigan proceeded to explain the other reason they were there.

"Drake, as you know, Gaia, the spirit of the planet itself, also passed away. Before she did so, she created one last god class being. This being could in fact be classed as your younger sibling, younger sister at that. Unfortunately due to how weak Gaia was, your sister has not got a true divinity of her own. Having talked with the higher ups, due to amount of power we managed to gain due to how hard you worked to try and fix the balance back in our old universe, they have allowed two final gifts for you. Plus, it's basically Gaia's final request, and no matter what, she is kind of your mother. She did her best even when she had lost her sense of identity, she managed to send you to us while you were young enough that you had a good life.

Anyway, your gifts. You were always going to get an internal Spirit Pagoda. It will have different layers with different Spirit Beasts within it so that you will not affect the world too much as you train, especially with the number of Spirit Beasts that you would otherwise have to hunt. The beasts inside are both real and fake at the same time. They are a product of taking the bloodlines of many of the beasts of Douluo Continent and bringing them to life using some of the power that was remaining in the rest of the universe."

Seeing the look of concern on Drake's face, Thanatos quickly cut in.

"Don't feel like you are getting special treatment, a lot of the hardest working gods got similar treatment from the higher ups. The amount of energy that is harvested when a universe ends is beyond immense. They always take an amount of that energy and gift it to the hardest working Gods.

You know that both Morrigan and I have travelled universes before. We have both been recipients of this gift when we left our original universe. It is why we were two of the most powerful, if not the two outright most powerful gods back in Gaia's universe."

Having said his part, Thanatos let Morrigan carry on her explanation as he could see that Drake had calmed down again.

"As I was saying, the Spirit Pagoda will work similarly to that which you have read about. It does have different levels which will unlock as you get more and more powerful. Killing Spirit Beasts inside the pagoda will provide both valid Spirit Rings and Spirit Bones under exactly the same conditions as the real world. It can also be used to level up existing spirit rings. Finally, there is no need to worry about over hunting, as long as it has energy, it will keep replicating Spirit Beasts from its databanks. You can also feed it spirit power to refill the energy levels if they fall but I very much doubt you will need to do that any time soon. Finally, it also has a Spirit Well which will allow Spirit Herbs to grow at a much faster rate than elsewhere.

The next function will only unlock when you are powerful enough, and we are not sure how powerful you have to be for this by the way. But once you are strong enough, you can bring others into your Spirit Pagoda to hunt for their own rings and bones. Thus helping to keep the balance of Douluo Continent. Just remember to only bring those you trust to keep it a secret.

You need to remember that the only reason the form of your gift is like this, is because you are a God of Balance and therefore this is the best way for you to keep balance on the continent until you have cultivated back to godhood."

With a slight smile, Morrigan continued.

"As I said previously, you have a younger sister as well. As she has not got her own divinity yet, the two of us, and a couple of the higher ups talked about what to do. Especially as she is powerful in her own right, but has only recently become self aware.

Luckily, some of the higher ups have a pretty good knowledge of the Douluo universes and therefore suggested a valid path. It will require you to agree to it first little brother, though I very much doubt that you won't, with how well we know you.

I know that you know of Spirit Souls. Well, the suggestion that was made is to make your younger sister a Spirit Soul and bind her to your Yin-Yang Eyes as the Spirit Soul for your eyes. Then once you have reached level 100 and become a God, your younger sister will receive her own divinity and she will cease to be your Spirit Soul, but will become an individual again. Or when her Spirit Soul reaches one million years in age from being strengthened by your Spirit Pagoda, whichever occurs first. This will allow for her to truly become a god, and was partly Gaia's wish as she asked for your sister to be raised by you as her final wish.

I know this means that you will lose the Spirit Soul of your eyes when that happens, but we believe that you will be able to integrate a second soul into your eyes at some point later in time so it would not take you much effort to get back the strength.

Plus as someone with triple spirits, your other two spirits, along with your personal divinity, will still allow you to stand above everyone on this planet when you get to that stage in your strength.

So what do you say, are you willing to raise your sister?"

Looking at Morrigan like she was being stupid, Drake answered.

"Is that even a question? Of course I am. You did it for me when I was younger, and I'll do it for her. Though, does she have a name? And will she be acting with my Yin-Yang Eyes, or will she be a separate entity?"

"As I said, I very much doubted you would reject. Gaia did manage to name her as well, she is called Selene. And no, as a god level being, even though she doesn't have her own divinity yet, she can borrow but never truly fuse with your eyes. Thus, she will gain her own skills as well as be able to use the skills of your eyes in battle. Quite an advantage for you. But you will have to teach her, she is only three years old, and will grow like a normal human. Look after her well Drake."

Morrigan responded, finishing with a smirk.

Fake pouting in response, Drake suddenly looked excited.

"I look forward to meeting her, when will it happen?"

Thanatos took over the explanation this time, the couple switching off in a way that would only be possible for people who have known each other well over many years. Though, factoring in the fact that they have been married for at least 10,000 years, they had the knowing each other part down.

"It will happen tomorrow night in your sleep so that we can take care of all the preparations that are necessary. Your Spirit Pagoda will also be available for you from then on. Do remember to explore the functions as even though what we have told you will be true, your own divinity might slightly affect your gifts due to how powerful it is.

Finally, we just wanted to give you some advice. Use the souls that we have gifted you as the souls you let the world in general know about. Also, raise them normally by absorbing spirit rings. They will not be able to support a Spirit Soul as strong as the ones your eyes will be able to, so it will be better to use them like any other spirit on Douluo continent right now.

Anyway, it looks like our time is up. You'll be meeting your sister tomorrow and we will come visit as often as we are able to. Remember, we are proud of you, and make sure you raise Selene so that you are as proud of her as we are of you."

Stepping forward, he hugged Drake and then relinquished him to Morrigan so that she could embrace him as well. Finally, as the white landscape around them started to fade, they both stepped back and smiled proudly at him.

"See you soon little brother."

As the white landscape fully faded, Drakes last thought before falling into a deep dreamless sleep was, 'Tomorrow is going to go really really slowly.'

Hey guys, chapter 4 done, and that should be most of the background information done. Didn't get to Tang San's awakening in this chapter like I wanted to, but hopefully I have made Drake seem more human. Well, as human as a God can get.

Anyway, let me know about your thoughts and review if you can.

Dragos97creators' thoughts