
Waking up in another world after falling unconscious

Aaron, an 18-year-old with red eyes and black hair, finds himself in a mysterious new world after passing out while playing with a metal box. He discovers a unique status window that displays his stats and skills, including the powerful ability to create any type of metal. Resourceful and determined, Aaron quickly becomes a formidable warrior and forms a strong team with Lyra, Gareth, and Seraphina. Bearing the Heart of Elaria, he leads his companions on a quest to prevent the resurrection of the Shadow King by retrieving ancient artifacts and performing a sealing ritual. Aaron evolves from a bewildered young man into a courageous and inspiring leader dedicated to protecting his newfound home from dark forces. After successfully stopping the dark forces, he finds himself back on Earth, returning to the day he passed out. Was all he went through just a dream? Read to find out!

Assassin_001 · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 2: Into the Depths

Chapter 2: Into the Depths

A Gathering Storm

Aaron and Lyra walked back to the village in silence, their minds occupied with the implications of the corrupted beasts they had just fought. The forest seemed darker now, more foreboding, as if it was hiding secrets just out of sight. As they approached the village, the warm glow of the fires and the sight of people going about their lives brought Aaron a sense of calm.

"We should report back to Eldric," Lyra said, breaking the silence. "He needs to know what we found."

Aaron nodded in agreement. "Do you think there's a way to stop these creatures from appearing?"

Lyra sighed, looking troubled. "I don't know. But we have to try. If we don't, the village won't stand a chance."

As they entered the village, the villagers who saw them murmured in concern. It was clear that news of the disturbances had spread quickly. They made their way to Eldric's home, where the village head was waiting for them.

"Tell me everything," Eldric said as they sat down by the fire.

Aaron and Lyra recounted their encounter with the corrupted beasts, describing their size, strength, and numbers. Eldric listened intently, his expression growing grimmer with each passing moment.

"This is worse than I feared," he said when they had finished. "If these creatures are becoming more frequent and more dangerous, we're all in grave danger."

"What can we do?" Aaron asked. "There must be some way to fight back."

Eldric was silent for a moment, deep in thought. "There might be," he said slowly. "But it will require great courage and strength. There is an ancient ruin deep in the forest, a place of great power. It's said that within those ruins lies a source of magic that can cleanse corruption."

Lyra's eyes widened. "The ruins of Elaria? I've heard stories, but I didn't think they were real."

"They are very real," Eldric said. "And very dangerous. But if the stories are true, it might be our only hope."

Aaron's resolve hardened. "Then we have to go there. We have to try."

Preparing for the Journey

The next few days were spent preparing for the journey. Aaron and Lyra gathered supplies, weapons, and anything else they might need. The villagers, though fearful, offered their support in whatever way they could. Aaron used his metal creation skill to forge additional weapons and armor, ensuring they would be well-equipped for whatever they might face.

One evening, as they were making final preparations, Lyra approached Aaron. "I've been thinking," she said. "We can't do this alone. We need more help."

Aaron looked at her questioningly. "Do you have someone in mind?"

Lyra nodded. "There's a group of adventurers in the next town over. They're skilled fighters, and I've worked with them before. If we can convince them to join us, our chances of success will be much higher."

It was a good idea. Aaron agreed, and they made plans to visit the neighboring town the next day.

Seeking Allies

The journey to the next town was uneventful, but Aaron couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The forest seemed alive with unseen eyes, and every rustle of leaves made him tense. Lyra seemed equally alert, her hand never straying far from her weapon.

The town was larger than the village, bustling with activity. Aaron and Lyra made their way to a tavern where Lyra said the adventurers often gathered. Inside, the atmosphere was lively, with patrons drinking, laughing, and sharing stories of their exploits.

"There they are," Lyra said, nodding towards a table in the corner. A group of four adventurers sat there, deep in conversation. Lyra approached them, Aaron following close behind.

"Gareth," Lyra called out to the leader, a burly man with a thick beard and a friendly smile. "I need your help."

Gareth looked up, his eyes lighting up in recognition. "Lyra! It's been too long. What brings you here?"

Lyra quickly explained the situation, detailing the corrupted beasts and the mission to the ruins of Elaria. Gareth listened intently, his expression growing serious.

"You're asking a lot," he said when she had finished. "The ruins are dangerous, and this corruption sounds like a real threat. But if what you say is true, then we can't just sit by and do nothing."

He turned to his companions. "What do you think, team?"

A tall, lithe woman named Seraphina spoke first. "I'm in. This sounds like the kind of challenge we've been looking for."

The others nodded in agreement, and Gareth turned back to Lyra. "We're with you."

Into the Ruins

With the adventurers' help, Aaron and Lyra felt more confident. The group spent a final night in the town before setting out for the ruins. The journey was long and arduous, the forest growing denser and more ominous with each step. But the presence of the adventurers was reassuring; they moved with the confidence of seasoned fighters, their eyes always scanning for danger.

As they approached the location of the ruins, the atmosphere changed. The air grew colder, and a sense of foreboding hung over the area. The trees seemed to lean in, their branches twisted and gnarled.

"There," Seraphina said, pointing ahead. The entrance to the ruins was partially obscured by vines and foliage, but it was unmistakable. A sense of ancient power emanated from the stone structure, and Aaron felt a chill run down his spine.

They made their way inside, torches lighting the way. The air was damp and musty, and the walls were covered in strange, glowing runes. Aaron couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

"Stay alert," Gareth warned. "We don't know what we'll find in here."

They moved cautiously through the ruins, the silence only broken by the occasional drip of water or the scurrying of unseen creatures. The deeper they went, the stronger the sense of magic became. Aaron could feel it thrumming in the air, a palpable energy that made his skin tingle.

The Heart of the Ruins

After what felt like hours, they reached a large chamber. In the center stood an ancient altar, covered in glowing symbols. The air was thick with power, and Aaron felt a strange pull towards the altar.

"This is it," Lyra said, her voice barely above a whisper. "The heart of the ruins."

As they approached the altar, a figure materialized before them. It was an old man, his form flickering like a ghost. His eyes were piercing, filled with a wisdom that seemed to span centuries.

"Who dares to enter these sacred halls?" the figure intoned, his voice echoing through the chamber.

Gareth stepped forward. "We seek the source of the corruption that plagues our land. We were told that the magic here can cleanse it."

The figure studied them for a moment, then nodded. "You seek the Heart of Elaria. It holds great power, but it is also guarded by a terrible curse. Only those who prove their worth can claim it."

Aaron felt a surge of determination. "What must we do to prove our worth?"

The figure gestured to the altar. "Place your hands upon the Heart, and face the trials that await. Only then will you be deemed worthy."

The Trials

Aaron and his companions stepped up to the altar, placing their hands on its cold, smooth surface. As they did, the runes glowed brighter, and the chamber seemed to spin around them. They were plunged into darkness, and when the light returned, they found themselves in a vast, open space.

"The trials have begun," the old man's voice echoed. "Face your fears, and emerge victorious."

The first trial appeared before them: a towering beast, its eyes glowing with malice. It roared, shaking the ground beneath their feet. Aaron and the adventurers readied their weapons, prepared for battle.

The fight was fierce, but they worked together, their skills complementing each other. Aaron's daggers flashed as he moved with agility, striking at the beast's weak points. Gareth and the others provided support, their weapons and magic holding the beast at bay. Finally, with a coordinated effort, they brought the creature down.

"First trial completed," the old man's voice said. "Prepare for the next."

The scene shifted, and they found themselves in a labyrinth of mirrors. Each reflection showed a different version of themselves, some distorted and twisted. Aaron felt a pang of fear as he saw a reflection of himself, his eyes filled with darkness.

"Face your inner demons," the voice commanded.

Aaron steeled himself, focusing on his determination and the vow he had made. He shattered the mirror, breaking free from the illusion. The others did the same, each overcoming their own fears.

The final trial awaited them: a vision of the corrupted forest, filled with the same monstrous creatures they had fought before. But this time, the creatures were larger and more numerous.

"Defeat the corruption," the voice said. "Prove your strength and resolve."

Aaron and his companions fought with everything they had. The battle was intense, but their teamwork and determination saw them through. As the last creature fell, the vision faded, and they found themselves back in the chamber, their hands still on the altar.

The old man reappeared, his expression one of approval. "You have proven your worth. The Heart of Elaria is yours."

Cleansing the Corruption

The Heart of Elaria glowed with a brilliant light...

To be continued